Protest the killing of a Deaf Native American Man who was murdered by police!!

Deaf people shouldn't have to wear something like that. Even if John did wear one of these, he still had a knife out in the open. It's just a matter of how he responded to the officer before he got shot.

knowing John's disability status would make officer behave differently. But like I said - if you are really really fearful for your life because of aggressive arrest or getting shot at due to your deafness, then wear one.
I am former resident in King County part of Seattle for 5 years. Sometime, I saw people carry larger knife on the belt becasue not fit inside pant's pocket. They never happen at any public.

I feel sorry for loss his life. The cops should know better - not to shoot him without they attack cop. No sense to shoot him with in approx 10 feet distance.

I wonder, John William knew sign language/ASL (not include indian gesture)??? He lost one hearing in 8 years ago.

big knife? interesting. when was that?
I checked the laws of that state, a 3 inch knife is legal and that's exactly what he was holding, therefore there was no reason for the cop to shoot him. The deaf Indian was legal through and through.
legal to carry it but illegal to carry a fixed blade knife.

A photo of the knife recovered by police show the blade is 3-inches -- a knife that is legal to carry in Seattle.

Seattle Municipal Code states that it's unlawful for a person knowingly to "carry concealed or unconcealed on his or her person any dangerous knife, or carry concealed on his or her person any deadly weapon other than a firearm ...."

The code states "a dangerous knife means any fixed-blade knife and any other knife having a blade more than three and one-half inches (3 1/2") in length," though there are exceptions.

Any blade that could cause a lethal injury would be considered a deadly weapon, and the 3-inch knife Williams had was definitely capable of causing a lethal injury, Diaz said Tuesday.

The 2 year cop was on a yahoo trip, just waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger. He prolly hates Indians too, same for Mexicans and other people of color.

I read that 5 people died in the hands of those same cops in that city in 1 week alone. Something's wrong with their department. I think all these guys, including the Chief needs to be fired and replaced.

yes I've stated that SPD needs a shakedown and that Chief needs to step down but that's a strong accusation there about the cops as racist trigger-happy vigilantes. I hope that's not the case.
big knife? interesting. when was that?

I would say about 5 inches blade plus about 3 inches handle (good for hand hold)

Summer 1981, I left Washington State.

That's kind of weather make lot of people feel blue mood because lack of sunlight and everyday gray cloud during earlier fall to spring season.
Seriously? You think that he thought "A damn deaf indian." and shot him on purpose?

Not that he got scared and shot him?

Seriously? How many of you think this way? Just curious because I don't know if this is one of those "the minority voice speaks louder" things or the majority really think it's a hate thing.

But... seriously?

Maybe I'm naive but what has the world done to you to make you think so bleak?

All I said was it wouldn't surprise me if he did. Don't assume so much from just one statement.
Seriously? You think that he thought "A damn deaf indian." and shot him on purpose?

Not that he got scared and shot him?

Seriously? How many of you think this way? Just curious because I don't know if this is one of those "the minority voice speaks louder" things or the majority really think it's a hate thing.

But... seriously?

Maybe I'm naive but what has the world done to you to make you think so bleak?

maybe not in that mindset, but he probably did stereotype the guy like people do with blacks. And because he dress differently , I'm sure it make the situation worst. And if he panicked, would he panick if a white, clean-shaven deaf person carrying a knife?
maybe not in that mindset, but he probably did stereotype the guy like people do with blacks. And because he dress differently , I'm sure it make the situation worst. And if he panicked, would he panick if a white, clean-shaven deaf person carrying a knife?

Any reasonable-minded person would automatically think a man with a fixed-blade knife on his hand is a threat - regardless of race and clothing style.

Even in a gun-friendly state where everybody is free to carry guns on their holsters or over the sling... it is suspicious and threatening if somebody is holding the loaded gun on his hand, walking on the street.
And if he panicked, would he panick if a white, clean-shaven deaf person carrying a knife?

Um... yes? Wouldn't you?

Are you seriously telling me that if a guy comes up to you, carrying a knife in his hand with the blade out in the open, you wouldn't blink twice if he looks preppy enough?
actually, no, because I've seen artists used knives on the street to carve. but they usually carry it with a bundle of other stuffs. it depends. If someone is using a knife to prune bushes, you wouldn't feel threatened.

Maybe he keep it out to start carving
actually, no, because I've seen artists used knives on the street to carve.

ok but normally - the artist would be sitting and carving something - that's easy to tell.

now how about a man walking toward you with a knife on his hand?
if he pointed at me, yes. If he carrying it with a bunch of art supplies along with it, no.
if he pointed at me, yes. If he carrying it with a bunch of art supplies along with it, no.

ok but that is... too obvious. That is not exactly what we asked and that isn't what happened here either.
sorry, I keep thinking about this guy who came to our store to show off his woodworking. a cane actually. he too carried an opened pocket knife show us his work (outside becaue it is messy) . We didn't feel threatened at all. as we knew what he was doing. but he was walking around with it.
sorry, I keep thinking about this guy who came to our store to show off his woodworking. a cane actually. he too carried an opened pocket knife show us his work (outside becaue it is messy) . We didn't feel threatened at all. as we knew what he was doing. but he was walking around with it.

ok but you know that John was not at the store, showing off his statue. He was walking on public street with fixed blade knife on his hand and he did not respond to officer's repeated commands to drop the knife.