Palin:I Want to Play a Major Role in National Politics 'If People Will Have Me'

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Jul 9, 2006
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Sarah Palin on Politics: President Obama 'Disingenous' on 'Death Panels' - ABC News

*it's a pix of Sarah Palin's bus with a picture of Sarah Palin on it, saying "Going Rogue". I cannot read what else it says on the bus. I made a comical version of it by putting a squirrel picture in front of Sarah Palin's face
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*it's a pix of Sarah Palin's bus with a picture of Sarah Palin on it, saying "Going Rogue". I cannot read what else it says on the bus. I made a comical version of it by putting a giggling Panda-like figure next to it, pointing at bus
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I hope there is no sound on her movie , I can't stand the sound of her voice! I mute her whenever she on TV! I wish she would go AWAY!!
*sniff* *sniff* I smell fear. Whatsa matter? Think she's gonna run for prez or what? She won't.

*it's a photoshopped pix of Sarah Palin smiling with a bucket over her head that has 2 holes in it for her eyes
*sniff* *sniff* I smell fear. Whatsa matter? Think she's gonna run for prez or what? She won't.

I just do not like her!And that a good enough reason for me! she is too dumb to be prez! She can stay In Alaska and keep a eye on Russia from her back door!
she should, because that means more people will NOT vote republican if she's the candidate. ;)
Not just Republican but people who believe in conservative values will vote for Republicans that believe in them. Hence, conservative Republicans. So far, people have already voted in 2 Republican governors just a few weeks ago. 2010 is just around the corner.
It's pretty obvious she is gonna try. Money.she can write books...and appear on TV but that well will run dry. She likes the high life.
Like I said....Damaged Goods.
There is no fear....she will never make it to the nomination....damged...she lost it for McCain by too large of a margin.
Kerry ....Gore...they lost close....opted out..damaged goods.
you have to understand the damagedgoods concept...people put up very large sums of money and they will not throw it away on a loser. And she just looks more andmore flakey-ditzy as time goes on. that's why McCain didn't want her talkin.
She is a hottie though but she doesn't get it. America ain't that a state perhaps but not national.
Believe me. It's fear. Or else people and the MSM wouldn't be attacking her for no good reason. Damaged goods? Well, then you have nothing to worry about. Just let her do her thing then.
Lol, Palin is nothing but just liar.
There's no fear.That's silly.
Just people commenting. And you again trying to call something something it is not. Same old same old.
I hope she does run......repubs pick oddball choices and lose.
They can't find an intelligent charismatic candidate. Bush II won on Bush I coattails. Second term on fear.
Besides it's way to early for fear.
Speaking of keep saying that....but it is you who is so obssessed with fear of demo party. Everyday during to complete political cycles. are the one so full of fear....ironic you keep trying to ply it off on others.
Relax...take a break....smell the coffee....the worlds not coming to an end.
Get the facts or form prejudical opinions

Interesting to see so many people responding negatively to the media portrayal of Governor Palin and not to the real person. Here's someone more qualified by experience than our president who took on big oil companies, who courageously had a downs baby...the list goes on and on. And yet here on a forum that deals with the issues surrounding a major disability there are huge prejudices and rumor based judgement expressed.

Mrs. Palin is already a major force in national politics and will continue to be. The jurrasic media will contnue to try to put her down just as they did with Ronald Reagan - they still don't have a clue. Their world view is that successful women have to be cold liberal types who wouldn't dare really care about home and family-they go into brain freeze at the sight of a real woman like Sarah Palin.
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