Poor my foster dog

I just read the posts here today and sorry to hear that your little doggie had gone to the rainbow bridge :( May his soul run free...
pome i am sorry about max

i lost my cat last year i know what is like to lose pet we loves
My parents' Golden Retriever dog Sally who is 14 years old. She is up and alert but gum becoming pale. Doesn't too look good. I hope she dies in her sleep. I had a 13 years old Golden dog Chip. It hit me very hard when she passed away in '92.
LuciaDisturbed said:
Rainbow Bridge is sort of like saying Doggy Heaven.

Ahhhh maybe I will ask my mom if can put her dog picture in that rainbow bridge website if she want :) cause her dog Ricky is passed away Last July 6th from tumor cancer in his stomach.
Oh no, i was hoping to see if there was good news about Max... RIP... hugz Pomer, Im sure Max did have happy times with ya when ya fostering him.
:tears: :tears: oh no sweetie.. im sooooo sorry!!! sigh... :hug: :hug: RIP!! at least he will enjoy run around in dog heaven! :)
Oh am sorry and it does send me into tears when i read it all poor max .. he is now in peace.... it does not to be easy to lose a pet like this .. i had through it many times always easily to break my heart when any pet had to passed away ... Pommie I am so sorry for your loss of this beautiful of max ... :hug:
I'm sorry to hear the loss of your of your dog Max. May he rest in peace!
Ok, I am doing much better now cuz I received a wonderful and supportive email from Liza who have pulled Max from the shelter.

First let me explain the situation. At first I didnt want to say anything but now it is time for me to spell it out. So I can move on.

Max passed on on July 18, 2006 about 2 pm. He had a bladder enlarged and I was so sad to know that the cause to have him put down. I cried all afternoon. I posted his pix and name in the www.rainbowbridge.com for candlelight tribute Max.

The next day I received a nasty email from the owner of the organization and I was very hurt and angry at that time. Here is the email that she send it to me.

Max did not know love from you. You put him in harms way. Can you imagine what it was like for him? He was tied out in the hot sun, attacked, unable to flee from his attacker, screaming for your help...when he saw you, as he was reeling with pain and begging for your help..and you did NOTHING !!!
This is extreme cruelty and neglect. The vet is in shock..we all are.

You have been removed from PP in all aspects and a DNR/DNA will be going out. I will also be contacting the authorities.

You had so many options to help Max ( call neighbor, call PP members, email group)...you chose to let him suffer and you are a monster. It makes me so ill to think of him lying there looking at you ..in pain, and devastated that you did not care...this is how he left this world......I truly hope that every ounce of pain and rejection that little boy suffered is manifested 10 fold in your life.

He could not pee and was in pain..why did you not take him to the vet prior to his attack ? This is negligent beyond belief. You were suppose to love and take care of him..he depended on you, I depended on you !!!

I have never seen anything like this and so hurt that PP's Max suffered at your hands.

Canine Alliance
The soul is the same in all living creatures although the body of each is different.

I was very disappointed to read this email. Cuz that is not very professional person to do that. I even went to the vet to pick up the crate that was belong to Max. I even showed my upset to them for blaming me.

Thursday, I went to police dept to speak with the animal control but I had to leave due to my son coming home from a friend's house. But the more I thought about Max's suffering from the bladder enlarged. I was thinking that he may have suffered before he was handed over to me on the day of May 28, 2006. The reason for that is if you or anyone put the hands under his belly he will bite ya. Boy when I brought him home I was terrified to put him up cuz I witnessed that he bite the lady who handed him over to me. So my son tried to do the same thing but that didnt work. My thought was at first is he may be been abused by the previous owner. But anyway, I found a way to picked him up by putting one of my hand in front of him and the other in the back and picked him up. Boy he enjoyed that alot and didnt even bite me. I wouldnt dare to touch his belly. I also noticed that he urinated all over my house and I had no choice but to put him in the kitchen and stay there along with the pad.

Today, I decided not to contact animal control cuz for whatever the reason for Max was attacked by another dog in my mobile home. God was calling him to come home to be pain free from bladder enlarged. So I let it go and let him rest in peace. Just a while ago, I received a wonderful and supportive email from Lisa. Here is the email that she send to me.

Sent: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: So sorry about Max

Hi Lisa,

Sorry I didnt repsonded sooner enough. Yet That what I figure he was suffering before he come to me. I dont blame on anyone but we did our best to care for him. I love that dog to death. I cried for his death all day and it was so heartbroken. I have set up the candlelight for Max in www.rainbowbridge.com and will have cermony on Monday nite at 10 pm. I am sure I will be there.

Hugs to all of who are heartbroken. Thanks you for your kind and lovely email. I appreciated your thought and prayer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa
To: myself
Sent: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 3:11 PM
Subject: So sorry about Max


I know you cared about Max and so sorry he has passed on. I know you tried your best with him. When I pulled him from the Brooklyn NY shelter I observed that he had some problems with urinating on himself and I did get bitten twice by Max. He was not an easy dog to care for, but he did have a sweet side to him, like you mentioned. Sometimes God works in mysterious ways and maybe He decided to take Max to Heaven where he wouldn't be in so much pain. We will all miss Max, but he is happy now - I do believe that!

Take care,

From: Lisa
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 10:24 AM
To: 'PomPosse@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: RE: [PomPosse] Max

Everyone - we are all upset about Max and are emotional right now and speaking out with our pain.. Most of us do not know all the details of what has transpired with Max, to make judgments, etc. Diane stepped up to foster this dog, that had an awful lot of problems. I myself still bear the scar from two bites from Max.

Remember - accidents do happen and mistakes do get made, we are all human, please remember that! I am sure Diane is just devastated about Max passing, while in her care, and it does not do any of us any good to place blame on her or anyone, in retrospect. It will not make us feel better or help Max! Diane did open her home to this dog when needed, while others would not.

I do not have a completely fenced yard but I care to the best of my ability the dogs in my care. I myself have had some close calls with the dogs in my care (running out my front door when I crack it open, etc). I have horrible guilt when something like this happens and I do feel for Diane in this situation - whether I agree with everything she did or not.

Let's use this to learn from and to grow stronger together as a group. We all take on the responsibilities of caring for these dogs because we want to help and we can find that we are overwhelmed at times. I know I do! We all tried to help Max and loved him the best way we could. At least he is no longer in pain and is happy and free.


I was so thrilled to hear that and knew that Max was suffering the pain before I had him. I was so relieved to see that email. Yea yea I even kissed my computer screen and knowing that she know what is going on.

What now that I can feel relaxing and knowing that Max is at the Rainbow Bridge free from pain.

I am very surprised you are being removed by PP Organization. I guess they are trying to find the way to blame you for this. Probably it has to do with you being Deaf. Many hearings tend to think Deaf can't handle the stuffs. You did your best to take care of Max. Max was in vulnerable before he was handed to you. Ah that's explained he nipped at you and others bec of his stomach pain (before he is came to you) I am very surprised that Vet doctor didn't examine his belly pain but focused on his eye. Must be a full check up then go from there. Alot Question marks I guess. At least Max is at peace and playing with pups up there. RIP Max I think I will keep a pic of Max in my file. He was a true survivor. :tears:
Dino65 said:
I am very surprised you are being removed by PP Organization. I guess they are trying to find the way to blame you for this. Probably it has to do with you being Deaf. Many hearings tend to think Deaf can't handle the stuffs. You did your best to take care of Max. Max was in vulnerable before he was handed to you. Ah that's explained he nipped at you and others bec of his stomach pain (before he is came to you) I am very surprised that Vet doctor didn't examine his belly pain but focused on his eye. Must be a full check up then go from there. Alot Question marks I guess. At least Max is at peace and playing with pups up there. RIP Max I think I will keep a pic of Max in my file. He was a true survivor. :tears:

Lisa pulled Max from the shelter and brought him to the vet in Brooklyn, NY. So why didn't they overlook at his situation?? That my biggest question in this whole thing. I was not very happy about the whole situation when Max was suffering. But I believe when the owner surrender Max to the shelter and the shelter do have their own vet and it was not find out til too late for him. It is not fair for him to suffer.

Another thing yea they removed me from PP organization due to misunderstood not becuze I am deaf. They dont know if I am deaf til I told them the other day. So it had nothing to do with being deaf.

I am glad that Lisa stepped up and speak out for my support. I am truly thankful for her being there and knowing it was not my fault. It is God's calling for him to come home to him to be pain free. I guess that is why Max was attacked by the dog and then let him go in peace. I am glad thing have turned out that way otherwise he would have suffered more and if someone adopt him and find him suffered then the mess would be in more trouble.
Nice of Lisa to help you out. I am happy to hear this. Hope you will be a foster mom again but under the different organization. There is one near my home .. but it is local otherwise it is a very good reputation. Oh well Smile Dino
Dino65 said:
My parents' Golden Retriever dog Sally who is 14 years old. She is up and alert but gum becoming pale. Doesn't too look good. I hope she dies in her sleep. I had a 13 years old Golden dog Chip. It hit me very hard when she passed away in '92.

My dog had to be put to sleep today at 1 pm. Her health was deteriorating quickly. Sally is in Heaven playing with Max. RIP Sally and Max

Dino65 said:
My dog had to be put to sleep today at 1 pm. Her health was deteriorating quickly. Sally is in Heaven playing with Max. RIP Sally and Max


:hug: sorry to hear that. There is candlelight ceremony tonite at 10 pm at www.rainbowbridge.com I hope you can join with me tontie. :hug: again.
Pommie, :hug:

I still cannot believe this person who send you a nasty email, going around blaming on others is not going to solve anything. They have to look at the bright side, You were the only one who took Max while others did not, You knew Max had bitten Lisa while you picked up that dog, and still took that dog home without having second thought. You even kept that dog while he was urine in your home and on himself, You had so much patience that nobody else would want to deal with that much amount of patience. So I don't think you're a bad pet owner at all. You gave Max a second chance at life the day you brought him home. He was loved by you and your son, for the last time of his life before passing on. That's what is important. :hug: