Not Going to Stand Here Forever :)

Old enuf to be retired . . . and, stay that way!

If you thought I'd say, "Old enuf to know better" - we'd both have been mistaken ;) !

I'm one of the older (-est) baby boomers. My parents were married in 1940 and Dad came home early from the war.

Baby boomers where born from 1946 to 1964 so you can't be any old 66 yo.
Baby boomers where born from 1946 to 1964 so you can't be any old 66 yo.

You mean that I am not a baby boomer at my age of 67 years old. So it has to be in 1946 instead of 1945. My husband (rest in peace) was born in 1949. So he was the baby boomer, right? :hmm:
At age 67, you may or may not be able to say that you were born after World War II. We would like to see a birth certificate! (Just kidding!!!)

Where do these labels come from?? I think we can use the old saying, "they are cut from the whole cloth." And, that just means that someone made them up. I like HoneyBadger's signature :) , "Labels are mentally lazy ways by which people assert they know you without knowing you." ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson

The end of World War II? Well, the Axis Powers began to surrender in May of 1945. That process was complete by early September.

Of course for any tough question like this Americans can turn to the US Congress for answers :roll:. For all those born between 1943 and 1954, full retirement age is the same (66). But, that's only a 12 year cohort, so we are back to slicing and dicing people - something that politicians would never want to do . .

all the soldiers came home and really got it on for for over ten years..they then got prostrate problems and women became menaporsal...children became ungrateful little sods and wanted every toy or gadget there parents the baby boomers could not afford. that it in sister a baby moaner,whinge moan grumble wanted everything and got father was ww2 soldier he pass away 20yrs ago rip dad.
Oh, I get it!

The "moaners" were the . .

. Boomers' Echo! Maybe, that's not it. . .

My father is still alive and will be 95 in a couple of months. "Greatest" generation some have said and I guess we may as well think of those survivors like that: they are almost gone. Besides just surviving things like flu and polio epidemics, Great Depression, World Wars, etc. - they seemed to come home and say, "You know what? We aren't going to be kept out of full citizenship, full participation, full opportunity!" Women were right there and Minorities, too.

I have known lots of old guys and gals who came from families that had no more resources and life than just day-to-day. They came into the post-war years and decided that such poverty wasn't good enough.

It may seem a little odd but most of them had very few babies. My parents were from very large families but they had only 2 children. Mom said that they were concerned about being able to afford more. Without the social programs, I guess their parents were concerned that they couldn't afford less than a house full of kids!

The boom was partly from the delay in childbearing by people like Deafdrummer's folks and, really, mine. Depression and War are great burdens to young people.

all the soldiers came home and really got it on for for over ten years..they then got prostrate problems and women became menaporsal...children became ungrateful little sods and wanted every toy or gadget there parents the baby boomers could not afford. that it in sister a baby moaner,whinge moan grumble wanted everything and got father was ww2 soldier he pass away 20yrs ago rip dad.

I think that puts me in the "moaners" generation, although I never whined or ever got any special gadgets or toys!

And my father was a Korean war vet... So not every baby boomer had a WWII parent.
Both of my parents' younger brothers went into the military during the final months of WW2. They were both still in the Navy for the Korean War.

In fact, Mom's younger brother went back into the service during the 1st few years of Vietnam. (one dang thing after another . . .)

He really seemed to have something of a death wish. If it wasn't for a wife who seemed to be sacrificing her life for his, I don't think he'd have made it even to middle age.

these men died and fight for better life, it the generation after them grandchildren who not so gratfull to sacrfice they made..they did not lay life down for selfish attitude i all right jack and must have latest thing out...i generalising but my dad turn in his grave he see what happening in world today
welcome to Alldeaf man!!! :3 I'm only going to be 18 and I'm already having grey hairs. WOOT WOOT! :D
I think that puts me in the "moaners" generation, although I never whined or ever got any special gadgets or toys!

And my father was a Korean war vet... So not every baby boomer had a WWII parent.

As much as I love being a Generation Xer, I think we are the worst at parenting skills. We are too paranoid about being perfect parents. Just my opinion and I can be wrong.
welcome to Alldeaf man!!! :3 I'm only going to be 18 and I'm already having grey hairs. WOOT WOOT! :D

Wow, glad that you are excited about it.

Iam 40 years old and have a few strands of gray hair. I cant complain.
As much as I love being a Generation Xer, I think we are the worst at parenting skills. We are too paranoid about being perfect parents. Just my opinion and I can be wrong.

It's the Gen X parents who are doing most of the "helicoptering" over the Millennial teens and adults in college and beyond.

It could be because Gen X was the first generation to experience the dramatic changes in the family from the perspective of children. They were the latchkey children. They want their kids to have a better experience.

Hey, My name is Lailoni. Im an interpreting student and I was wondering if any of you would be able to help me out with my asl final. I would need you to record yourself signing the story Cinderella. Its due by the 6th and I need it asap. Im not a procrastionater
It's just that the origional people I had bailed out on me =/ and Im desperate beyond belief.
If any of you would be able to help I thank you so much and I will mail you a giftcard!! =D

Appreciate it,
After all those years thinking that I was a baby boomer, now I realize what DeafBadger said that I am a Silent Generation. But that was after the war as I was born in November. That would be 8 months after the war was over. Almost closer to 1946. Geeze. :(
After all those years thinking that I was a baby boomer, now I realize what DeafBadger said that I am a Silent Generation. But that was after the war as I was born in November. That would be 8 months after the war was over. Almost closer to 1946. Geeze. :(

Ah, what do they know? If you consider yourself a Baby Boomer, you're a Baby Boomer! :)

These labels are mostly arbitrary anyway.
Wow, glad that you are excited about it.

Iam 40 years old and have a few strands of gray hair. I cant complain.

grecian 1000 sort that out,but men with a few grey hairs look sexy women just look older,(life can be a bitch)
Well, I don't know . . . We have a family friend who must be about 80. I noticed that she finally stopped dyeing her hair! She has always been a very dark brunette. Now, she looks very distinguished (if I may use that term with women :)).

My 42 year old son seems to have more grey hair than I do (but, I'm not going to tell him that). Back when I had re-entered the dating world between marriages, I had a girlfriend who had a kid in high school. He was already beginning to go grey. I wasn't! But, his mom was a little, I think. What I noticed about her tho', was that she was petite and pretty.

Loni1717, I don't know ASL. I'm sure if I'd reached this level of hearing loss when I was a kid, I'd have learned but back then I just situated myself in every conversation so that I would mostly hear what was going on.
