Obesity= A very serous topic

My mom had for


half of bagel 210mg sodium and 4g sugar

boiled egg

1 sausage link 220mg sodium and 1g sugar

1 cup coffee with creme 10mg sodium and 7g sugar, sweetner 1g sugar, and 1 teaspoon sugar.


fried Chicken 530mg sodium

potato salad with mustard 60mg sodium, relish 140mg sodium and 5g sugar,
mayonaise 75mg sodium, sweet pickle 100mg sodium and 8g sugar

Hawaiian bread 85mg sodium and 4g sugar

pepsi 35mg sodium and 41g sugar


walnut .6mg sodium and 2g sugar
so my mom intake 1465.6 mg of sodium and 75 g of sugar...

better than McDonald's, huh??? So eat at home, eat homemade food. :D
ravensteve1961 said:
Why you think people in russia live longer and more healther than americans?
The average lifespan is Russia is falling, and is much lower than the average lifespan for Americans. The Japanese rank longest in lifespan, and BTW, they have McDonalds there too, and many traditional Japanese foods have a significant ammount of salt in them. Cuba has a shorter life expectancy than USA, but not by that much.

ravensteve1961 said:
Cause when the old U.S.S.R was the goverment at that time youre not allowed to put stuff in canned foods like sugar n salt. The K.G.B can execute people who put other stuff in foods.
You don't like it when someone gives you a ticket for driving very dangerously by speeding, but you want people executed for adding salt, which is an essential mineral! Some people need added salt, to get enough! My sodium is always only just high enough when I am checked, because my diet is so healthy in other ways, that I am medically advised to add some salt to things so that I can get enough!

ravensteve1961 said:
Theyre people in china living 90+ year old because of stricter rules in health.
There are people living that long in most countries. We have McDonalds in New Zealand, and all of my Grandparents brothers and sisters all lived past 90, some past 100. We don't have to sacrifice our freedom of choice, and live in fear to make it to old age.

ravensteve1961 said:
Sugar causes diabetes.
NO it doesn't! While we're at it, how about you learn that there is more than one type of DIABETES, so you can't go around generalising badly like that? Type 1 diabetes has nothing to do with bad lifestyle choices, it is an autoimmune condition, where th body mistakes a virus for the islet cells in the pancreas and when trying to kill off the virus, it accidently also kills off the insulin producing islet beta cells. Then the person doesn't make their own insulin anymore and has to inject insulin to replace it to stay alive. It was formally known as Juvenile diabetes, because the onset is usually in babies, kids or young adults. (RS I know what I'm talking about, I have this myself!) Even babies only ever fed breast milk can still develop this type of diabetes, it has NOTHING to do with what they eat! Gestational diabetes happens when a woman with a genetic predisposition to gestational diabetes, becomes temorarily diabetic during pregnancy due to the pregnancy hormones etc making her insulin resistant. Type 2 diabetes (which is the one you are thinking of, but is really only one of the types of diabetes, not all diabetes is type 2 RS, please be specific and distinguish between them!) is caused by a complicated combination of factors, including a genetic predispostition, the lifestyle problems associated with type 2 aren't the cause for all people with it. Many of those that do have diet and lack of exercise contributing to them getting type 2, would still have got it if they were more fit and ate healthier, but just not as soon. It's a complicated disease, with many other causitive factors, and really isn't as simple as restricting essential nutrients to prevent people enjoying foods, so consuming excessive portions. There are also other types, LADA, and MODY are other forms of diabetes.

ravensteve1961 said:
Salt causes high blood pressure and heart attacks.
No RS, it's only one of many factors in secondary hypertension. All people & Animals need salt for life and health. The body can't manufacture either, but we need them, that's why they're called "essential" nutrients. Developed countries dedicate most of their salt to chemical production (in industry, NOT foods), developing countries often use most of their salt for human and animal nutrition needs! Hypertension (high blood pressure) is when your blood pressure frequently goes over140/90. For most cases of hypertension there is no identifyable cause, that's called essential hypertension and this is 90-95% of cases. Some ethnicities have a higher genetic predisposition towards it too. In other cases there is something identified as causing BP to rise, that's called secondary hypertension (only 5-10% of cases). Some of the causes of secondary (the less common type of hypertension!) are:
Medications (things like appetite suppressants, cold preparations, and migraine medications)
Habitual alcohol use/alcoholism
Excess salt in the diet
Stress or anxiety
Coarctation of the aorta
Renal artery stenosis
Drugs such as alcohol toxicity or cocaine
Renal disease (kidney disease)
Look at all those other causes RS, not just high salt intake, and this is for the less common type of High BP, the other just happens anyway.

Heart attacks have many, many causes. I had a friend in highschool who died of a heart attack... caused by anorexia! She didn't eat anything and her heart couldn't take it. No salt or sugar in her diet to cause that massive heart attack RS!

ravensteve1961 said:
Plus theres no mc donalds in the middle east nations nether .
Yes there are. In fact there is McDonalds in many countries around the world, there are even official webistes for the mcdonalds in many countries, all of these do (yes I checked for you): Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Croatia, Cprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Paraguay, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qutar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA, Yugoslavia. Go and look them uo! There are plenty of middle east countries with mcDonalds there... grab your atlas and check! :)

ravensteve1961 said:
I cant put sugar in pepsi ,, coke or dr pepper.Those are the laws id like to see on the books.
There are already sugar free versions of many softdrinks, so you can make a choice! There is diet coke at all McDonalds too.
HoneyShot said:
Raven Steve, what about personal responsability ???

People have a choice to eat these things in moderation or to abuse themselves with too much. Sugar is not evil, it is just a form of carbohydrate. We all need carbohydrates for energy. It occurs naturally in many healthy foods. Even refined sugars can have their place in a well balanced diet. Salt deficiency can cause serious health problems, it is necessary in moderation. It's not what people eat, but how much, and their overall lifestyle. Obesity isn't caused by fast food existing, it is caused by people consuming excessive portions of energy rich foods that far exceed the ammount of energy they are expending in their daily life. That extra energy is stored, as fat, for later use. They need to use the energy they consume, and also what is stored. It's not for the governments to have to stop people putting food in their mouths, it's for people to take care of themselves like healthy responsable people with their own brains. Sheesh! You have a choice to eat some fruit, make a healthy portioned mixed filling sandwich, and grab a low fat yoghurt or to go and buy a big burger, fries and a large shake.

There are also people who have health conditions that cause weight gain, they eat healthy, exercise, and gain weight anyway. Remember not to be too quick to judge, or to assume that anyone who is obese must be a slave to fast food chains, eating nothing but McDonalds all day every day. It's not that simple.

Oh no! Raven Steve wants to fine someone for selling certain foods, huh? Yep, there is sugar in a good wholesome apple, and salt in a healthy low fat piece of fish! What are you going to eat to stay healthy in your restrictive government run world RS? Many very healthy foods contain these things. Many unhealthy things have less. Anyway, I thought you hated governements and authorities checking up on things, by reading some of your posts? Why do you want them to be able to ban essential components of food? Please learn some nutrition, RS. You have an admirable motive, yes that's good, but you oversimplify this too much. Your thinking is dangerous. Just as well, no realistic government will do this!

There are nutrition labels on foods, you can buy books that list that information for all common foods, including unlabeled things like the fruit off the tree in your yard or somthing, you can go on the McDonalds webiste and work out the nutritional content of the meal you're thinking of having, then you can make your own informed decision as to if it's healthy for you to eat that meal or not. It's not up to the government to make every little choice for you that any normal adult should be capable of doing. The information is right there, all you have to do is use it. There's no need to run secret tests, they have to be clearly labeled anyway and are tested very carefully for those labels, or if it's a restaurant they have to be able to provide the ingredients information on any customers request. It's law in most countries, so you can make the right choices yourself! :)

It's great that you want to see people become healthier RS, and it's great that you want to do your part to see that happen... but you would be better off getting a good nutrition book and learning how to eat a balanced diet and setting an example for the people you're worried for with what's on your plate, rather than asking the government to ban things that are also important to a healthy diet, not just used in excess in some treat foods.

:gpost: :gpost: You nailed it perfectly! :thumb:
ravensteve1961 said:
Heres an idea.Why not have an nationwide boycott Burger King & Mcdonalds week? For one week no one goes into Burger King & Mcdonalds . But you can support taco bell,wendys and pizza hut. I hope theres a group gets media attention and encorage people not to eat at mc donalds and burger king for one week.And see the reaction mc donalds and burger king would get.

RS do you have any idea how much sodium is in the foods made by those other restaurants too? They're just as 'bad' if you're looking at it that way, and pizza hut is VERY high in fat. Be consistant! Eat healthy meals at home, if you want to boycot fast foods! :)
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Miss*Pinocchio said:
so my mom intake 1465.6 mg of sodium and 75 g of sugar...

better than McDonald's, huh??? So eat at home, eat homemade food. :D

Miss P, I thought you might like this webiste: Fitday.com :) It is very good for working out balanced meals for the day. You can see the nutritional content of what you choose to eat, see if you are consuming the right ammount of energy, and also vitamins, minerals, essential nutrients for health! You can add in your exercise too to see if you are eating the right ammount of energy from foods for your activity level. You can change foods and cooking methods and see how that will change the health of the meals and you can keep track of your weight with it too. :)
Type 2 diabetes (which is the one you are thinking of, but is really only one of the types of diabetes, not all diabetes is type 2 RS, please be specific and distinguish between them!) is caused by a complicated combination of factors, including a genetic predispostition, the lifestyle problems associated with type 2 aren't the cause for all people with it. Many of those that do have diet and lack of exercise contributing to them getting type 2, would still have got it if they were more fit and ate healthier, but just not as soon. It's a complicated disease, with many other causitive factors, and really isn't as simple as restricting essential nutrients to prevent people enjoying foods, so consuming excessive portions. There are also other types, LADA, and MODY are other forms of diabetes.
Well i have type 2 diabetes which might have caused from mc donalds.I ran to my lawyer in april to tried to file a lawsuit against mc donalds. My lawyer say you cant sue mc donalds cause you have type 2 diabetes and the fact you went into a diabetic acoma.He says its because congress and the senate passed cheeseburger laws to prevent people suing fast food resteraunts anymore. This is why i want bush thrown out of office and impeached.Cause the man doesnt care about other peoples healths. If he cared he would have compromised and sign that stem cell bill would helped people the damaged mc donalds did to them.
If Bush cared why not treat fast food companies just like how theye dealing with tabbaco companies. You realize you cant advertise cigarettes or cigars on TV anymore.You cant advertise them on newspapers, magazines or even billboards. So why not ban fast food advertisement products from TV, newspapers, magazines or even billboards? Fast food companies are just as bad like tabbaco companies are.
ravensteve1961 said:
If Bush cared why not treat fast food companies just like how theye dealing with tabbaco companies. You realize you cant advertise cigarettes or cigars on TV anymore.You cant advertise them on newspapers, magazines or even billboards. So why not ban fast food advertisement products from TV, newspapers, magazines or even billboards? Fast food companies are just as bad like tabbaco companies are.

They're not quite the same RS. The tobacco companies deliberately hid the fact that they knew smoking kills, and didn't inform people. The fast food companies haven't done that - nutritional information that could be used wisely to make good diet choices regarding these foods has always been accessable to the public. There is a large element of common sense here.

However, I think limiting the advertising of treat foods like that, particularly those aimed at children, might be more productive than banning essential nutrients, yes.

BTW, how are you doing with your Type 2? Is your HbA1c good? There are a lot of things you can do to manage it that are much more beneficial than wishing you could sue McDonalds for something they're not responsable for. I hope you're doing well managing your diabetes RS, good luck with it! :) My HbA1c is 5.6, which is very good for someone with type 1. :) So I know how much of a challenge it is to achieve that. Good luck with it RS! If you put as much energy into your health as into your political views then you will be just fine!
HoneyShot said:
Eat healthy meals at home, if you want to boycot fast foods! :)

Easier said than done. My wife and I have almost completely abandoned prepared foods and we’re still having trouble keeping our weight down. I’ve taken over the kitchen and am doing all the meal planning. We have a hot whole grain cereal for breakfast in the mornings with sugar and nonfat milk. For dinner, we’ve almost thrown red meat out the window. We have chicken two nights a week, fish two nights a week, and the other three nights we go vegan. But we’re still having trouble keeping the pounds off. I’m going to have to start cutting down the portion sizes and counting every gram of fat we eat if we expect to lose some blubber. I can’t even begin to imagine how fat we would be if we ate the typical American fast food laden diet. The bottom line is that good dietetics requires a substantial amount of knowledge of food chemistry and meticulous attention to meal design—it’s not something you can just learn to do overnight. Add to that the fact that evolution has had hundreds of thousands of years of practice when it comes to getting us to eat—especially sugar and fat. We crave sugar and fat because we’re hardwired to do so. Shutting that off is no easy task. Fast food restaurants are just providing what the consumer demands—and the American consumer demands fat and sugar. Consumer education is the only viable means of getting the obesity epidemic under control. And even then, it’s still going to be a matter of personal choice. Some people are just going to eat themselves to death no matter what.
HoneyShot said:
They're not quite the same RS. The tobacco companies deliberately hid the fact that they knew smoking kills, and didn't inform people. The fast food companies haven't done that - nutritional information that could be used wisely to make good diet choices regarding these foods has always been accessable to the public. There is a large element of common sense here.

However, I think limiting the advertising of treat foods like that, particularly those aimed at children, might be more productive than banning essential nutrients, yes.

BTW, how are you doing with your Type 2? Is your HbA1c good? There are a lot of things you can do to manage it that are much more beneficial than wishing you could sue McDonalds for something they're not responsable for. I hope you're doing well managing your diabetes RS, good luck with it! :) My HbA1c is 5.6, which is very good for someone with type 1. :) So I know how much of a challenge it is to achieve that. Good luck with it RS! If you put as much energy into your health as into your political views then you will be just fine!
I'm going off topic but Honey Shot you are amazingly beautiful :cool:
C.C.Sinned said:
I'm going off topic... :cool:

Isn’t she? She’s drop dead beautiful if you ask me. There's no need to apologize for going off topic for that. ;)
People like RS and Miss P never take responsibility for their actions, they always have to blame it on someone else, Im glad you cant sue McDonalds, because if people are stupid enough to not limit themselves and stupid enough to eat sooo much fast food that they plug their arteries and kill themselves, then I think McDonalds deserves their business. :)
HoneyShot said:
Raven Steve, what about personal responsability ???

...There are also people who have health conditions that cause weight gain, they eat healthy, exercise, and gain weight anyway. Remember not to be too quick to judge, or to assume that anyone who is obese must be a slave to fast food chains, eating nothing but McDonalds all day every day. It's not that simple.

...It's great that you want to see people become healthier RS, and it's great that you want to do your part to see that happen... but you would be better off getting a good nutrition book and learning how to eat a balanced diet and setting an example for the people you're worried for with what's on your plate, rather than asking the government to ban things that are also important to a healthy diet, not just used in excess in some treat foods.
tegumi said:
People like RS and Miss P never take responsibility for their actions, they always have to blame it on someone else, Im glad you cant sue McDonalds, because if people are stupid enough to not limit themselves and stupid enough to eat sooo much fast food that they plug their arteries and kill themselves, then I think McDonalds deserves their business. :)
You realize how much money mc donalds makes? 20 Billion dollars a year! 20 BILLION DOLLARS!! So they can afford to give a million to a diabetic person.
ravensteve1961 said:
You realize how much money mc donalds makes? 20 Billion dollars a year! 20 BILLION DOLLARS!! So they can afford to give a million to a diabetic person.
is it McDonalds fault you are diabetic? no it's not
C.C.Sinned said:
is it McDonalds fault you are diabetic?

Besides, would it be so bad if a few people vapor locked their arteries on Quarter Pounders? It’s been said that people who smoke are actually doing the taxpayers a favor because they die before they have a chance to collect Social Security. They pay into it for thirty or forty years, and then they die right before it’s time to start collecting. The same argument could be made for obese people.
I think HoneyShot is right. I have diabete, but it's still low. I don't use insulins and pills, well, I stopped taking the pills last 4 years. The doctor thought maybe it's from hormone or what did HoneyShot said or maybe I ate too much sugar. It was same time when I didn't get my period likes 2 months. Anyway, I have to watch what I eat and been going to the nutrionist! :roll:
You shouldn't blame the companies for the food they provide. You should blame the people who buy the food.

This is like my famous quote...

"Guns don't kill people. People do."