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excuse me dreama, but i am not responding in your thread. i'm responding in this thread, so i can say whatever i want about nika.

his abuse (of which i have my doubts) is NO excuse for malingering. i was sexually, physically and emotionally abused and suffered 4 different traumas over the span of 18 years. my life was also threatened when i was a child. do you see ME coming here on ad and feigning mental illness? let's stop using abuse as an excuse because it makes those of us who have legitimate trauma look like we manipulate people for our own personal gain.

Yes, of course I don't mind you stating your opinon in this thread. I just didn't want the other thread to end the same way as I found Nika's depression and the response to it really depressing.

I think Nika needs our understanding just as much as you do.
Yes, of course I don't mind you stating your opinon in this thread. That's what it's for. I just didn't want the other thread to end the same way as I found Nika's depression and the response to it really depressing.

I think Nika needs our understanding just as much as you do.

even malingerers?
I don't think Nika should be banned. Only god can tell how Nika was feeling when he made those posts. So could we leave God to make judgement on Nika and stop attacking him please?

Faking being suicidal is not something to leave up to God or any other deity. Faking suicidal feelings and ideations is so wrong on so many levels, and we end up worrying about him and everything, and creates a LOT of anxiety for a lot of people, especially me. I have an anxiety disorder, and when I worry, I really WORRY big time, especially when someone is threatening suicide. It's not funny. He should know what it is like to have to worry about someone who is threatening to commit suicide and not being able to do anything about it because the person threatening suicide lives a long distance from you and you don't have that person's address and therefore can't call 911 and report the suicidal person and have the emergency personnel go to the suicidal person's address to check up on the person and make sure that person is not dead or is not planning to kill him/herself. Safety is very important in this situation. It is not something to play around with. It's not funny. I lost someone very close to me and very dear to me to suicide, and ever since, I have vowed to, if I can, to prevent another person's suicide. But since he is playing the boy calling wolf, he should be banned from AllDeaf since it creates a LOT of problems. It needs to be stopped. I am not going to leave this kind of situation up to God or any other Deity. And now, I am not going to talk any more about God or any other Deity since no religion talk is allowed on this forum anyway.
No. Because his behavior has a profound effect on how others with mental illnesses are preceived. Because of him and his actions, we all will have a critical eye towards anyone who is says they have a mental illness. Is that fair to them?

What he has done is absolutely unconciensable.

I agree!
How can you be so sure that Nika is malingering.

Do you think I am malingering too?

They found out from his inconsistent replies about his blindness. It didn't seem consistent with general medical definitions and totally confused even someone in the medical field.
oh, geez. i'm rapid cycling again. looks like it's time to exit this thread.
really? I thought you can send PM to banned AD but that person cannot reply.

Hmmm, I dunno now. Was a new version of the forum software installed recently that allows us to PM banned people now? When I tried to send Jillio a PM about a month or so ago while she was banned, I got some kind of message saying that I cannot send the PM, and I was puzzled why, until I saw that Jillio had been banned. Has things changed recently? Maybe Alex can answer this question.
Hmmm, I dunno now. Was a new version of the forum software installed recently that allows us to PM banned people now? When I tried to send Jillio a PM about a month or so ago while she was banned, I got some kind of message saying that I cannot send the PM, and I was puzzled why, until I saw that Jillio had been banned. Has things changed recently? Maybe Alex can answer this question.

good question. my best guess - her mailbox was filled. I think we all have 1,000 messages limit.
Thanks. (hugs Jiro)

of course I disagree with you on lot of issues and it got pretty hot but I don't hate you and the thought of you being a malingerer have never crossed my thought. :cool2:

if it makes you feel any better, i don't think you're a malingerer either.
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