Is GHOST really real?

People are always a "skeptic" and hard time for them to believe anything that out there that something is always unknown to human natures. Life is full of suprirses.
I think if too many people claim to have seen something, then there must be something to it.  Know what I mean? 
The funny thing about skeptics that I have known; they all claim ghosts don't exist, etc. But, if I ask them if they would be willing to spend time living in a house/area that is supposedly haunted, they all refuse. Scared? :)
They are either scared or don't want to be proven wrong and look like idiots maybe?
Few times, I saw ghost and stranger hausted in New Jersey, Baltimore, Wash DC and near Ellensburg, Washington.
Not worth to explain... long story.
If, I write long story. People will not believe my story.
Few times, I saw ghost and stranger hausted in New Jersey, Baltimore, Wash DC and near Ellensburg, Washington.
Not worth to explain... long story.
If, I write long story. People will not believe my story.

<prescribing you anti-delusional medication> :cool2: I kid I kid... but yea I am skeptic
I think if too many people claim to have seen something, then there must be something to it.  Know what I mean? 
When a bunch of people talk about it and others hear about it, then it's embedded in their subconscious. Later, those people will let their imagination run wild when they think they saw something.

If I heard about ghosts all the time and started to believe it myself, then suddenly... my bedroom door opens a bit. OMG! It's a ghost! Nah... it was simply the air conditioner turning on.
When a bunch of people talk about it and others hear about it, then it's embedded in their subconscious. Later, those people will let their imagination run wild when they think they saw something.

If I heard about ghosts all the time and started to believe it myself, then suddenly... my bedroom door opens a bit. OMG! It's a ghost! Nah... it was simply the air conditioner turning on.

I don't know why but I'm chuckling. yep..... yep.... a figment of imagination gone wild
When a bunch of people talk about it and others hear about it, then it's embedded in their subconscious. Later, those people will let their imagination run wild when they think they saw something.

If I heard about ghosts all the time and started to believe it myself, then suddenly... my bedroom door opens a bit. OMG! It's a ghost! Nah... it was simply the air conditioner turning on.

Know what I'd do in that case? Take the bedroom door off:laugh2: