Not Going to Stand Here Forever :)

I tell my hubby all the time "better grey then bald"
It's the Gen X parents who are doing most of the "helicoptering" over the Millennial teens and adults in college and beyond.

It could be because Gen X was the first generation to experience the dramatic changes in the family from the perspective of children. They were the latchkey children. They want their kids to have a better experience.

Growing up, I got my ass whopped so many times with a belt, spatulas and whatever was nearby whenever I did something very bad and I dont consider it abuse. My brother and I learned our lessons but my generation is too afraid to spank our kids due to fear of getting reported so our kids dont really respect adults. Even teachers get reprimanded constantly for disciplining students.
grecian 1000 sort that out,but men with a few grey hairs look sexy women just look older,(life can be a bitch)

Some women do look great with silver grey hair. It depends on how they get it cut and styled.