Iran will do military exercise on how to close Strait of Hormuz

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The convenient thing here; we got a bunch of equipment and soldiers over there already, and we got land access through Iraq. No need to ask permission...

So I guess no one needs permission to invade the US either, then.
Basically, we want to maintain the status quo. As you said, nobody want Israel to bomb Iran.

However, do not think we could not fight another war. We have the ability to fight three world wars at one time. What we did in Iraq and Afghanistan did not even require conscription, it was about a 10th of what we could produce militarily. So, force is definitely not out of the question. And, I think that is what stops Iran from doing something stupid.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if any of this turn violent.


you play too much Red Alert
USA is 13 trilliion in debt - the us economy is stagnant, where is the money going to come from?

Yes, we are in debt, but 13 trillion is not a large enough amount to put us in a position were we could not defend ourselves. And, if we were invaded, it would mean a full scale war, during which the economy would improve dramatically because everyone would be working (that's what happens during a time of war). If you look at our debt compared to other countries, we are just peachy.
Yes, we are in debt, but 13 trillion is not a large enough amount to put us in a position were we could not defend ourselves. And, if we were invaded, it would mean a full scale war, during which the economy would improve dramatically because everyone would be working (that's what happens during a time of war). If you look at our debt compared to other countries, we are just peachy.

China Developing Super Nuclear Electromagnet Pulse Bomb To Use In Future War Against U.S.
they have?

If you're talking about Bush's time, yes. Look at U.N. Resolution 1441, 660, and 661. All necessary means to enforce resolution 1441 by the UN. while Congress was the one that authorized the use of force in Iraq.

U.S. Congress Authorizes Bush to Use Military Force Against Iraq


661 about 660 - ODS HOME PAGE

And this....
Saddam Hussein's Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, UN passed Resolution 661 allowing the use of force (self defense) to drive Saddam's army back into Iraq. And over the course of 12 years Saddam ignored the series of UN Resolutions on complying. The last one came was UN Resolution 1441. Security Council holds Iraq in "material breach" of disarmament obligations, and offered a final chance to comply. Saddam did not comply after agreeing to a cease fire in the first Gulf War surrender agreement and failing to comply subsequent UN resolutions. 1441 was the last and final straw. And thus the 2nd Gulf war (Iraq war) began in 2003 to rid of Saddam from power.
Yeah, I know. :D
Do you deny the existence of EMP bombs then?

I have no clue. I doubt military would allow such data to be released, if it were true. I saw somewhere that CIA uses over 50% of its' budget to create and release false information, in order to fool the enemy. No doubt China does the same thing.
To be sure, what ever it is the U.S. has probably tried to do it themselves.

Yeah, we did. When we did these atomic test explosions on U.S. soil did we learn about EMP and its devastating effects on electronics.
If you're talking about Bush's time, yes. Look at U.N. Resolution 1441, 660, and 661. All necessary means to enforce resolution 1441 by the UN. while Congress was the one that authorized the use of force in Iraq.

U.S. Congress Authorizes Bush to Use Military Force Against Iraq


661 about 660 - ODS HOME PAGE

And this....
Saddam Hussein's Defiance of United Nations Resolutions

When Iraq invaded Kuwait, UN passed Resolution 661 allowing the use of force (self defense) to drive Saddam's army back into Iraq. And over the course of 12 years Saddam ignored the series of UN Resolutions on complying. The last one came was UN Resolution 1441. Security Council holds Iraq in "material breach" of disarmament obligations, and offered a final chance to comply. Saddam did not comply after agreeing to a cease fire in the first Gulf War surrender agreement and failing to comply subsequent UN resolutions. 1441 was the last and final straw. And thus the 2nd Gulf war (Iraq war) began in 2003 to rid of Saddam from power.

We went over this already in another forum.
I repeat, Iraq invaded Kuwait because they were stealing Iraq oil through horizontal drilling with US made equipment. :)
Yeah, we did. When we did these atomic test explosions on U.S. soil did we learn about EMP and its devastating effects on electronics.
eh outdated information

To be sure, what ever it is the U.S. has probably tried to do it themselves.
we've used EMP on Iraq as part of "Shock and Awe" campaign
I have no clue. I doubt military would allow such data to be released, if it were true. I saw somewhere that CIA uses over 50% of its' budget to create and release false information, in order to fool the enemy. No doubt China does the same thing.

Oh please. An atomic bomb doubles as an EMP weapon anyway. :P
Yes, we are in debt, but 13 trillion is not a large enough amount to put us in a position were we could not defend ourselves. And, if we were invaded, it would mean a full scale war, during which the economy would improve dramatically because everyone would be working (that's what happens during a time of war). If you look at our debt compared to other countries, we are just peachy.

Oh boy...ok. China is currently ranked as second most powerful country in the world - that's who Iran has on their side. I admire the pride and confidence of the Americans but wonder if they're aware of how unstable their economy is getting.

Top 10 Most Powerful Countries In 2011 | Sublime Oblivion
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