Obama Proposes Longer School Days, Extended School Year

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Year-round school programs slowly are getting a foothold in Minnesota.

This misunderstood modified school calendar has some educational advantages for all students. Most communities and many teachers either oppose it or are afraid to try year-round education.

In Minnesota there are 27 year-round educational programs. They are succeeding wherever they’ve been started.

Throughout the country, 2 million youngsters are attending year-round schools, mainly in California, Texas, Florida and Kentucky.

Year-round education should be considered by more school districts because it is another choice for parents and could be a space-saver for districts squeezed for space.

Students start school Aug. 1, and have nine-week sessions and three-week vacation breaks, as well as five weeks off in the summer.

When the students return for class, they spend little time reviewing subject matter and are ready for new material. The different break times give parents an opportunity to go on vacation other than during the summer.

The year-round school is particularly attractive for students who have special needs or who are gifted.

Year-round school has educational advantage

sounds great but is it any beneficial for students who are not the studious type? Now you understand why I said this deny the students an opportunity to have a hand-on experience at work? 3-weeks vacation and 1 month summer vacation are not enough.
cool. there you go.

Work release generally involves being in a classroom part of the day, and a job the remainder of the day. It occurs during the school year. Has been going on for years. Year round school will have absolutely no effect on a work release program. Kids have been doing early dismissal to participate in programs such as this for at least 40 years. And they will continue to participate in them with a year round schedule.
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