McCain suspends his campaign

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to keep the bail out in perspective they are talking about 700 billion.

In America,
One thousand equals ten hundred. 10 x 100
one million equals one thousand thousand 1000 X 1000
A billion is a thousand million 1000 x 1000000 (a billion hours ago cave men roamed the earth)

They are talking 700 billion. 700 x 1000000000 I cant even comprehend that. 700 billion hours ago the earth was probably not even forming yet.
to keep the bail out in perspective they are talking about 700 billion.

In America,
One thousand equals ten hundred. 10 x 100
one million equals one thousand thousand 1000 X 1000
A billion is a thousand million 1000 x 1000000 (a billion hours ago cave men roamed the earth)

They are talking 700 billion. 700 x 1000000000 I cant even comprehend that. 700 billion hours ago the earth was probably not even forming yet.

Lol, and worse yet, isn't that like half of the annual budget?
Lol, and worse yet, isn't that like half of the annual budget?
No doubt. And the US deficit... I believe that is in the trillions.
One thousand billion equals a trillion. Just 3 more thousand billion from the proposed bail out.

The Outstanding Public Debt as of 26 Sep 2008 at 12:25:06 AM GMT is:
$ 9 , 7 9 0 , 4 5 3 , 7 7 2 , 8 1 7 . 8 9

The estimated population of the United States is 304,794,895
so each citizen's share of this debt is $32,121.45.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.16 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

Source: U.S. National Debt Clock
No doubt. And the US deficit... I believe that is in the trillions.
One thousand billion equals a trillion. Just 3 more thousand billion from the proposed bail out.

The last figure I heard on the deficit is 7 trillion. Thanks for the clock.
Goes to show that McStupid is UNFIT to be the President of the United States because he could have done better DEBATING with Barack about the economy in front of the American people.

Suspending his campaign shows that McLame cant take the HEAT of politics and should have stayed out of the kitchen. Obama was right NOT to fall in this trap....
I thought Democrats said that they don't stoop to name calling.
yeah... McStupid and McLame.. .that sounds like stuff what my teenage daughter would say.
It's silly to suspend his campaign for one issue.

If elected President, will he 'suspend being a President' for one day because he needs a break? :roll:

One of the roles of being President is being able to multi-task on more than one issue.
Currently, McCain is still a Senator, and that's his role. Political campaigning is not his role.

McCain was elected Senator, not campaigner. He gets paid to fulfill his senatorial duties. He isn't paid to campaign.
Is it possible that McCain wants to postpone the debate in order to have justification for postponing the VP debate scheduled for next week? If I were him, I'd be doing anything I could to prevent Palin from facing Biden, too.

Possible? That is what I'm talking about.

Could this possibly be about the Obama and Mcain race?

I understand this is an issue. But how would ones opinion be if no such political race going on?

We can guess and debate but wouldn't any politician do anything to win a race?
Not about politics. It's Crisis on economy. I did post a comment in scroll down.
Possible? That is what I'm talking about.

Could this possibly be about the Obama and Mcain race?

I understand this is an issue. But how would ones opinion be if no such political race going on?

We can guess and debate but wouldn't any politician do anything to win a race?
Why yes they would.. and they might even dare I say.. .tell a lie now and then. They will patronize us until we are ill.
Could someone, anyone, please tell me exactly what it was that John McCain suspended? His headquarters are up and running, he is continuing to run T.V. ads, he is contiunuing to make statements to the press. Looks to me as if his campaign continues. Could it possibly be that he was posturing?:roll:

A lot of his ads were taken down; one doesn't just snap one's fingers and it's done right now!
Why yes they would.. and they might even dare I say.. .tell a lie now and then. They will patronize us until we are ill.

OMG. Finally someone understand!!!

Any politican will tell the people what they want to hear or see.
But to vote we will have to vote on the lesser evil.

One will never know til it happens.
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