Problems with My Step Son

yes. a prison. hopefully that prison has a very good rehab program.

His dad served 10 years for aggravated burglary in prison. Didn't do much for good for him as he's still an a-hole.

Prison, unfortunately, don't rehabilitate everyone. It does to some, but not all.

My step son has already done a court ordered juvenile school program for troubled kids due to drugs and alcohol for one year. Before that, he spent 2 years under house arrest via ankle bracelet from age 15 to 17 for drugs as well.

Then after he turned 18, he got busted for being under the influence of drugs when a cop smelled pot waffling from a window of a car, got sentenced to a year on probation. He missed a couple of appointments w/ his probation officer and spent 3 weeks in jail, each. And one for failing a urine test which resulted in showing pot in his system, he spent 6 weeks in jail for that one.

Not sure why his probation wasn't revoked and spent time in jail for the remaining months of his probation. Pretty confusing system we have here. It's known for being too lenient towards child molesters whom are given a few months in prison whereas the next county east of us sentenced a child molester for 60 years for the same type of offense.

Unfortunantly I won't be seeing (or hearing to paraphrase) the last of him, for the time being.

yes. a prison. hopefully that prison has a very good rehab program.

it doesn't have to be prison. many people wake up and figure out their life is in the dumper be fore they reach that level. hopefully the kid wakes up. maybe an intervention would do the trick. never know until it is tried
20 Yrs. old.....old enuf to know better.....but too stupid to give a damn.

Been there before, Yiz....ur wife was like me, not wanting him to go to jail, etc. ..... until I finally "woke up" and realized I was an enabler to the problem in my home....and I kicked him out.

I feel changing the locks on ur doors, making sure ur windows are locked, etc., might bring you some peace of mind, cause ya never know what people do while they are on drugs/alcohol.

Sooner or later, he's probably gonna start "begging" to come home....but please! don't let him....he's disrespected you & ur wife big time!...

He needs to be locked up for a few years, not 6 months....but a few years!

At that point of those phone calls, he's basically "begging" as it were, but not outright saying it. Instead he's just laying a guilt trip on his mom, playing with her emotions and mind. That's why I snapped the phone away from her because I knew he's toying with her.

He will never, ever come back here again, not as long as I live and breathe.

I keep a baseball bat near me in case he tries to do something stupid and believe me I will not hesitate to use it.

He missed our 3rd wedding anniversary where we had a big ol' BBQ party at our home. He will miss all of the holidays because of his behavior.

Hey, he reaps what he has sown. He can roll that up and smoke it.

it doesn't have to be prison. many people wake up and figure out their life is in the dumper be fore they reach that level. hopefully the kid wakes up. maybe an intervention would do the trick. never know until it is tried

It was already tried in the court system. It didn't work. Sure he played along with the system, telling them what they wanted to hear. But at the end when he was released from the juvie system, he went right back to where he was before.

At that point of those phone calls, he's basically "begging" as it were, but not outright saying it. Instead he's just laying a guilt trip on his mom, playing with her emotions and mind. That's why I snapped the phone away from her because I knew he's toying with her.

He will never, ever come back here again, not as long as I live and breathe.

I keep a baseball bat near me in case he tries to do something stupid and believe me I will not hesitate to use it.

He missed our 3rd wedding anniversary where we had a big ol' BBQ party at our home. He will miss all of the holidays because of his behavior.

Hey, he reaps what he has sown. He can roll that up and smoke it.


CHEERS!!!...Matter of fact, I've got a baseball bat right by my front door jamb too! HAHA!!

Give 'em hell, Yiz!!.....
I'm sorry that you had to deal with this, Yiz.

Where is this kid's biological father? Can he help with the kid? If his biological father is not involved in his life, that could be part of the reason for the drug addiction. Abandonment does a lot of damage. I hope that your step son gets the help that he needs.
I'm sorry that you had to deal with this, Yiz.

Where is this kid's biological father? Can he help with the kid? If his biological father is not involved in his life, that could be part of the reason for the drug addiction. Abandonment does a lot of damage. I hope that your step son gets the help that he needs.

He's somewhere in Ohio, last my wife heard he's with another girl and pregnant. I feel sorry for the woman who'll endure abuse from him as well. That was like 5-6 years ago.

I do hope he gets the help, but at this point, according to his behavior, he's enjoying his drugs and alcohol too much to quit at this time.
I am terribly so sorry to hear that. Yes, your stepson definitely needs a professional help.

I am sorry for what you are going through.

He will be eventually arrested. It is not always a bad thing. He seriously needs a drug rehab and anger management help. He is obviously full of anger and rage and uses drugs as a resort to get out.


Next time explain to your wife that an arrest may be a way of him getting some type of help.
I understand, Yizman. Protect yourself and your wife. Your son is an adult and he has to take responsibility for his own actions. Sorry for the pain to you and your wife. :hug: sounds like he's doing drugs and alkyhol to "deal" with the abuse that he experiaced. It's too bad he isn't younger, then you could maybe put him in a private school. He needs to deal with the underlying problems that make him think he needs drugs or alkyhol, in order to get sober.
At least he's not a spoiled white boy type who's an addict for no reason at all.
He doesn't sound like he would benifit from a dual dx, treatment center unless of course they specialized in mental health issues stemming from abuse.
You know...........I know he's older, but have you contacted Boys Town or other organizations that deal with abused kids? They may be able to help you find resources for young adults.
i may to sound condoning for drugs here, but please hear me out, he's 20 still basically a kid, but really has all the legal requirements/privilege as an adult, not an easy place to be in.
Cannabis is not an extremely serious drug, but overdoing it and mixing with alcohol does make it alot worse,almost to a level unlike cannabis itself. I been through it myself, I had roughened up against my parents all that while was like they dont understand me , dont understand 'my life', in a way they did only as far as 'the "NORMAL" order of conforming the society with socially-defined 'age-appropriated responsibility-expectations'.
please bear with me but um,
i think indeed, on the surface it Looks you ARE doing the 'right thing', but it also backfires badly on your relationships. So I dare to say, dont flush it, just walk to him, say 'look i understand you are young, you have freinds doing party times and you want to have fun while you are young' so 'here give it back' and say like, i believe this is yours, i expect you know all the hazards that go with it, obviously the law, police, and your brain's clarity and your overall body health. Do you realise it takes 60 days for your ability to recall think clearly to come back? im sure you do, so its your life, use it wisely. But please try not to keep it in your room....
*outside this I dont know your state laws regarding how much cannabis seized woould land you in jail, or what fines and ultimately find out if he get busted , are you also subjected to the law? since its your house/flat?

then saying lets have coffee, i want to talk something else different...
say something, we worry about you, but we know we cant control how you do in life. You are older enough to make decisions, but id you're stuck for advice, you can always ask me.
What id like to say is, saying something like, i hope you realise that one day you will wake up and say 'shit im 30 now' time to man up, get serious....but then you might say, im still not too old, i can still enjoy a few hooch or beer and get by....but then it becomes REAL HARD to get out of that rut just to get a job, or a reputation to get and keep a job...society have a low tolerance for alternative lifestyle, other than 'lifestyle appearances' like cars, and houses which amounts to nothing but conformity'. that i understand you feel trapped , we all do.... etc

back to me,,, well you figure out something else to say im only giving ideas on 'laying it on the table , basically saying you ought you know what I am at, and i know where you are at, this is your responsibility, please dont make it mine...but beware i cant help you if you wreck your own reputation that makes your life for that only you can do that.

back to me again , doesnt sound like cannabis, or even if it were, it'd be laced with pcp, and it sounded he's be exeperimenting with meth...especially with all the rage...

other than what i said... (as a way of getting an oppurtunity to get him to listen (while returning the found dope)...i KNOW this sounds outrageous for me to tell you to return the (small amount?) pot...but the idea behind my 'idea' is that, since you returning this to him (probably too late now) he'd see you as a freind rather than as a menacing step-father...and woudl go away , in time he'd stop and think why you gave it back to him and think what you said.....kind of like he'd take it in.....may not happen now or next week, maybe 6 months maybe 2 years or even 5 years down the track. but like once he did, and (reflected on that moment you gave it back to him( (My mum once gave me back the cannabis oil capsule i smoked it lovely- but i can see --its hard to explain--...i was getting ripped off buying drugs, so mum doesn want to steal it from me--also that she showed she knows i will stop sometime, it was a phase in my life.

and it was.
i havent bought or grew pot for 12 years, but only had 4 or 5 tokes in all that time since with old freindsm but yah im not hooked on it and never wish to be.
(i was psychologically hooked badly)
but yeah its like me way of babbling a radical idea is that to show him you do have hope for him and to show you're not against him, and maybe you'd might like to say, we need need space maybe you want to move out with freinds? but if you do (you talking to your stepson) please look after yourself, dont rub it up with the cops, and keep cool but you'd need to get serious about work and life at some stage , only you can figure this out, not me, you're on your own...

kind of like that?
just my 2 cents...( i hope i havent brassed you off, only trying to show another way of dealing with drugs and young adults, even if its contrary to the popular opinion...)

Grummer, let me just say this, 90% of the drug cases (not just people at as a whole, mind you. Just those that have criminal records) graduates to harder drugs and half of them have a history of alcohol abuse.

I spent 4 weeks training as a jail officer (but didn't get retained because alot of the officers bitched about the radio issue, in which I can't hear) and have seen alot of the inmates criminal records when I process them in and out at the booking department.

It's possible that my SS is into harder drugs that I am not aware of......yet.

But here's what is agreeable, alcohol.

Alcohol has a very bad tendency to make people become extremely aggressive. Remember, my SS came home drunk on July 8th. His eye pupils was wayyyyyy dilated and omg his breath stank so bad, I almost swear my hair was about to fall off.

That's why prisons clamps down on alcohol use, it makes the inmates get violent and then suddenly everything is out of control.

He does need help, but like I said, he has to hit rock bottom before he can consider getting that help.

Grummer, Your suggestion is not a good one cuz this kid is volience and yet Yiz is afraid to get hurt or even get kill my this kid. So it is better to let him go and wait for him to get rock bottom. In my mind it is not an easy thing to see something like this.

You see I have 2 wonderful stepson and stepdaughter. I went thou hell with them raising them the best I know how. It wasnt easy cuz their mother is a drug and alcoholic abuser even her exb who have abused kids. Now their father who I divorced back in 2001 is a abusered and that is one of the reason why I divorced him. Anyway the kids didnt have a very good relationship with their parents due to the situation that they have seen with their parent.

So now they are doing well and learn their lesson. They know that their parent aint good but do still love them. They also know that I tried my best to raised them in the positive enivorment but it was so hard cuz of my exh who was so full controlling freak. So now the father is I have no idea where he is now. He just got up and disappear but knowing that the SS Office know where he is since he is on SSDI.

So Yiz I can understand where you are coming from and your situation is more of damage then my situation but I do understand how you feel. Hang in there and next time just send him to jail dont let you wife tell you not to send him to jail. It is a guilt trip for her to go thru and hopefully she will realized that by now.

Do me a favor take your wife out to a nice and relaxing place so that you two can enjoy the benefits have a quiet nite together and keep the memory alive. Hugs and take care.
I guess its all up to Yiz, and no im not 'wrong' but in this case its probably not compatiable. While i can say I DO know drugs and alcohol, even I have demonstrated the suspicion that his SS's addiction could be far more serious, I can also perceive it from Yiz reply to me that its beyond that point - he has to have distance, leaving his SS to hit the bottom on his own.. before realising he need to re-stablise his life. I was writing merely from the understanding which I have had from his SS's view as shared angle in terms of how is May be how his SS sees the relationship...but I guess its more serious at this point now. I dont buy into 'positive or negative' mindsets its too normative and 'brainwashing' puke...i'd rather be real and other people would see the more realness about the situation and thus deal with it with faithful recognition of what life is, without pretence. You are right though, guilt trip preventing to send him to jail will only prolong the issue, making it worse. I agree with you there. The reason I said whatever in my previous post is that not all of us in AD are with a "do the right thing' thinking cause of counsellors or movies tells us so...while it MAY well be better, but I am simply trying to say that it NOT going to be any better, nor its a 'magical steps to take' if you dont understand what or why you are doing this way.
There is no way....that I would allow a 20 yr. old to live in my home, do drugs and alcohol.....physically assault me, destroy things in my house, make threats, etc. !....

When "talking" doesn't work, then tough love steps in. Yiz's wife is very sick, her son doesn't care one iota! The step-son has showed "No Respect" for Yiz at all, even physically harmed Yiz.

The step-son is old enuf to have a job, an apt. Then he can be "his own boss" under his own roof.

If the step-son was a juvenile, under 18, the only recourse would be to send him to juvenile detention, then label him "uncontrollable", becoming a ward of the state.

I applaud Yiz was not being "an enabler" to the step-son! Nothing wrong with a "little pot"! But parents have the right to make their own rules in their own homes.....As I have done!

My own 3 boys (adopted) are children of drug addicted/alcohol parents, father is in prison and mother's whereabouts are unknown.....They know "first hand" what drugs will do to you!.....We have talked about it, and they know the rules in my home, and the consequences of breaking them.
There is no way....that I would allow a 20 yr. old to live in my home, do drugs and alcohol.....physically assault me, destroy things in my house, make threats, etc. !....

When "talking" doesn't work, then tough love steps in. Yiz's wife is very sick, her son doesn't care one iota! The step-son has showed "No Respect" for Yiz at all, even physically harmed Yiz.

The step-son is old enuf to have a job, an apt. Then he can be "his own boss" under his own roof.

If the step-son was a juvenile, under 18, the only recourse would be to send him to juvenile detention, then label him "uncontrollable", becoming a ward of the state.

I applaud Yiz was not being "an enabler" to the step-son! Nothing wrong with a "little pot"! But parents have the right to make their own rules in their own homes.....As I have done!

My own 3 boys (adopted) are children of drug addicted/alcohol parents, father is in prison and mother's whereabouts are unknown.....They know "first hand" what drugs will do to you!.....We have talked about it, and they know the rules in my home, and the consequences of breaking them.

I am with you and I do not want any kind of drug or alcohol in my house and that goes for volience too. I wont take it cuz it could get me into depression and I dont want to go thru it as I have went thru with my stepchildren.

Now I have a son in my house and he is only 13 yrs old. I found out that there is one kind of alcohol that he have tried at his father's house in the past and I told him that he cant drink til he is 21 yrs old. He hate drugs which I am happy about that but still worry the future from the peer pressure. I hope he will stay strong and say no to drugs.

Grummer every situation is different and the soluation will not work in the same way of manner. So different soluation will work for different individuals.
He will probably end up abusing a non relative eventually and be jailed. Then your problem will be gone for a while.

That's another issue that I haven't addressed.

He had a previous g/f and was engaged to her. He has 2 kids with her, a boy and a girl.

He left her because he doesn't like being told what to do and is avoiding paying child support. He as already accrued over 3k worth of payments.

But you know what? I'm going to find this ironic that his kids is going to learn to hate their dad just the same as both my SS and my SD learned to hate their dad. It's sad really. It will be a complete full circle, if that ever happens.

He has also grabbed his ex-fiance by her throat. Another time when my SS tried to leave, she grabbed him by the arm, not wanting him to leave, he yanked his arm away and she accidentally scratched him.

Then he looked at his arm and said, "Aha, I got you now!" and called the police. She got arrested and charged for domestic violence which is a felony in this state.

Bottom line is, my SS is an asshole.
