Local Jail not set for the deaf

wow that is truly fucked up. You were pretty much fucked from the get-go, mistreated and all. I'd hire a lawyer and maybe do the whole complaint thing jillio suggested.

i was once in jail too for a day. For not paying my speeding tickets. It was a big fuck up/misunderstanding in the end but thats another story. The expirience wasnt that bad since i could hear somewhat but funny i read this post because i was thinking the EXACT same thing back in the holding cell. "What if a deaf guy had to go through this? They's be screwed big time" Theres wheelchair access all over but nothing that caters to the deaf. Nothing.
wow that is truly fucked up. You were pretty much fucked from the get-go, mistreated and all. I'd hire a lawyer and maybe do the whole complaint thing jillio suggested.

i was once in jail too for a day. For not paying my speeding tickets. It was a big fuck up/misunderstanding in the end but thats another story. The expirience wasnt that bad since i could hear somewhat but funny i read this post because i was thinking the EXACT same thing back in the holding cell. "What if a deaf guy had to go through this? They's be screwed big time" Theres wheelchair access all over but nothing that caters to the deaf. Nothing.

And that is in violation of the law. Ironic, isn't it?
Usually, one would show a card with a law on it that a deaf person must have a sign language interpreter and the polices usually leave you alone because its' a lot hassle, but sometimes, just sometimes, the police had nothing better to do and actually called for one.
I reread my OP and I don't see a single line that says I was looking for sympathy or said anything that would suggest that I don't feel what I did was wrong. I knew it was wrong and a mistake and it will never happen again. That's not the point I was making at all.

This might be a wake up call to some people but the truth is that people make mistakes. Good people can also end up in jail for a mistake or in some cases a misunderstanding. Imagine being in the wrong place at the wrong time and got sent to jail even if just for questioning or because you match a description. These kinds of things happen. If it happened in my home town and that person was deaf they are in for a very hard time because they aren't up to par for a deaf person. You won't be able to make a phone call and let your family know or ask for help. If you have a car it'll be towed because you won't be able to call anyone to pick it up. If it happens at night you will have to stay awake or get skipped. You'll have a hard time knowing what the heck is going on. They'll try to take you to court without an interpreter and have less chance to defend yourself. In my case they even tried to do this in front of a video camera instead of live and face to face. The answers you need to know won't come to you until you receive a letter in the mail days or weeks later.

That's what the OP was all about. Not the mistake I made for I already fessed up to that and it's never been repeated since. What's important on that matter is I learned from the mistake.
From what you explained, they broke several laws. You might have done something wrong, but it does not give them the right to break the law. I used to work for a Deaf Services agency, and we handled many cases such as yours. If you would like, you can email me at jrsysure76@aol.com I can try and point you in the right direction and help anyway I can.
Well I was browsing the internet for some information and I came across this thread.

So I'm going to start off by asking a question. A disability is a disability, correct? I'm asking because the probation department is giving me a really hard time about an interpreter. I'm not completely deaf, and I usually rely on spoken english, but my understanding of the ADA and Section 504 is that legally I am entitled to an interpreter. They already refused to give me one in court depsite my requests. The judge actually ordered it in court, but the next court date the prosecutor didn't have one and I waived that right for my next couple court dates because I didn't have a bond and I just wanted out of jail.

So now I'm on probation, and my PO is giving me a hard time. I'm supposed to take some classes and community services, all of which I want an interpreter for. When I requested this she replied :Well I think you can read lips well enough, Mr. Johnson" and further accused me of lying when I said I talked to the prosecutor and that he said they legally had to provide a 'terp.

It's to the point where I'm actually going to request one even for my monthly probation meetings on the grounds that there have already been several misunderstandings, obviously due to the fact that i'm such a great lip-reader according to my PO, and that I'm on the verge of being violated due to such misunderstandings and I just want to make sure that doesn't happen any further.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I have received a disability check, went to a deaf school, and received an interpreter for classes at Indiana State University.
Well I was browsing the internet for some information and I came across this thread.

So I'm going to start off by asking a question. A disability is a disability, correct? I'm asking because the probation department is giving me a really hard time about an interpreter. I'm not completely deaf, and I usually rely on spoken english, but my understanding of the ADA and Section 504 is that legally I am entitled to an interpreter. They already refused to give me one in court depsite my requests. The judge actually ordered it in court, but the next court date the prosecutor didn't have one and I waived that right for my next couple court dates because I didn't have a bond and I just wanted out of jail.

So now I'm on probation, and my PO is giving me a hard time. I'm supposed to take some classes and community services, all of which I want an interpreter for. When I requested this she replied :Well I think you can read lips well enough, Mr. Johnson" and further accused me of lying when I said I talked to the prosecutor and that he said they legally had to provide a 'terp.

It's to the point where I'm actually going to request one even for my monthly probation meetings on the grounds that there have already been several misunderstandings, obviously due to the fact that i'm such a great lip-reader according to my PO, and that I'm on the verge of being violated due to such misunderstandings and I just want to make sure that doesn't happen any further.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I have received a disability check, went to a deaf school, and received an interpreter for classes at Indiana State University.

Sounds to me you may want to contact the county attorney and spell out what a lawsuit would happen to his/her precious city and the news media coverage it would entail. Send a carbon copy to each judge on your case, your attorney, the prosecutor and you po. Write under your name cc: and all the peoples' names that have received a copy of it. Send each letter certified mail with the light green postcard returned to you with their signatures. If you get a letter threatening intimidation, I'd contact all of the news stations in your city. If you need help writing it, pm me and I'll help you. As always, anyone who contacts me via pm has security in knowing that I do not release any information about anyone to anyone with or without written permission from them.

Above all, document EVERYTHING Even letters written on your computer, save each one with the correct date on each. If the same letter is used, copy and paste, change the date and save it. Save the returned post cards, too.

By the way, receiving a disability check means squat. The Constitution is for everyone: Black, white, green, purple, orange, Pepsi, Coke, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green Party, Constitution Party, ACLU (not a bad idea to contact them in the future . . . ).
Just want to point out that I'm not trying to steal this thread from anyone. My sympathies go out to the author and I can honestly say I've been in your spot. I was there for 14 months, and have already contacted several attorneys about a lawsuit against the county for the conditions in which I was incarcerated.

Pek - Thanks for the response, that's what I was really hoping to hear. I just wanted to make sure that I was right and that if they decided to violate my probation on these grounds, that they would only be digging their hole deeper.

I told my PO on the phone yesterday that I wanted an interpreter. I got to meet her next Monday and we're supposed to go talk to the Judge about it. This is going to be great because there isn't going to be an interpreter present. I'm thinking about making my point by simply presenting a letter to the Judge and then politely excuse myself on the grounds that they STILL haven't provided an interpreter and so I see no further point in my being there as I have no clue what's going to be said anyway.
Well I was browsing the internet for some information and I came across this thread.

So I'm going to start off by asking a question. A disability is a disability, correct? I'm asking because the probation department is giving me a really hard time about an interpreter. I'm not completely deaf, and I usually rely on spoken english, but my understanding of the ADA and Section 504 is that legally I am entitled to an interpreter. They already refused to give me one in court depsite my requests. The judge actually ordered it in court, but the next court date the prosecutor didn't have one and I waived that right for my next couple court dates because I didn't have a bond and I just wanted out of jail.

So now I'm on probation, and my PO is giving me a hard time. I'm supposed to take some classes and community services, all of which I want an interpreter for. When I requested this she replied :Well I think you can read lips well enough, Mr. Johnson" and further accused me of lying when I said I talked to the prosecutor and that he said they legally had to provide a 'terp.

It's to the point where I'm actually going to request one even for my monthly probation meetings on the grounds that there have already been several misunderstandings, obviously due to the fact that i'm such a great lip-reader according to my PO, and that I'm on the verge of being violated due to such misunderstandings and I just want to make sure that doesn't happen any further.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I have received a disability check, went to a deaf school, and received an interpreter for classes at Indiana State University.

Report them to the Dept. of Justice immediately. And let your PO know that is exactly what you intend to do. They are in violation. And document every conversation you have with your PO.
Thanks a lot for the replies. I'm actually a lot less worried about getting smart with my PO during our last phone call.
Please let me get my input on this!

For the past few years, Jax, Fla. had thousands of complaints against the Duval County Police Department regarding treatment of the deafies!...Even one deaf man died in jail!

The TTY phones were "not working"!...Deafies could not use a phone that was on the wall (for hearies)....the guards would not make phone calls for deafies!

You had to wait hours and hours for an intrepretor!...Cold, cold holding cells! Along with drunks, prostitutes, etc.!...No way to call ur family to let them know where you were, to call a bondsman if needed! And the fights that went on...hearies trying to molest deafies! YEAH!...If you fell asleep...you might wind up with somebody or even 2 people on top of you!

Damn! This is 2009!!!!!!....

I along with several other deafies took the complaints to a Legal Aid lawyer here in Jacksonville! She is from Boston, Mass., proficient in sign language! She is a lawyer for the deaf!...And boy, did she ever WAKE THE POLICE DEPT, UP!!

The Justice Department was notified, etc. She got the "wheels to rolling" for better treatment for the deafies!!...

I would have gotten a lawyer if I were you!...No matter the charges! Everybody makes mistakes!! And for those who commented...."ur own fault, you should not drink, etc., etc.".....Get off ur high-horse!!! Shit happens!...Still, we should be treated with dignity! And our rights should be followed "to the letter"!!

Justice for the Deaf!!!...Since this all happened, I did learn that now at the Duval County Jail, they have a Jailor who is deaf!..Her father is a Detective, and I contacted him in the beginning about the treatment the deafies were enduring from Police Officers and the jail.

And if you're required to go to court, ask, and demand for a CDI (Certified Deaf Intretpretor)!!...Don't accept anything less!!! It's ur right!

Thks for listening!!
Consensus of opinion with which I agree. Don't drink and drive. Also don't do anything else to get arrested.

If one is below the legal limit they can still drive. Its not wise of course, but there is a legal limit for a reason.
If one is below the legal limit they can still drive. Its not wise of course, but there is a legal limit for a reason.

U are right, not wise...wouldnt even attempt at driving if I only drank 1 beer. I have to pick my mom at the airport tonight at 11 PM and because of that I am refraining from having wine tonight.
I agree with allowing deaf to at least have an access to TTY. It's almost like denying a wheelchair to a disabled person in prison and expect them to walk without it if they want to move around. It's really not fair that prisoners who can hear can use the phone and deaf people can not. People can't help it that they are deaf (or can't walk or blind)
Try Olathe, KS. Cops in Olathe knew how to handle deaf well because of large population of Deaf. Other cities near Olathe had no issue BUT if you are ouside of Johnson County, KS area, you're out of luck. I know it's not fair and scary if police don't treat you right if you're deaf...

I belived that we could use resources to try to get an attention. It's good idea to check to find out if you have Attorney or someone at Social Service that are familiar how to work with Deaf people. If you happen to be thrown into jail, you can contact them and they'll represent you. Would that work?

My old highschool deaf ex-girlfriend was arrested for DUI (she was just tispy) and rear ended the pickup truck crossing the railroad track. Cop came and found out she had alcohol in her breath. They tried to make her go to side of cruiser and she refused. She told them that she need to get her hearing aid so she can understand what Cops said. But Cops refused and she was :pissed: big time and had a big fight with cops (she's only 5' 4"). She was handcuffed and threw her inside cruiser. She was soo :mad2: and she kicked Cruiser window and broke it. Cop charged her for DUI and aggraviated alceration with officers and destruction of police cruiser. She was thrown in jail and she was able to call her boyfriend and he bailed her out.

She got her license suspended for 6 months but she showed up at court 3 months later, cops was no-show and Judge let her go without penalty and got her license back. She was very lucky. :eek2: :crazy: Sheesh! just over hearing aid!

I was amazed what she told me what she did and glad that I didn't marry her like that!!
