Poll on Copying and Pasting

Should Copying and Pasting Be Considered For The Forum Policy?

  • Yes, this is something we need to consider seriously for the forum.

    Votes: 15 57.7%
  • No, we do not need to consider adding to the forum policy.

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
2hot4you said:
i don't understand. How comes the ones saying that its bad to post in another forum are the ones that are here talking about Dale from that site? How comes it is bad for members to talk bad about this forum in other forums but members can talk about other forums here? I feel it immature to talk bad about the other forum but then say nobody else is allowed to do it.

We want to show them how it FEEL to walk in the mile of our shoes. If they don't like it, we don't like it. ;)

Just my two cents. *throw in 2 coins*
Gemtun's post
Im very bewildered here.

Why do I see bashing or naming here when we had a thread condoning it recently? Why is it okay to do this but not okay for others to do it?

I am not taking any sides in this - but I personally feel that this has gone too far period. If you have a beef with Eve or whatnot, do it in PM or elsewhere. Why do you want to see all of us ADers dragged into this mess when there are only a few people involved in this situation?

Can't everyone just be better person and ignore what is going on out there? We cannot control what is out there but we can control how we react to others.

2hot4you said:
i don't understand. How comes the ones saying that its bad to post in another forum are the ones that are here talking about Dale from that site? How comes it is bad for members to talk bad about this forum in other forums but members can talk about other forums here? I feel it immature to talk bad about the other forum but then say nobody else is allowed to do it.

No, it has nothing do with "talking bad about other sites" but express our feeling. It's difference. He is also member here as well. He's welcome to post my thread because I has nothing to make bad, harsh, insult toward him but express my feeling.

We didn't copy and paste anything from other forums to add here but vent out our feeling what we had been through.

Talk via AIM, email or PM doesn't solve anything because certain members pasted other member's PM to add other hidden forum few days ago. It would do the same with AIM and email as well because I witnessed myself that they pasted PM, AIM and emails to add public forum at other forum in the past. That's why I expressed my feeling toward Admin. on my public thread here yesterday instead of solve with him via email. I know it doesn't solve anything to talk him via email because I know he will paste my email to his forum because he pasted other members's email or PM in the past.

We (members) often do that via PM, MSN, AIM or emails because we are mature enough to know it's private between us, not public. I has no problem with them but certain members who are immaturity to paste AIM, MSN, email and PM to add other forum like this.

However, for your information what they copy and paste our posts over their forum doesn't bother me really because it's open forum but hidden forum? No way... I consider it as immaturity and backstabbing when anyone who copy and paste member's posts over there to bash members... but mainly worst is hidden forum *shake my head*

Lieblin' ...

You STILL DON'T get it about " hidden forum." You still don't understand about " hidden forum " - and, it is NOT about " immaturity " thing. It's about " private " thing ! I mean THAT word " confidential " ! If, you still don't get it - then, never mind.....

And, of course, you have to learn to accept " respect " the owner's rules - no matter what !
CyberRed said:
Lieblin' ...

You STILL DON'T get it about " hidden forum." You still don't understand about " hidden forum " - and, it is NOT about " immaturity " thing. It's about " private " thing ! I mean THAT word " confidential " !

For your information, I know what "confidential" is... I do not need your lecture.

Shall we label those "hidden forum" as "secret club" if the word "hidden forum" is not right word? "Secret club" is better word than "hiddern forum", don't you think so?

Yes it's private/confidential similar as "venting/ranting with feedback etc" at several forums when anyone vent/rant... but what a member did not relate confidential but backstabbing, that's why I label it as "hidden forum" because it's not open/public forum. Got it?

Unfortunlately yes, I consider immaturity when anyone coping and pasting to hidden or open forum and also name the members.

I do not consider as backstabbing or betrayal when you venting/ranting out or post something in general way without name anyone and forums. IMHO.

Example: You pasted ADer's stuff from here to other open forum, not "secret club" forum what you did last year. Remember? I can't say anything against you because you allow everyone read your thread in open forum... I don't care what anyone did because it's open forum. Got it?

And, of course, you have to learn to accept " respect " the owner's rules - no matter what !

Again, I do not need your lecture how to accept the respect because I'm an adult and know how to respect and follow every rules myself. I has no respect anyone who pasted their posts, emails, PM, etc in hidden forum and stab member's back. I would say it's confidential forum when anyone vent/rant their feeling with feedback, tips, etc... because it belong private.

For your information, I didn't violate the owner's rules and don't even spread the information out of hidden or confidential forum to other forums or copied/pasted.... I did NOTHING... I'm an innocent... Got it?

It's unhealthy to paste and name members in "confidential" forum and stab members's back where the members can't go in "confidential" forum to defend themselves. I posted there to hope the owner see the sense that thread is not belong confidential forum but open/public forum and move thread back to open forum but he didn't. I has no respect for action he did but I have to stick his rule and respect it which I know it's not right. It's sucker!

Until few hours before I was banned, the owner created a thread to ask us for feedback about "Secret Club" etc. I posted my opinion about "Secret Club" and saying that it's meanfuling to use those "Secret Club" into ranting/venting section because it's confidential. Therefore Supermembers don't like my post, that's how the problem was began. Yes the owner KNOW my opinion of last year at AK forum where he's member. (You are also member as well) Yes I told him about my opinion LAST YEAR but he choose to ignore it. Yes, he KNEW my opinion last year. I repeated my opinion of last year in his thread few days ago. If you want to know which thread/forum I posted with my opinion to him about his forum last year, then PM me and I will be glad to provide you the link because I know you are member there. :)

I responded his suspension email directly to inform him that I feel obligate to inform Alex about PM violation because PM belongs confidential between two, not hidden or open forum.

The owner ignored my PM over a person and PM violation and no link/source... then around 12 hours later he banned me. It's favoristim forum... Got it?

After suspension, I feel FREE and able to inform Alex and Cheri about PM violation then.......... :)

Again, PM, email, and ranting/venting is CONFIDENTIAL... :)

If, you still don't get it - then, never mind.....

It's for you... not me... :)
DreamDeaf said:

Should Copying and Pasting be allowed from AllDeaf into other venues, such as forums, blogs and whatnot without permission from the members posting in AllDeaf?

Many times, we have seen our posts pasted on other venues, out of context or altered, without permission or credited to someone else other than the person who originally posted it on AllDeaf.

This is a growing concern, and we do not want to be misquoted or plaguarized by those who does the copying/pasting without our permission.

We know that this is an open forum, and it is possible that we could be copied and pasted anyway, but it should be something we need to think about.

Please no bashing, flaming or hostility.

It should not be allowed. I've noticed that my postings I posted here was 'copied and posted" in the other forum. I was appalled because 1) I never was asked for a permission to have it copy and repost in the other forum. 2) I chose to post it in here AD and not in the other forum.
I wish Alex fix a new rule about Private Message (PM) violation because it's confidential between 2 members, not copy/paste to other forums.

I'm careful to trust people via PM... It's scary after saw the happened at few days ago.

What do you think about this PM violation rule? Any suggestion?

:hug: I'm sorry about what has happen lately to you being banned for no reason. I would never trust that forum as I knew what it is like for a long time.

About the PM, it should never be allow to be copy and paste to go over there because it is private between two people. Why it is call Private Message? Private mean confidential. Someone is in a very wrong doing for copy and paste it elsewhere. I felt ill reading in here by some members of what has happened regarding the copy & paste and a hidden forum. They have no right to do that to some alldeaf members without their permission. Its really shows that they are very immature and stupid.

I hope Alex could do something about the PM rules to make it harder for anyone to copy & paste but I don't know if there is a special technology that can do it. It would be great if there is something that stop ppl to copy & paste. Maybe a copyright thing add to the message if it gonna go elsewhere and it can be traceable, some sort of a special computer thingy. Maybe one day it probably will happen if there is enough complaint. Who knows?
Koala said:

:hug: I'm sorry about what has happen lately to you being banned for no reason. I would never trust that forum as I knew what it is like for a long time.

About the PM, it should never be allow to be copy and paste to go over there because it is private between two people. Why it is call Private Message? Private mean confidential. Someone is in a very wrong doing for copy and paste it elsewhere. I felt ill reading in here by some members of what has happened regarding the copy & paste and a hidden forum. They have no right to do that to some alldeaf members without their permission. Its really shows that they are very immature and stupid.

I hope Alex could do something about the PM rules to make it harder for anyone to copy & paste but I don't know if there is a special technology that can do it. It would be great if there is something that stop ppl to copy & paste. Maybe a copyright thing add to the message if it gonna go elsewhere and it can be traceable, some sort of a special computer thingy. Maybe one day it probably will happen if there is enough complaint. Who knows?

Thank you :hug:

That's exactly what I thought the same as you about PM. It's confidential between 2 members.

Yes I hope Alex do something about PM rules...
Tousi said:
Waiting for DD; anyone seen her today yet?

Tousi -

Im here, Im busy with payroll, time reports and paperwork at this time.

I will post on my next break.

Ahhhh, payroll, etc--I do that too but now on a part-time basis as I am retired "young", lol but I go in to do it and other supervisory things cuz they are having difficulty finding my replacement. Ok see ya later, going on errands.

How would the copy/paste rule be monitored and enforced?
Liebling, and also need add new rules do not allow copy member's quote goes to outside another forum.. PEROID.

*shake my head*~yes please...

CR is still new user at DF.. she doesn't know what going on abouy Supermember's forum (hiden thread)... I bet the owner may have removed deleted whole shred evidence... by the way.. Too late, I've already hold within evidence againist DF.. :P

Life is short so let's try to see nice sparks of shining stars at night :)

Alex said:
Anyway, my advice would be to stay away from these sites if you don't like what you're seeing. That's what I do. Ignore the negative stuff. Life's too short. Be happy. :aw:
GalaxyAngel said:
Liebling, and also need add new rules do not allow copy member's quote goes to outside another forum.. PEROID.

*shake my head*~yes please...

CR is still new user at DF.. she doesn't know what going on abouy Supermember's forum (hiden thread)... I bet the owner may have removed deleted whole shred evidence... by the way.. Too late, I've already hold within evidence againist DF.. :P

Yes of course, CR know because she herself is supermember and posted a person´s thread. Don´t you notice it?

Yes, I wish Alex also fix the rule for copy and paste especially PM violation.
Liebling:))) and Koala,

Well they got no life after all they have nothing else to say good things about us.. So let them be whatever they want. They dont really know how to respect d/Deafies s true expression about their bad or good experiences in our true soul. So they want to keep all those importance of true stories about deafies s past experiences that had been stuck into the coffins and locked it up for years and years. We want people out there to see the fact of what is the reason for us to stand up for a very good reason. I am not gonna to let them getting away with it since they were influenced by audist attitude s thinking that comes from hearing/ oralism for many years. I am not gonna to be like a dog that follows everywhere whatever audist attitude wants us to do for their sakes. Oh please!

It hasnt changed for more than 8 years what I have seen. That is full of crap theory they have it in their heads as usual.

Good postings.. ladies! Unfortunately I am not going to vote no more in any forums because it s worthless voted. More than one vote is out of order from the same person that those people did it in the past as far as I laughed so hard. What a wacko people thinks that I m too stupid to know better than that!!!!

I am so glad Truth comes out now. ;)

GalaxyAngel said:
Liebling, and also need add new rules do not allow copy member's quote goes to outside another forum.. PEROID.

*shake my head*~yes please...

CR is still new user at DF.. she doesn't know what going on abouy Supermember's forum (hiden thread)... I bet the owner may have removed deleted whole shred evidence... by the way.. Too late, I've already hold within evidence againist DF.. :P

I am not new user at DF. I am a member of DF for 2 years and I know what's goin' on. Pffft
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes of course, CR know because she herself is supermember and posted a person´s thread. Don´t you notice it?

Yes, I wish Alex also fix the rule for copy and paste especially PM violation.

Huh ? I didn't post someone's thread. Sheesh. No wonder you were banned !
Let's just stop with the finger-pointing, We don't need this thread to be remove too. ;)

Liebling and GalaxyAngel,

I know how you both feel, and I thanked you both for caring about people's feelings expertly members here in AD, Not a lot of people are like you out there. You both should be glad that both of you have a very good heart. And I love that about you two! :grouphug: :ily: