Lets take back our country from the Republicans: Dean for Prez in 2004!

If I were in America, I'm frankly sure I'd go and vote for Dean or any other Democrats, and pray that the BUSH administration will be defeated! :thumb:
deafscuba, we'll be happy to hear why we should vote for Bush. I can't think of one good thing. Help us.
Bush_in_2004! said:
deafscuba, we'll be happy to hear why we should vote for Bush. I can't think of one good thing. Help us.

Reason i'm choosing BUSH or other republicans... Is the TAX ISSUE!.. i hate to see how the taxes soar.

other thing.. i like to see how Bush try his best to cut the welfare program. so our taxes can be lowest as possible.

My point of view... he and the congress delare war with IRAQ, Is not only because of mass weapons that they own or starting buliding it.
There's other reason why there's war, I support that.. helping IRAQ into FREE country, which they(the iraq kurds and citizens) request help track down SADDAM and his family...

U see how SADDAM treat his people? he doesn't feed his soliders, kills people just because they don't like saddam, IMO SADDAM is just like adolf Hilter.

i suggust you to do some research on iraq's life and the history from 1700 to present... i have a friend who's from iraq.. he told me all the stories.. it's very sad.. he's happy that bush and the congress delare a war on iraq.. but he's worried about his family.
DOWN WITH BUSH UP WITH OTHER PREZ and please don t make it a circus like CA is making it now! thank u ! LOL!
scuba, you've stated your reasons but they're not compelling enough for me to vote for Bush. Sorry.

however, you said: "mass weapons that they own"

me: really? how come bush, who said there are WMD, :Oops: can't find any?

Anybody else have kind words for our president? I'd like to hear all sides.
DeafSCUBA98 said:
Reason i'm choosing BUSH or other republicans... Is the TAX ISSUE!.. i hate to see how the taxes soar.

other thing.. i like to see how Bush try his best to cut the welfare program. so our taxes can be lowest as possible.

My point of view... he and the congress delare war with IRAQ, Is not only because of mass weapons that they own or starting buliding it.
There's other reason why there's war, I support that.. helping IRAQ into FREE country, which they(the iraq kurds and citizens) request help track down SADDAM and his family...

U see how SADDAM treat his people? he doesn't feed his soliders, kills people just because they don't like saddam, IMO SADDAM is just like adolf Hilter.

i suggust you to do some research on iraq's life and the history from 1700 to present... i have a friend who's from iraq.. he told me all the stories.. it's very sad.. he's happy that bush and the congress delare a war on iraq.. but he's worried about his family.

If you don't like to pay taxes, who do you think will be paying off the huge interest we are incurring on the enormous deficit our Pres. has created in the few years he's been in office! You aren't saving any money w/this guy, unless of course you're in the upper 1% income bracket. Then you're making out big! This President is all about keeping dirty friends in powerful places, usually people who don't give a damn what's in the American people's best interest. Their only interest is getting richer and more powerful, and if it destroys people's lives, the environment, and ruins our relationship w/the world community, be damned. They could care less. As for Iraq, come on, you think this propaganda was really about caring for the Iraqi people? Iraq is not the only oppressed country run by a horrific dictator. The only difference is the other countries don't have that all important 3 letter word - OIL. I care very much about oppressed people, that's why I don't support the way this President went in and blew away anywhere from 4,000-10,000 Iraqi people depending on whose report you listen to, and I tend to believe reports from other countries, as I don't believe anything I hear from the media here. Of course the mass killing of the Iraqi people was never made a big deal in our media. If you think our 2 day power outage was hard, imagine months! That's what's going on over there.
I don't mean to come across as attacking your opinion, of course you're entitled to it. But -

Guess who I'm votin' for? The grass roots man, who, whether you agree w/him or not, at least you feel like you're getting some truth about what his real motives are. And I happen to agree w/him on most issues, so he's my man! Howard Dean
i aint voted. He is big lair. i voted for Schwarzenegger after Bush's position. :twisted:
Damn the taxes, Dean all the way for me.

Bush....I had put out a few threads promoting the cause for Dean a while ago. Just letting ya know.
NKidd said:
the world will go to hell if Dean is elected.

Hey NKidd, I already gave a small portion of the reason why I think our country already is HELL under King Bush, and he's workin' on the world real steadily. Gee, just for writing this, John Ashcroft could get his buddies out to my house to arrest me. And our relationship w/the world couldn't get much worse, IMO. We don't have many friends in our world community. Can you elaborate on why you think it would go to hell w/Dean? Is it a Democrat/Republican ideology thing, or is it him personally? Just curious -

Now that's a true Rebel with a few causes!

Plus here is the good Doctor's prescription:

BTW he's a gen-u-wine M.D Doctor
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sablescort said:

Now that's a true Rebel with a few causes!

Plus here is the good Doctor's prescription:

BTW he's a gen-u-wine M.D Doctor

ROFLMAO! Too funny Sablescort.
"Dr. Dean's Rx for change consists of standing up for what you believe in!" and I'd add, even when it's very unpopular to do so. That's why he's got my respect.

The King don't have any clothes on, and Howard Dean's the only one with the guts to tell him!
*looking at the thread's topic*

"Lets take back our country from the Republicans"

I would rather this topic as follows:

"Lets take back country to our forefather days"

I'd vote for Right-Wing conservative Republicans.

If George Washington resurrected today and saw this, he'd be more than pissed off, and given the choice, he would vote for Republicans!
cat stevens, uhmm, I mean peacetrain said: "You aren't saving any money w/this guy, unless of course you're in the upper 1% income bracket. Then you're making out big!"

thats right! with the bush tax cut, dick cheney is saving $200,000! :evil:

how much are YOU saving?
Bush_in_2004! said:
cat stevens, uhmm, I mean peacetrain said: "You aren't saving any money w/this guy, unless of course you're in the upper 1% income bracket. Then you're making out big!"

thats right! with the bush tax cut, dick cheney is saving $200,000! :evil:

how much are YOU saving?

i'm saving between $3,000- $5,000 with his tax cut.. it helps me alot!