Marlee Matlin into deaf culture or not?

It doesn't really matter to me if she is into deaf culture or not... I applaud for her success in being actress. I believe she also helped a deaf family in Extreme Home Makeover show one time. She has a good role model that I applaud for... I have no reason to be against her.
Thank you! Nobody in the Deaf community is the same and should they ever be compared. Everyone is unique.

People who make blanket statements about the Deaf community or put it down need to get a reality grip. Seriously...everytime I see hateful comments against the Deaf community, they are forgetting that many of us here on AD are part of the Deaf community ourselves. :roll:
People who make blanket statements about the Deaf community or put it down need to get a reality grip. Seriously...everytime I see hateful comments against the Deaf community, they are forgetting that many of us here on AD are part of the Deaf community ourselves. :roll:

Yes! Those who make blanket statements just need to S.T.F.U. because they forget they are adding on to the toxicity of this AD community.

We have CIs, Culturally Deaf, Deaf, late-deafened, oralists, DeafBlind, whathaveyous.. I don't put them down because they are individuals in this AD community.
People who make blanket statements about the Deaf community or put it down need to get a reality grip. Seriously...everytime I see hateful comments against the Deaf community, they are forgetting that many of us here on AD are part of the Deaf community ourselves. :roll:

And, sometimes, they also forget the fact we are a human being, too.

Are we at the war or what? :roll:
Yes! Those who make blanket statements just need to S.T.F.U. because they forget they are adding on to the toxicity of this AD community.

We have CIs, Culturally Deaf, Deaf, late-deafened, oralists, DeafBlind, whathaveyous.. I don't put them down because they are individuals in this AD community.

DITTO! :ily:
Yes! Those who make blanket statements just need to S.T.F.U. because they forget they are adding on to the toxicity of this AD community.

We have CIs, Culturally Deaf, Deaf, late-deafened, oralists, DeafBlind, whathaveyous.. I don't put them down because they are individuals in this AD community.

It is not just only one person here on AD, there are a few others whom I wont name that have a tendency to make nasty comments about the Deaf community on a continuous basis. Seems like they are angry and hateful people, heh? :lol:

I better S.T.F.U myself and move on. :)
And, sometimes, they also forget the fact we are a human being, too.

Are we at the war or what? :roll:

Unfortunately it is those individuals that feel the need to self-project their own issues onto others to feel better about themselves hence the term "self-deflectors".
It is not just only one person here on AD, there are a few others whom I wont name that have a tendency to make nasty comments about the Deaf community on a continuous basis. Seems like they are angry and hateful people, heh? :lol:

I better S.T.F.U myself and move on. :)

Yes self defectors here make a continuous pattern.

Yes I better S.T.F.U myself too! Heh heh! :giggle:

(self moderation needed!!):laugh2:
he didnt say that did he?

bu yes some deafies are abit narrow minded

If so, then say "Some Deaf people" NOT the "Deaf community or Deaf culture". Big difference.
well he got a point, like the way Deaf people demand, handle themselves, and the way they behave as so they have a gang-mentality, it doesn't actually help d/Deaf people to progress on. Being loyal is on thing, but being staunch is quite another. There seem to be a fine line between being stubborn and being aware of how are ought to be and where your own needs can be met as a way of integrating with other people in society.
Nothing wrong with recognising a culture and its ways, but it goes too far when 'Deaf' uses the culture as an excuse to lash out Deafism. And indeed, its gone too far to overgeneralise that all aspects of Deaf culture as a sum of the whole is flawed. Same way as a black person might lash out saying white culture is flawed (but then again what is white culture? seem weird no body asks that questions in the same vein hearing culture?).. keeping on the black/white example rebellion via music video media depicting gangsta mindset is directed against YET they contradict themselves in praising the ownership of golds, diamonds, and big, expensive cars. (in this way Deaf people might brag about their 'rights' to own expensive needs-assistive equipments, come to think of it ha ha)
but ok id rather not say against Deaf culture, but perhaps I am prepared to say indeed some aspects needs revisioning in order for real progress and inclusion of broadest range of d/Deaf people. he does have a point, but it gets very sticky when words used carelessly. (even I do have to watch it, there are times I have felt i have been disowned and blame their too-quick-too-make-judgements-on-me so from those experiences I understand where he is coming from too.

I hope I havent angered any of you, it is not my intention to do this, but simply say in time, we all have to face our own 'group demons' often, we are totally unaware of it (which makes it extremely difficult to recongise, and/or perceive it as a inter-group or intra-group phenomenon), and thus make changes for all the better.
well he got a point, like the way Deaf people demand, handle themselves, and the way they behave as so they have a gang-mentality, it doesn't actually help d/Deaf people to progress on. Being loyal is on thing, but being staunch is quite another. There seem to be a fine line between being stubborn and being aware of how are ought to be and where your own needs can be met as a way of integrating with other people in society.
Nothing wrong with recognising a culture and its ways, but it goes too far when 'Deaf' uses the culture as an excuse to lash out Deafism. And indeed, its gone too far to overgeneralise that all aspects of Deaf culture as a sum of the whole is flawed. Same way as a black person might lash out saying white culture is flawed (but then again what is white culture? seem weird no body asks that questions in the same vein hearing culture?).. keeping on the black/white example rebellion via music video media depicting gangsta mindset is directed against YET they contradict themselves in praising the ownership of golds, diamonds, and big, expensive cars. (in this way Deaf people might brag about their 'rights' to own expensive needs-assistive equipments, come to think of it ha ha)
but ok id rather not say against Deaf culture, but perhaps I am prepared to say indeed some aspects needs revisioning in order for real progress and inclusion of broadest range of d/Deaf people. he does have a point, but it gets very sticky when words used carelessly. (even I do have to watch it, there are times I have felt i have been disowned and blame their too-quick-too-make-judgements-on-me so from those experiences I understand where he is coming from too.

I hope I havent angered any of you, it is not my intention to do this, but simply say in time, we all have to face our own 'group demons' often, we are totally unaware of it (which makes it extremely difficult to recongise, and/or perceive it as a inter-group or intra-group phenomenon), and thus make changes for all the better.

Right there, that is making a blanket statement. I am a Deaf person but I dont pull this shit and neither do many other Deaf people I know. You are responsible for making stereotypes about Deaf people and no wonder many hearing people who are ignorant about Deaf people judge us inccorectly right on the spot. That's the toxin that Mrs. Bucket was referring to.
well he got a point, like the way Deaf people demand, handle themselves, and the way they behave as so they have a gang-mentality, it doesn't actually help d/Deaf people to progress on. Being loyal is on thing, but being staunch is quite another. There seem to be a fine line between being stubborn and being aware of how are ought to be and where your own needs can be met as a way of integrating with other people in society.
Nothing wrong with recognising a culture and its ways, but it goes too far when 'Deaf' uses the culture as an excuse to lash out Deafism. And indeed, its gone too far to overgeneralise that all aspects of Deaf culture as a sum of the whole is flawed. Same way as a black person might lash out saying white culture is flawed (but then again what is white culture? seem weird no body asks that questions in the same vein hearing culture?).. keeping on the black/white example rebellion via music video media depicting gangsta mindset is directed against YET they contradict themselves in praising the ownership of golds, diamonds, and big, expensive cars. (in this way Deaf people might brag about their 'rights' to own expensive needs-assistive equipments, come to think of it ha ha)
but ok id rather not say against Deaf culture, but perhaps I am prepared to say indeed some aspects needs revisioning in order for real progress and inclusion of broadest range of d/Deaf people. he does have a point, but it gets very sticky when words used carelessly. (even I do have to watch it, there are times I have felt i have been disowned and blame their too-quick-too-make-judgements-on-me so from those experiences I understand where he is coming from too.

I hope I havent angered any of you, it is not my intention to do this, but simply say in time, we all have to face our own 'group demons' often, we are totally unaware of it (which makes it extremely difficult to recongise, and/or perceive it as a inter-group or intra-group phenomenon), and thus make changes for all the better.

Grummer, I am a Culturally Deaf person then I started to lose my vision hence the term I am Culturally DeafBlind.

How do I handle myself as a human being? I don't walk around with my white cane with a "group mentality" or a chip on my shoulder feeling the world owes me something.

I do quite the opposite. I advocate for disability rights. I advocate for mine, yours and everyone's rights to communication, accessibility and a right to be able to express ourselves without hindrance.

Now this is where you have a personal responsibility yourself with blanket statements because you are adding to the toxicity of the AD environment. You are also not helping yourself as an individual in society when you complain about being accepted as who you are.

You are not helping yourself and your identity in the Deaf Community too as well when you make those blanket statements. This is why you fall prey to others who insult you because you insult us as a whole.

Please stop with those blanket statements.
ever thought, he is saying the some members of the Deaf community were responsible for making stereotypes about deaf and Deaf people?

how does this are connected as to making hearing people ignorant about Deaf people judge us inccorectly right on the spot. It is the hearing peope themselves !!!, not deaf or Deaf people, indeed perhaps, those 'new' stereotypes could come from sign language classes where Deaf people 'owns' or so they THINK they OWNs the entire deaf world.
its a real two way thing going on here.

I didnt deliberately stand to say All Deaf people, i used "Deaf" to indicate that some of those affliated to this cultural groups, especially those involved in politics (or some who thinks they are but doesnt go to meetings, yet rant at the Deaf club) how was i supposed to say? it is You who took it as a blanket statement, I suppose on hindsight, i may should have said 'some members of the Deaf community might' sorry i got lazy, and now I am saying that i didnt deliberately DO a blanket statement wittingly OK.

also it is usually the HEaring people (nor deaf or Deaf who taught the hearing) of the over generalised way that leads to stereotyping. It is the hearing people who does it, perhaps some deaf but not as much as you'd think.

believe me though, in my town, where i am currently, (and i dont plan to stay for too long), is really backwards, the mis-matched flooding of 'trendy' Deaf culture hype is here but it has changed a bit since 15 years ago and they displayed alot of contempt, hell one guy i know is a president (elected - that i dont know how they decided this,crazy) of the group where they advocate for Sign language to be taught compulsorily in primary schools, and yet he HATES all deaf people who does not sign (even if they want to) and it is literally like he thinks he has a right to decide who belongs or not belongs to the Deaf world. It is Stupid, and really paints a Bad image for d/Deaf people. Those kind of Deafs in my opinion are not desired/needed we want to evolve, grow and emphasis freindship not bloody war! come to think of it I have never seen a Deaf advisors (hearing - and very powerful) participate totally, it is Alwats on their terms, their 'faults' in failure to educate, or to socialise d/Deaf people is Always taken of agenda everytime (this is my pet theory ok) so in this way it is never seen they have had ANYTHING to do with stereotyping d/Deaf people, but they surely did. It was all entirely institutionalised into the education system, so naturalised, as does the 'society' - ie hearing culture/hearing society is seen by d/Deaf people 'as naturally ignorant' when in lies is a risk they we (as you just showed me here) trick to decieve ourselves to think we were responsible for the ignorance, no it time to band together and start saying who is /were Really responsible for this mess, the hearing controllers whose adminstrated our learning years. Sign language politics is an important area no doubt but it isn't the ONLY area is all i can say for now. it is huge! we need to look on further.

and once again i said Deaf people previous (and admittingly carelessly) was only for sake of illustrating what is happening.
It is not just only one person here on AD, there are a few others whom I wont name that have a tendency to make nasty comments about the Deaf community on a continuous basis. Seems like they are angry and hateful people, heh? :lol:

I better S.T.F.U myself and move on. :)

I notice that too. I hate that when someone who can't stand with the Deaf community yet they are friends with others who are into the Deaf community. does that tell you, that they may not experience how the Deaf community is all about. The Deaf community have MANY different ways of living but in the result, is the same that we are deaf. period.
How do I handle myself as a human being? I don't walk around with my white cane with a "group mentality" or a chip on my shoulder feeling the world owes me something.

i didnt say you, and neither said this to Shel, but yes alot of them do. alot of people actually do walk around thinking everyone owes them something.
ive gone past that shit myself, im in university working damn hard, and always polite to anyone there. I dont go shouting, this is my rights, i have to have interpreters or i will sue. Although I am wary that this approach gives us a bad image, indeed it can be daunting and tedious in the waiting, what i found out the trick is , show them prove them you are a damn good student getting A's or at least a high B's and you know what? they turn around say, they will give interpreters, help with organising note takers, its all about being real.
Yes, I agree that there are Deaf individuals in the Deaf community that are just as responsible for their own blanket statements and I do tell them directly not to make blanket statements.

Everyone has to own up to their own faults.

I made blanket statements about my own community and my own culture as well. I owned up to my own mistakes and learned from them as well.

Whether it is the hearing people or the Deaf people that makes the overgeneralised statements that leads to stereotyping, we need to stop this. We all have our own responsibilities.

I realise you didn't intend to do this. No one is perfect. I genuinely appreciate and enjoy your comments here in this community. I am able to appreciate rapport with you because we can debate back and forth without personal attacks. That's how much I appreciate you as an individual.

You brought up an excellent point, thank you so much... sign language politics.

Thank you thank you thank you, this is where I am now personally involved with this because several organisations in my area is failing the exact community they are supposed to serve.

ASL itself the organisation they are trained to facilitate between two people, the staff does not master this at all. I am lucky enough to have two out of twenty staff members that can master ASL in a conversation.

PSE or SEE seems to be their communication methods and many DeafBlind people cannot carry a full tactile conversation using SEE. ASL has to be used, period.

This is where sign language politics comes in for me. One administrator said a blanket statement to me, "Oh I don't need to use ASL because I work behind the desk." That just pissed me off and I kept my cool. I told her what would happen if she were to have a sit down meeting with a Culturally DeafBlind person like me and there was no intervenor/interpreter to facilitate us. She replied, "We'll do just fine."

She signed practise like we sign program, that's frightening. The other big mistake is.. she signed beautiful the way she signed vain.
no need to attack me, i do realise my slight mistake, using Deaf people, as a blanket categorisation, like i said i should have said some members , or some individuals distorts the ideas of Deaf people or Deaf culture- says this or does that. Its true!, but ok

lol toxicity is a new word now?
poison, but then again we cant hide it, pretend the poison is there, in some time or another we will have to look square on at what is that poison, its not like a taboo right, it is a social issue. but ok i, for now wont take it far, i'd just leave it at that.

showing people how to be responsible is better than blaming people for the ignorances seems to be quite fitting here.
How do I handle myself as a human being? I don't walk around with my white cane with a "group mentality" or a chip on my shoulder feeling the world owes me something.

i didnt say you, and neither said this to Shel, but yes alot of them do. alot of people actually do walk around thinking everyone owes them something.
ive gone past that shit myself, im in university working damn hard, and always polite to anyone there. I dont go shouting, this is my rights, i have to have interpreters or i will sue. Although I am wary that this approach gives us a bad image, indeed it can be daunting and tedious in the waiting, what i found out the trick is , show them prove them you are a damn good student getting A's or at least a high B's and you know what? they turn around say, they will give interpreters, help with organising note takers, its all about being real.

In the USA, deaf people do have rights to interpreters and if they are denied those rights, they have EVERY right to sue. It is about fighting for one's equal access to education. I will sue if I get denied a terp. I wont be ashamed of it.