Poor my foster dog

Please pray for his recovery. I am glad he is in for surgery. Whoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please pray for Max, he is in surgery.....

Canine Alliance
The soul is the same in all living creatures although the body of each is different.
Oh dear, I'll be sure to keep him in my prayers, please do keep us update, sorry it took me so long to reply to this thread, didn't noticed it until now....
Pomeranian said:
Please pray for his recovery. I am glad he is in for surgery. Whoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please pray for Max, he is in surgery.....

Yay! Hope he recovers very well!

Give my gentle hugs to Max!!!

I will send good thoughts! :hug:
I just got this email just now. It doesnt look good at this moment. I am crying right now. :tears:

Here is the email.

Max apprently is pretty bad off, there is an issue with his bladder
(hence the leaking) that is super serious and they can not flush him
out. Dr Moon is not optomistic in the least for Max. He is suggesting
letting him go..I have Cindi talking with him now as I would never make
any decision like this w/o her. Please pray that the right thing is
done for Max and that he knows we love him.
Awww I am sorry. :( :hug:

Pomeranian said:
I just got this email just now. It doesnt look good at this moment. I am crying right now. :tears:

Here is the email.

Max apprently is pretty bad off, there is an issue with his bladder
(hence the leaking) that is super serious and they can not flush him
out. Dr Moon is not optomistic in the least for Max. He is suggesting
letting him go..I have Cindi talking with him now as I would never make
any decision like this w/o her. Please pray that the right thing is
done for Max and that he knows we love him.
Max is gone. His bladder was enlarged, obscructed and he was being posioned by his own urine. I do not know all the medical stuff invovled but the decision was not made easily nor quickly and I did pray the whole time. I thank Cindi with all my heart for talking with the vet and helping to make the call.

Please run free little Max and pain free. We love you but I am so sorry I let you down.

RIP My sweet wonderful foster dog.

Aww.. Huggs. I am sorry..

Must be have from the dog attack.. bit his back where bladder.. caused enlarge or swollen.. but.. hes gone, painfree..

Huggs.. you are trying your best..
I know what it is like to lose a dog. I will pray for you and it may be best you move to a different place where no dogs roam so that you can have a happy dog that is both care-free and is not in pain or terror of bigger dogs who will do anything to the smaller dog. I am sorry you lost your dog and in good time. You will have another dog when the time is right. God Bless and RIP to Max and pray that you are comforted by God and have the strength and grace to go on with your life and always have Max in your heart. :angel:
Oh no!, yeah its good to have no suffer of the pain. At least we all help somehow. Well it does make me feel good to help you out some other ways. :)
Oh no :( I am sorry about your dog Max. I am sure Max will playing around with my mom's dog Ricky and others :)
I didn't even noticed this thread until now, If I have known I would have made donations to save Max. How is Max doing now? Have you gotten enough to cover surgery expense? :)
I'm so sorry, I missed the reading about Max didn't make it, I'm so sorry to hear about his issue with his bladder. Rest in peace Max. :(
Anyone who still want to make a donation please do to help the other pom. You can go to www.pomposse.com

I am sure Max would appreciate your help but he is offering the donation for the other pom to be save. Thanks you.
Tears running down my creek as I read

Gosh, I was hoping to hear the good news as I read from the beginning and till later abt Max passed away as I was hoping that I could go and donationi for that... but sighs it was too late now... I am so sorry!! Pomie :hug: I was kind of cry!

Edit: MAX... be free and no more pain and no more attack by other dogs!! Gosh that really pissed me off for that idiot owners!! Grrr I hate that.... I am animal lovers as well.... I love them to death!!! Sighs I am so sad!
I apologize about Max, Pomeranian. I was hoping that he's alive but somehow found out that he's gone. :( Just remember that he's in your heart, I bet he know that you and other people are trying to save him and do truly love him. :grouphug:

Been thinking about Max all day at my work. I just learned that Max is already in the Dog Heaven. I am sad to hear this news. My guess is he had a kidney failure. I think Max was in shock at the whole time after he was injured badly. Sorry for your loss of the beloved foster pup.
