I'm gone.

Maybe so, Liza but I see that as a whole lot easier than trying to change already deep-seated beliefs which isn't really my place in the first place. Oftentimes, it's a mere word here and there as it was recently in a couple of threads, one of which is already closed which means an opportunity lost in space, reverting back to their original 1010101010101 code and abruptly, effectively cut off enlightement. We were oh so close there but I shall not raise it from the ashes here via commentary. I'm not that sneaky, lol.

lol, gotta say.. I love your humor, Tousi. Okay, I got your deal about that one word.. or rather, a series of ones and zeroes! I guess people need the extra 'help' to give themselves time to cool off before getting back to the subject if they ever remember what it was all about. Dont know if you would consider this a viable solution.. but I'd start a new thread on the new subject.., why? Since it's gonna be on your turf and you probably could have more weight with the mods as the thread creator about how you want it to go if the one-worded bandit strikes again.
You shouldn't leave. I adore your intelligence and I enjoy reading your concepts and opinions about everything. I don't have anything against you, you are entitled to your opinions.
I think if I saw right you decided to stay. You can see this is the right decision from all the comments here in your thread. :D
*bends down* yes you, auggie.. *pats your head, pinching your cheek* you're not the only one who is lost too!
Jenni, I completely understand your frustration, but can only wish you good luck. I have long since given up trying to help people see reason and or at the least do some research for themselves. However, they just seem to take the media's word as fact. It makes no matter if the people are hearing or Deaf, they're all the same.

I can only recommend that when people have issue with you on baseless grounds, that you shrug them off and suggest they educate themselves on fact rather than media or popular opinion. A couple perfect examples are the propaganda from Micheal Moore, and "An Inconvenient Truth" from Al Gore; so many people believe this crap without investigating. Moore's crap isn't even worth talking about, but with Al Gore's movie the facts are so easy to find I can't believe there isn't outspoken outrage that the thing is still shown (saw it was gonna be on Satellite movie channel a couple weeks ago and could only shake my head). About a year ago, Glen Beck did a program about "The Truth Behind 'An Inconvenient Truth'" and showed the parts of Al Gores graphs that were edited out, that basically showed that the same temperature changes over time have happened repeatedly throughout Earth's history, among other falsities Gore tries to portray to people, yet nobody looks up those charts for themselves to see his lies.

Also, I'm reminded about an article I read earlier today about 49% of people supporting regulation of the internet by the government. I can only surmise that the poll is done on people with no clue, because in my opinion, any person with a brain would know that if the government starts regulating the internet, it would destroy what the internet IS. While I believe that the parties responsible in the Drew case should be brought to justice, internet regulation is not the answer. The solution once again is education, such as the girl who hanged herself, should have been educated by her parents to the point that the internet would not have held that sway over her no matter who she thought she was talking to, and if it did, that she should have a good enough relationship with her parents to come to them with her problems.

Anyways, I'm sorry to go off topic with my examples, etc. You seem passionate with your beliefs, and although I really have no idea who you are (I've been a member here for a few years now, but don't really post much, and don't even lurk here very much any more other than to check messages or view an interesting post), you seem extremely articulate considering your being deaf and vision impaired and I believe this 'community' could benefit greatly from you. I would hate to see you go. While the community here can be very opinionated, it has proven in my experience to still be similar in range of beliefs to those in the 'hearing' world (I am hearing btw). I only ask that you be patient, take things with a 'grain of salt', and continue on.

There's a lot of good people here, and I think we all could benefit from your input.
:shock: gee whiz .. close call! watch where your hand goes, little buddy.

:o sorry about that, jenni. I as well as hope you'll re-consider staying here (and don't mind auggie really).
I'm sorry you see it this way, Jenni on a number of levels. For one, you haven't been here long enough for us to get to know you although I will say I made a pitch for you the other night, finally! But that thread has been closed.
Another thing is you need to remember that some here don't understand their weakness in handling a minority language and still bull through with their "opinions".

At any rate, please don't leave; I, and I'm sure there's others, were just warming up to you.

That's right.

You can't just jump in the middle of a new place, start talking about new ideas, and then expect everyone to listen to you with an open mind. That takes time.

People don't know you. They don't know what you're thinking. They haven't seen you post enough to get an idea of what you are like and what you are thinking about. That's why it's better to start out with neutral light ideas and also post in other people's threads. As time goes by, they will get to know you and know what you're like.

When the time is right, you can start posting new ideas and people will view your ideas with open minds. Then their responses will likely be more friendly.

Sorry that you want to leave. I would hate to see you leave.
me too, i get frustrated with what some people dont always register with what I say. I too study Sociology, in fact, I am a post-graduate student in this feild. I think about ALOT of things too EVERYDAY. Often though I admit can't progress at everything I think about, but do on the inside part like the making more sense about things for myself, liek i try make peace with myself and the world, the world's expectation sometmies let me down, its normal. In fact I get so busy that I dont even HAVE time to go back on the ground to touch wood, to feel the sense of myself in relation with society at peace. Everybody , well maybe NOT everyone but most do have difficulty to find inner peace and no I am not religious just saying more in the way of coping.

You're just feeling down, really down , probably so pissed off to a point thats everything seems hopeless, even FEELS it IS hopeless.
Try do things for yourself something else aside the heavy pondering, take a break, go wild get a kitten (I did 2 weeks ago), or something, ANYTHING that will help take your mind of things....

Vampy is right there, just wait till you have a good idea or title for a new thread, but dont expect miracle that eveyones gonna agree, and if there's some very disagreeable personality , let them be, after all its a 'public posting ground' , even I dont like half of the oxymorons who comes here, very difficult bunch. But like WHO F#$*#)(* cares? worry about making connection with those that do connect with your ideas, or even at least your personality, SOME of them might disagree but you can also feel they are nice just different people -that happens. Peace, and ride it out. Go easy on yourself, Come back soon :)
i disapprove of these melodramatic, cry-for-attention, "beg me not to leave" threads.

i disapprove of these melodramatic, cry-for-attention, "beg me not to leave" threads.



to me if people dont like it somewhere, its pretty much dont let the door hit your ass on the way out kind of thing. Nothing personal. Just buisness. Although im not a difficult person, and if someone else is, then just ignore the bastards. Its the internet, its a message board, not a slice of everyday life. :laugh2:
And by the way,

SimpleMan, Vamp, grummer, and others who have left helpful comments to me, thank you.

And you are right, Grummer. All I do 99% of the time is sit in my house, in my room, and study and read things. I need to do something else... this isn't healthy.