I'm a hearing girl...I would love dating deaf boys?

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I think we are starting a little club for teenage girls who mistook Switched at Birth for a reality show.

All that TV glam seems to have had a huge impact on the adolescent age group.:lol:
Hearing nothing, to me, sounds amazing. It is my opinion. And trust me, making myself deaf is the least of my problems.

Well, you certainly seem to have a problem "listening." So you have a huge head start.:P
Oh. My. God.

I think jillio lie about People try be deaf. I apologise to jillio, hope she hear it. First I think this poster silly little girl, now I see serious mental illness. I mean this not offense...get help. Please. Injury self scary! Not okay. Don't try be deaf. Just no.

Nanny nanny boo boo!:nana: Told ya so!:giggle:

Actually, I can't blame you. It is pretty difficult to wrap your mind around.
If you lived my life, you'd understand. As it is, I'm also trying to figure out how to go mute. I hate talking. I like quiet. I've used q-tips (I have a friend who accidentally made her cousin deaf with them, which gave me the idea.) I've used Bobby pins but I can never get them into the right shape/angle. I've tried just about every stupid thing I could try. I have gone days without speaking, only using sign language, but none of my friends, well only Laurie, understand. Even my own parents don't understand. I want somebody that I connect with, somebody I could have a voiceless conversation with.

Sweetheart, stop trying to make yourself deaf and find a good psychotherapist. Seriously. Your parents' insurance will probably cover it.
Looks like I was wrong. But I can't help but wonder if she is kidding around and pulling our leg. :hmm:

Unfortunately, Secretblend, there is a very real mental disorder that results in people taking actions such as this.
I just would like to point out that although some of us have watched Switched at Birth, doesn't mean we're all on here trying to find Deaf boyfriends. I am hearing, I am not single and I'm here for friends...I've been learning sign for a little over a year now and I honestly just love to learn. So while I think everyone is totally right in heckling her, please don't think that all hearing women are about that. Granted I'm 25 and have a stronger head on my shoulders then that girl. But.....just wanted to say something.
Okay. Please people, stop. 1) I do not have a right to be heckled!! 2) Switched at Birth has nothing to do with my decision! I have felt like this for a long time! 3) I am no longer looking for a boyfriend, my best guy friend asked me out after confessing how he felt. I told him I would think about it. I'm going to say yes. :D
Okay. Please people, stop. 1) I do not have a right to be heckled!! 2) Switched at Birth has nothing to do with my decision! I have felt like this for a long time! 3) I am no longer looking for a boyfriend, my best guy friend asked me out after confessing how he felt. I told him I would think about it. I'm going to say yes. :D

Ok, seriously. You please stop.

You are full of hogwash.

It might be amusing to you, reading the responses...bit it's really not funny.

Either way.

If you're being serious (which I quite doubt), you need help.

If you're creating this story to play out, you need help.

Either way.

I hope you get the help you clearly need.
Okay. Please people, stop. 1) I do not have a right to be heckled!! 2) Switched at Birth has nothing to do with my decision! I have felt like this for a long time! 3) I am no longer looking for a boyfriend, my best guy friend asked me out after confessing how he felt. I told him I would think about it. I'm going to say yes. :D

Uhm, need I ask if he's deaf and, if not, does he have a fetish for your non-hearing contraption that you use in your ears? :giggle:
Lol Hearing Girl if you weren't scared away by all the negativity, here is an answer to your actual question. No, it's not amazing. It can be at times. But learning a new language to communicate with someone you meet can be frustrating. It just adds a much deeper barrier to the "getting to know you" phase. When you meet someone that you can't communicate with, it's great. You never disagree, they focus on everything you are saying and vice versa. They might resent you if they feel that all you are trying to do is use them to learn sign language. When you are around all of his deaf friends, he be trying to play interpreter and the same goes for when you are around your hearing friends and family.
Then, when you can communicate easily, you will really get to know the person you are with. And then your odds for sticking it out become similar to what they would have been if you dated a hearing boyfriend at your age. Crappy.

BTW I would recommend reading every post on here for the last 6 months before you venture to ask another question like that.
5 min later......

LMAO after reading more than the first page I gather the discussion devolved from there. Anyway my response still stands. It's just useless at this point though.
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Uhm, need I ask if he's deaf and, if not, does he have a fetish for your non-hearing contraption that you use in your ears? :giggle:

that didnt hit me till now. a deaf fetish. nothing wrong with that!!! I would call it a good fetish.....:naughty::D

Everybody has a fetish of some sort. whether they admit it or not!:cool2::D
....... I have no comment on the offensive fetish comments..... Thank you jupitersnymph for you response! I would not use anybody like that!! I know a lot of ASL though. My grandfather taught me for a few years an I've been in sign language club for 2 years, not to mention, my friend Laurie taught me some. I know I'm not the best but I can hold a conversation kind of well :-/
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