Obesity= A very serous topic

ravensteve1961 said:
Vampy,,Have you ever ate at mcdonalds or burger king? You cant resist the food now can you? Their ads are so influancing.You cant go though a week without going into mcdonalds or burger king.So you have no right to brag about this. Im the one who overweight and type 2 diabetic.What do you have besides a hearing loss?
Yes, I've eaten at McDonalds and Burger King. Yes, I can resist their food. I don't eat there often. Hmm... the last time I ate at Burger King was during the first week of June. Before that was during the last week of February. As for McDonalds, I ate there last week. Before that was last month. Before that was April. I prefer Taco Bell instead. However, I don't eat there often either. I ate there yesterday. Before that, I ate there in March. That goes to show that I can resist fast food restaurants instead of eating there too frequent. Commercials? I don't find their commercials appealing. The last time I remember seeing a good commercial was when they advertised their Monopoly game. I think that was 10 years ago. You're overweight? So what. I'm overweight too. Do you see me complaining about being overweight? I see it pointless to sue McDonalds or any other fast food restaurant for making me overweight. I blame myself. Now, tell me again... what am I bragging about?
kuifje75 said:
That is what the greatest thing about dogs are. They do not care if you are blind, deaf, homo, fat, drug addict or disfigured. They love you no matter what, and loves to be cared for by gentle humans who know how to take upon their own responsibility on them.

We could learn a lot from them.

Now having said this, why do you flip flop about saying that you love your puppy, but yet in another thread, you complain about how hard it is to take care of it and want to give it up? Make up your mind already! All this research on dogs make no impact if you want to give the dog up.

yeah I love the puppy, but it is hard to take care of her. But my nephew's puppy came at the wrong time.

If I want a puppy, I want to make sure I am ready, know what to expect, I wish their is dog training school, but I am not sure where that is in Mississippi.
When I had my own first puppy Yuppie, he was hard, I can't potty train him well...
So that is why when my nephew brought home Britney, I wasn't ready to take care of another puppy, because I know it will be troublesome, and
I somewhat know what that puppy will do... so I had a lot of knowledge and experience from my first puppy, but I think I know how to potty train, thank to Javapride but I don't like going outside, cause I am not an outside person.
ravensteve1961 said:
There should be stricter laws against obesity.I think now our government should declare war on obesity. No im not talking about guns,tanks and soldiers im talking about making laws against ingredents in the foods causes obesity. Like sugar should be made against the law and salt should be made against the law.Just like illegal drugs are. I think congress and the senate should make these laws to protect peoples health. Heres what i want done about companies who put illegal ingredents like salt & sugar in the food. An inspector shall inspect radomly foods in stores and resterants. If caught you pay at $100,000 fine as a warning. Second offense $500,000 fine. Third offense $3,000,000 fine. fouth offense government shall close your business down permintly.Heres how this works. An undercover food inspector buys items in store and if if finds any gram of sugar or salt in the lab the inspector and the DEA calls the manager and calls head company youre being fined And theye not done yet. They locate the company who produce the item and issue them a fine. Samething in resterants. Take a sample off their plate put it in the bag and they find any gram of salt or sugar they also face a fine. So this way the local stores,resterants and the food companies can follow the rules or face stiff fines and possibly a reposseson of your company. Thats what i want my congressmen and senators to do. Places like McDonalds and burger king is like food terrorism in my eyes.Its time to do something about obesity. I have seen s documentry about obesity click here supersizeme


This is our responsibly to take care of our healthy, not McDonald or any Fast Food resturant.

They did not make you eat hot dogs but you. Why you take it because you know that hot dogs are bad healthy for you?
jazzy said:
without salt our thyriod will be damaged. I would have show u a pix of those people in Asia without salt, but dont have time to search it on pc. We need sugar for baking foods. other wise u want us to be starve to death. I made a whole wheat bread yesterday, and it has to have some sugar to work with yeast. need sugar for many things. dumb thing and u want to put the farmers out of business.

Exactly, I have problem with thyriod gland. I need Iodine salt for it. Without Iodine salt is impossible.

Yes, I baked bread quite often. The fresh yeast NEED 1 teaspoon sugar and Iodine salt. Without sugar and salt is IMPOSSIBLE.
remember, the esipode of The Simpsons? The govt banned sugar, guess what happened with the citizens of Springfield? They went crazy and all that. It is a BAD idea to ban sugar and salt. Humans need some of that to stay healthy, u can't ban apples that have natural sweetness in it. :P
ravensteve1961 said:
Vampy,,Have you ever ate at mcdonalds or burger king? You cant resist the food now can you?

Not only is it very easy to resist, after a few weeks or months of eating healthy foods it actually becomes repulsive. Try eating a diet of properly prepared whole grains, vegetables, legumes, chicken, fish, and nonfat dairy products for awhile and you’ll never want to eat that shit ever again.
ravensteve1961 said:
Im Not talking about natural sugar. That is already in fruits im talking about putting it in a can of beans and cerals. Dont put salt in canned foods.Why you think people in russia live longer and more healther than americans? Cause when the old U.S.S.R was the goverment at that time youre not allowed to put stuff in canned foods like sugar n salt. The K.G.B can execute people who put other stuff in foods. Theyre people in china living 90+ year old because of stricter rules in health. Sugar causes diabetes. Salt causes high blood pressure and heart attacks. Besides McDonalds isnt even allowed in china. McDonalds isnt even allowed in north korea nether and if fidel castro finds anyone eatting a big mac in cuba the penalty is death.Plus theres no mc donalds in the middle east nations nether .Here we can change all that.Im saying just make sugar & salt against the law.That means you cant put salt on burgers or fries anymore. I cant put sugar in pepsi ,, coke or dr pepper.Those are the laws id like to see on the books.

Simple is not buy canned foods if you know it´s bad for you?

We have canned foods in every stores but we know ourselves that we don´t have to buy canned foods but fresh or freezer foods. Why can´t you? Do you take canned foods? If yes, why?

Everyone are old enough to make their own decision either they want to eat anything from canned or not.

Simple is if you know salt/sugar are included in every foods, then you do not need to add extra salt or sugar for your dinner.

I cook or boil any foods without salt or sugar because I know sugar or salt are already included in any foods. I also don´t use salt on my dinner, too. It´s up to people either they want to use salt extra on their dinner or not.
sequoias said:
Raven, you are wrong. There IS Mcdonalds in China, they're almost all over the world. You need to research more, knock on wood.

Exactly, I saw McDonald in Singapore where we spend our vacation in 2000 and also other countries, too.
ravensteve1961 said:
Then how in the hell they allow an american company in a socialist nation.And get this.GERMANS live healthy too. I dont see a fat german in germany.Besides back during nazi germany adolph hitler didnt like fat people nether.I think its a good idea to declare war on obesity.

I live in Germany and saw some of fat people around. :dunno: Like what I told you that every have their decision what they can eat.
HoneyShot said:
Also thank you Levonian and C.C. Sinned, for your compliments on my appearance! Thank you very much. That picture is getting a little old now, my hair is a bit shorter now than it was then, but I'm growing it out again.

Where is my brain today? I completely forgot to mention that it’s nice to have you back. I hope you stick around for awhile. :)
Miss*Pinocchio said:
And if I get hungry, I might want some sausage and biscuit, that 990 mg sodium, and that would be total with the lunch meal... 2385 mg sodium.

But what if I want dinner??? I have to find something that is less than 115 mg sodium, so I might have to eat yogurt, chocalate chip cookie, or ketchup packet.... to be finish for the day!!!! :eek2:

But why you need your puppy junk foods if you know it´s bad healthy?
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i have type 2 diabetes which might have caused from mc donalds.I ran to my lawyer in april to tried to file a lawsuit against mc donalds. My lawyer say you cant sue mc donalds cause you have type 2 diabetes and the fact you went into a diabetic acoma.He says its because congress and the senate passed cheeseburger laws to prevent people suing fast food resteraunts anymore. This is why i want bush thrown out of office and impeached.Cause the man doesnt care about other peoples healths. If he cared he would have compromised and sign that stem cell bill would helped people the damaged mc donalds did to them.

Why can´t you go healthy resturant or cook yourself healthy food instead of take any junk foods from fast foods?
ravensteve1961 said:
Heres an idea.Why not have an nationwide boycott Burger King & Mcdonalds week? For one week no one goes into Burger King & Mcdonalds . But you can support taco bell,wendys and pizza hut. I hope theres a group gets media attention and encorage people not to eat at mc donalds and burger king for one week.And see the reaction mc donalds and burger king would get.

Really? I last went to McDonald was last January 2005.
Miss*Pinocchio said:


AHA Recommendation

Healthy American adults should eat no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day. This is about 1 teaspoon of sodium chloride (salt). To illustrate, the following are sources of sodium in the diet.

1/4 teaspoon salt = 600 mg sodium
1/2 teaspoon salt = 1,200 mg sodium
3/4 teaspoon salt = 1,800 mg sodium
1 teaspoon salt = 2,400 mg sodium
1 teaspoon baking soda = 1000 mg sodium

What about iodine salt? Iodine salt is good for your thyroid gland.
Levonian said:
Easier said than done. My wife and I have almost completely abandoned prepared foods and we’re still having trouble keeping our weight down. I’ve taken over the kitchen and am doing all the meal planning. We have a hot whole grain cereal for breakfast in the mornings with sugar and nonfat milk. For dinner, we’ve almost thrown red meat out the window. We have chicken two nights a week, fish two nights a week, and the other three nights we go vegan. But we’re still having trouble keeping the pounds off. I’m going to have to start cutting down the portion sizes and counting every gram of fat we eat if we expect to lose some blubber. I can’t even begin to imagine how fat we would be if we ate the typical American fast food laden diet. The bottom line is that good dietetics requires a substantial amount of knowledge of food chemistry and meticulous attention to meal design—it’s not something you can just learn to do overnight. Add to that the fact that evolution has had hundreds of thousands of years of practice when it comes to getting us to eat—especially sugar and fat. We crave sugar and fat because we’re hardwired to do so. Shutting that off is no easy task. Fast food restaurants are just providing what the consumer demands—and the American consumer demands fat and sugar. Consumer education is the only viable means of getting the obesity epidemic under control. And even then, it’s still going to be a matter of personal choice. Some people are just going to eat themselves to death no matter what.


First of all, I ask is drink. What you drink? How many you drink a day? Do you execrise? simple walk 30 minutes or ride with bicycle?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
RS, we can't convince them to have a healthy lifestyle...
let them be miserable, they will wonder why
they have their arms and legs cut off or have stroke and be in comatose just like Luther Vandross did.... died so young...

And I can't believe that one member is very concern about health (doing hiking), but live a dangerous homosexual lifestyle.

And one member who dissed us is a smoker.

They don't care.

Did you know what you are saying?

This is disrespectful what you say about the people. *shake the head*
kuifje75 said:
That is what the greatest thing about dogs are. They do not care if you are blind, deaf, homo, fat, drug addict or disfigured. They love you no matter what, and loves to be cared for by gentle humans who know how to take upon their own responsibility on them.

We could learn a lot from them.

Now having said this, why do you flip flop about saying that you love your puppy, but yet in another thread, you complain about how hard it is to take care of it and want to give it up? Make up your mind already! All this research on dogs make no impact if you want to give the dog up.

That´s good example. :thumb:
Ravensteve and Miss*P *shake my head*

I have to agree with anyone here that you both are prefect couple. Definitely :smash: