Palin:I Want to Play a Major Role in National Politics 'If People Will Have Me'

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maybe she needs


*it's a pix of hearing aids

Could be, could be. I was thinking more along the lines of meds for ADD.:P
You know, the people spoke a year ago. They told her clearly that they did not want her running the country when they refused to elect her. She just doesn't seem to be paying attention.

Personally, I'd vote for her. Here's why: I want the Republicans to fail in the Presidental race. Cynical, huh?
you mean testosterone?

:wag: @ pix above
I don't think the poster deserves any kind of response to his obvious and repeated trolling. That is the poster that wants us to suffer for 3 more years, just so he is happy. No credibility there. Zzzzzzzz.....
I don't think the poster deserves any kind of response to his obvious and repeated trolling. That is the poster that wants us to suffer for 3 more years, just so he is happy. No credibility there. Zzzzzzzz.....

Man, never saw so much fear over Palin.

You really do need to take a course on how to identify emotions in yourself and others. You have a great deal of difficulty in correctly identifying what people are feeling. No wonder you have problems with getting along with people.
You really do need to take a course on how to identify emotions in yourself and others. You have a great deal of difficulty in correctly identifying what people are feeling. No wonder you have problems with getting along with people.

The "fear" thing is like the kids at the playground chanting something to irritate others. Consider the source. Just trying to get a rise out of someone, then unleash all the latest research results on the masses. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Glenn Beck: ‘Yapping’ Palin belongs in the kitchen
While joking around on his radio show Wednesday, Fox News personality Glenn Beck addressed the idea that he and Sarah Palin should run for president together in 2012.

Beck apparently likes the idea of a Beck-Palin ticket, but a Palin-Beck ticket? Not so much.

"I was just thinking, what, I'm going to take a back seat to a chick?" Beck quipped, to laughter from the studio. "Go shoot a bear, make some stew, I'm hungry in here."

In an interview with Newsmax last week, Palin "wouldn't rule out" running with the controversial talk show host in 2012.

"So while she's considering it ... I just want her to know, I'm ruling it out. A Palin-Beck ticket, I'm absolutely ruling it out," Beck said. "I’m just saying, Beck-Palin, I’ll consider. But Palin-Beck -- can you imagine what an administration with the two of us would be like? She'd be yapping or something, I'd say, 'I'm sorry, why am I hearing your voice? I'm not in the kitchen.' I mean, you'd have to live up to the evil conservative stereotypes, you'd have no choice but to do so."

"A woman’s appropriate place on a presidential ticket, according to Beck, is in the number two spot," writes Alex Seitz-Wald at ThinkProgress. "Otherwise, she should just 'yap' away in a kitchen somewhere. Apparently, being a vice presidential running mate behind a woman is a serious challenge to Beck’s manhood."

"Palin has a hair-trigger reaction to sexist slights ... so I would predict a wingnut feud," writes Azaria Jagger at Gawker. "But in this case, Lady Alaska's martyr complex is going to conflict with her effusive love of right-wing media. Also, Beck's producers will likely pressure him to make nice. She's way too valuable to them."

But, hey, it's all a joke, right?

"Yeah, Glenn, it's a 'joke.' We get it," writes bluegal at the Crooks and Liars blog. "We get that you're a former shock jock, that you don't actually believe a single word you say, and that you will say anything for money. We get that the vice-presidency is even further out of your league than it is for Palin, and that's saying a lot.

"We also get that you're an infantile jerk."

The following audio was broadcast on The Glenn Beck Program, November 25, 2009, and uploaded to the Web by ThinkProgress.

ouch! now I guess we know what Glenn Beck thinks of Palin.... and worst of all - we all now see what Beck's view is toward women.
I am losing track of which anti-Obama thread I am in..there is just too many of them. :roll:
The "fear" thing is like the kids at the playground chanting something to irritate others. Consider the source. Just trying to get a rise out of someone, then unleash all the latest research results on the masses. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Like I said before. Either avoid clicking on a thread that you know you won't like or put the person on ignore. Yet people keep complaining once they click on it or read it?


Have a bit of restraint next time, folks. This is, after all, a discussion forum based on a variety of topics of your tastes and likings.
Like I said before. Either avoid clicking on a thread that you know you won't like or put the person on ignore. Yet people keep complaining once they click on it or read it?
like I said before - either put us on ignore or shut up :)


Have a bit of restraint next time, folks. This is, after all, a discussion forum based on a variety of topics of your tastes and likings.

restraint? well you didn't show some restraint in other forum when you labeled us as "liberal jackasses" and threatening us with physical violence. :roll:

yea unreal that you continue to spew hypocrisy.....
I am losing track of which anti-Obama thread I am in..there is just too many of them. :roll:

I tried to do a count of all the anti obama posts done by koko but found out that the count only stop at 500 posts in the AD advanced search feature. Talk about an obession! I have no idea of how many anti obama posts koko has made. Only that it must be well over 500 posts.
I tried to do a count of all the anti obama posts done by koko but found out that the count only stop at 500 posts in the AD advanced search feature. Talk about an obession! I have no idea of how many anti obama posts koko has made. Only that it must be well over 500 posts.

Well... even if it only maxes out at 500... Right now that consulate 12% of all of his posts (4,086.) Ouch...

I remember when he used to only have like a 1,000 post when I came here.
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