McCain suspends his campaign

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Lol, interesting, isn't it? I just saw McCaine and Obama on the world news and Obama used the forbidden word, "oversight." Yes he did. No, wait, he said "Strong oversight." Yeah, that's it. lol

Yep, those would be the words he used!:lol:
If something is not done, I believe it will have a negative impact on the economy. The cynical side of me says why bail out the thieves anyway. Isn't there some investigation into corruptness on the companies involved in the bail out? Probably the good ole boys club at it again. :mad:
No need to apologize, sir; I guess I was a wee bit too defensive. :lol:


Oh, tousi. Now you have really hueted my feelings.

Guess you do not remember who I am. (apologizing for being off topic).

Don't blame you I have been in and out for years. Not particually on this site.

But I am a not a sir. Lol.
RD, I think a large part of the reason why there's currently no deal is that cynical side you just mentioned. :lol:
If something is not done, I believe it will have a negative impact on the economy. The cynical side of me says why bail out the thieves anyway. Isn't there some investigation into corruptness on the companies involved in the bail out? Probably the good ole boys club at it again. :mad:

I agree with you completely. Something does need to be done. But I am sceptical of Bush's plan. I am glad to see the talks continuing. More of an opportunity to cover all bases and explore all consequences. There are investigations into corruption getting underway.

Oh, tousi. Now you have really hueted my feelings.

Guess you do not remember who I am. (apologizing for being off topic).

Don't blame you I have been in and out for years. Not particually on this site.

But I am a not a sir. Lol.

Uh oh! Well, I've gotten older over the years, too, and I now sometimes spazz! :lol: I DO remember you now and I apologize, ma'am....
I agree with you completely. Something does need to be done. But I am sceptical of Bush's plan. I am glad to see the talks continuing. More of an opportunity to cover all bases and explore all consequences. There are investigations into corruption getting underway.
I'm skeptical of anything Bush does. And if this is more corruption, I for one will be seriously considering pulling a large chunk of my ASSets from the hands of the fund managers.
I'm skeptical of anything Bush does. And if this is more corruption, I for one will be seriously considering pulling a large chunk of my ASSets from the hands of the fund managers.

That would be a wise decision, my friend.
Uh oh! Well, I've gotten older over the years, too, and I now sometimes spazz! :lol: I DO remember you now and I apologize, ma'am....

So does that mean I can call you 2C again?

Anyhow. We can sit here and debate all night.
My hope is the parties can agree on what is best for our country.

Once it happens hopefully for the best then we will have the sources. Until then we are just guessing.
Obama still eager to debate :hmm:

Now who is looking for political points?
So does that mean I can call you 2C again?

Anyhow. We can sit here and debate all night.
My hope is the parties can agree on what is best for our country.

Once it happens hopefully for the best then we will have the sources. Until then we are just guessing.

For you, at this point, I'll answer to anything! :P:lol:
Could someone, anyone, please tell me exactly what it was that John McCain suspended? His headquarters are up and running, he is continuing to run T.V. ads, he is contiunuing to make statements to the press. Looks to me as if his campaign continues. Could it possibly be that he was posturing?:roll:
Funny how in the picture they are sitting at complete opposites of the room. :hmm: Wonder why they are not sitting next to each other??

Preventative? Or perhaps an attempt to portray Obama as partisan?
Obama still eager to debate :hmm:

Now who is looking for political points?

Is it possible that McCain wants to postpone the debate in order to have justification for postponing the VP debate scheduled for next week? If I were him, I'd be doing anything I could to prevent Palin from facing Biden, too.
Wow, this has been a long day! First off, the President AND his staff presented a 2 and a half page proposal and he said the bipartisan group is more or less free to do with it as they wish. Long story short, what I am feeling right now, especially now there's no deal but I/we are to swallow this 700 billion idea that they have no real idea what to do with it or, rather what the outcome might be.

Right now, because they have put us completely in the dark, I don't trust ANY of them, both sides of the aisle! It better get better from here on out!
WASHINGTON - Sen. John McCain's self-portrait as a bold leader willing to set politics aside to save an endangered financial bailout plan took a pounding Thursday from top Democrats and even some fellow Republicans.

His efforts to re-energize his presidential campaign will partly turn on who wins the public relations battle, destined to play out for days.

Top Democrats in Congress ridiculed McCain's claim Wednesday that negotiations were going nowhere, necessitating his hasty return to Washington to intervene while suspending his campaign.

"It was somewhat stunning" to receive McCain's phone call with that message, said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Talks were proceeding fine without him, Reid said.

Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the chief House Democrat on the bill, said, "all of a sudden, now that we are on the verge of making a deal, John McCain airdrops himself to help us make the deal."

Even the House's Republican leader, John Boehner of Ohio, passed up a chance to praise McCain's leadership powers shortly before the two men met in the Capitol at midday Thursday. Asked by reporters if McCain could help win House Republican votes for the proposed package, Boehner shrugged and said, "Who knows?"

Other Republicans gave McCain more credit. "They got something done this morning only because McCain came back," said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. But DeMint later called the proposal "a trillion-dollar Band-Aid that does not contain a single item that will stimulate our economy."

President Bush's biggest worry is House Republicans, many of whom seemed unimpressed Thursday with McCain's heightened interest. Several said it was essential that both McCain and his Democratic opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, back the bailout plan together.

"If McCain and Obama would stand together and take this off the table" as a sharply partisan issue, then wary House Republicans might get on board, said Rep. Zach Wamp, R-Tenn.

Framing the issue in those bipartisan terms, however, complicates McCain's bid to differentiate himself from Obama on leadership issues.

In truth, McCain has faced a no-win situation for days. To support the bailout or a similar plan would put him at odds with millions of voters and many House Republicans at a time his campaign is sliding in the polls. Also, McCain has struggled to distance himself from the unpopular Bush, and embracing the administration's plan would clearly not help.

Obama has an easier path. No one will accuse him of being a Bush clone even if he ends up siding with the administration on this issue. And Democrats in general are more receptive to government regulation of powerful institutions.

McCain's other option was worse. Opposing the main thrust of Bush's plan would have opened him to fierce accusations of walking away from a national crisis. And if a congressional impasse triggered more Wall Street catastrophes, as the administration said it would, the criticism would have been still worse.

McCain's only real option was to say, "I'm the leader, I'm going to put country first," said Republican consultant John Feehery.

McCain tried to do that late Wednesday. Going before TV cameras shortly before Obama did, he signaled his likely support for some version of the costly plan and urged Bush to convene a meeting including Obama. Bush did so, giving McCain and his backers a chance to claim some leadership credit.

"It seemed like this deal yesterday was very close to dead," McCain adviser Mike DuHaime told Fox News on Thursday. "I think you've seen tremendous progress since he made that announcement."

McCain met separately with House and Senate Republicans in the Capitol Thursday. He did not attend meetings where the bailout legislation was being hashed out, and some rank-and-file lawmakers saw little impact from his visit.

"What do I know?" said Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., when asked later about the affect of McCain's detour to Washington. Perhaps, he said, the combined efforts of McCain and Obama would give enough political cover to wavering lawmakers to bring more votes to the bailout package.

Meanwhile, Democrats scoffed at McCain's Wednesday night claim that "no consensus has developed" behind the administration proposal, making his intercession important.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters that McCain called her and urged the White House meeting because "nothing was happening and there was no progress being made on all of this."

"And I said, 'Well, Senator, I have good news for you.'" Pelosi said. "'Quite a bit has been done.'"

Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, previously had called on McCain to take a stand on the bailout proposal. By the time McCain called him on Wednesday, Reid told reporters Thursday, progress was well under way.

Reid spokesman Jim Manley said his boss gave McCain a cool reception. It included reading to him a statement that Reid had just released criticizing McCain's plans. "We need leadership, not a campaign photo-op," said the statement that Reid read to its intended target.

Even if McCain fully embraces a bailout package, many Republican candidates elsewhere on ballots will not go along. Rep. Ray LaHood, an Illinois Republican who is retiring, said he probably will vote for the bailout legislation that eventually emerges.

But the Republican running to replace him, LaHood said, "is running against it. Everyone's running against it."

Dems, some in GOP question McCain's intervention - Yahoo! News
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