I have a question...

If it works, let me know.

Off the point: your quote says

Be glad of life, becuase it gives you the chance to love and work and to play and to look up at the stars - Henry Van Dyke

Becuase is not found in the dictionary. :eek3:
you know my teachers in hs always said to just go up to random deaf ppl and tell them you sign hahaha but i was always like well thats just plain AWKWARD....so i just wait for the right time say i seem them struggling to communicate with stupid hearing ppl who dont take the time out to learn to sign lol ... i'll b like he wants this and that and blah blah blah
and the deaf person will b like hey thanks! and i'll b like no prob.. and then they ask me where i learned to sign and such...tis funny!
Want to help my son

I have a son that was not born deaf, but due to Mercury Poisoning from Dpt shots he is now considered Legally Deaf Blind age 14 (gradually from age 9 months). His hearing and eyesight mechanisms are fine but his nerves that connect his hearing and eyesight to his brain are not totally developed. So when the nerve transmits he can see and/or hear fine. I try not to mention that he can hear or see sometimes because non deaf people think and want to believe that it happens on a consistent bases all the time (aggravates him). Him being able to hear/see sometimes always comes up when they find out he can ride a bike, play video games and get around by himself for the most part. He was labeled Mentally Retarded most of his life and not educated. Because his brain works fine I consistently have a battle with his teachers (at several schools over the years) wanting to teach him as if his brain don’t work (insulting his intelligence, disrespecting him, and not validating his opinion as a person). Everybody always comes to me when they need to know something from or about him. Dustin:wave: was not validated as to having an opinion, not included (provided an interpreter ever) during any conversations concerning his education or his knowledge his whole life. He was taught to keep his opinions to himself (be seen not heard) because nobody would listen (but mom). He has developed an attitude and violent behavior (to be heard) to express his opinion of something is not right at school. He is expected to do K-6th grade work at school every year, (he is not fluent in ASL-not taught) instead of being taught as an adult that is illiterate. I have tried every way to tell his teacher that if I was illiterate, I’m sure they wouldn’t try to make me do Kindergartner art work or try to teach me like they are teaching him. Any suggestion of how to open their minds to this repeat pattern or ways that I can stop this battle. When Dustin has a behavior, the battle of helping him stop acting out his frustrations is always put back on me (my fault). I am a single parent that needs to work, teach myself ASL, and can not be his shadow all the time or live a life like I am 14 again. Please advise.
Desperate mom

why yes, it is. dosage 250 grams (!)

250 grams! :eek3: Authentic, you're mental :)lol:)

:bump: EPIC FAIL - Why? Look it very carefully it says 250,000 MG of chill pill - NOT 250 grams!!!! :giggle::laugh2:
I have a son that was not born deaf, but due to Mercury Poisoning from Dpt shots he is now considered Legally Deaf Blind age 14 (gradually from age 9 months). His hearing and eyesight mechanisms are fine but his nerves that connect his hearing and eyesight to his brain are not totally developed. So when the nerve transmits he can see and/or hear fine. I try not to mention that he can hear or see sometimes because non deaf people think and want to believe that it happens on a consistent bases all the time (aggravates him). Him being able to hear/see sometimes always comes up when they find out he can ride a bike, play video games and get around by himself for the most part. He was labeled Mentally Retarded most of his life and not educated. Because his brain works fine I consistently have a battle with his teachers (at several schools over the years) wanting to teach him as if his brain don’t work (insulting his intelligence, disrespecting him, and not validating his opinion as a person). Everybody always comes to me when they need to know something from or about him. Dustin:wave: was not validated as to having an opinion, not included (provided an interpreter ever) during any conversations concerning his education or his knowledge his whole life. He was taught to keep his opinions to himself (be seen not heard) because nobody would listen (but mom). He has developed an attitude and violent behavior (to be heard) to express his opinion of something is not right at school. He is expected to do K-6th grade work at school every year, (he is not fluent in ASL-not taught) instead of being taught as an adult that is illiterate. I have tried every way to tell his teacher that if I was illiterate, I’m sure they wouldn’t try to make me do Kindergartner art work or try to teach me like they are teaching him. Any suggestion of how to open their minds to this repeat pattern or ways that I can stop this battle. When Dustin has a behavior, the battle of helping him stop acting out his frustrations is always put back on me (my fault). I am a single parent that needs to work, teach myself ASL, and can not be his shadow all the time or live a life like I am 14 again. Please advise.
Desperate mom

This should be moved to its own thread.

Sorry to hear about your frustrations. I can imagine; I have a 19 year old autistic boy that has been very, very difficult.

It almost sounds as if Dustin is frustrated that no one understands what he is trying to convey. Are you sure you have him in the right educational situation?
I have a son that was not born deaf, but due to Mercury Poisoning from Dpt shots he is now considered Legally Deaf Blind age 14 (gradually from age 9 months). His hearing and eyesight mechanisms are fine but his nerves that connect his hearing and eyesight to his brain are not totally developed. So when the nerve transmits he can see and/or hear fine. I try not to mention that he can hear or see sometimes because non deaf people think and want to believe that it happens on a consistent bases all the time (aggravates him). Him being able to hear/see sometimes always comes up when they find out he can ride a bike, play video games and get around by himself for the most part. He was labeled Mentally Retarded most of his life and not educated. Because his brain works fine I consistently have a battle with his teachers (at several schools over the years) wanting to teach him as if his brain don’t work (insulting his intelligence, disrespecting him, and not validating his opinion as a person). Everybody always comes to me when they need to know something from or about him. Dustin:wave: was not validated as to having an opinion, not included (provided an interpreter ever) during any conversations concerning his education or his knowledge his whole life. He was taught to keep his opinions to himself (be seen not heard) because nobody would listen (but mom). He has developed an attitude and violent behavior (to be heard) to express his opinion of something is not right at school. He is expected to do K-6th grade work at school every year, (he is not fluent in ASL-not taught) instead of being taught as an adult that is illiterate. I have tried every way to tell his teacher that if I was illiterate, I’m sure they wouldn’t try to make me do Kindergartner art work or try to teach me like they are teaching him. Any suggestion of how to open their minds to this repeat pattern or ways that I can stop this battle. When Dustin has a behavior, the battle of helping him stop acting out his frustrations is always put back on me (my fault). I am a single parent that needs to work, teach myself ASL, and can not be his shadow all the time or live a life like I am 14 again. Please advise.
Desperate mom

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. That is terrible that he was not wanted at his school. That is my feeling of what the school looked down on us. He needs accommodations to help him understand in class even if he can not grasp what the teachers is saying and was told to keep his opinions himself which is very bad for his self-esteem.

Deaf children need to express their feelings whether they are frustrated or angry about something that he or she struggle with trying to learn. You can not bottle up a child like that.

No, it is not your fault as a single mom but you did the best you can to help your child with disabilities. As for me, I have trouble grasping the straw pretty much often to understand what hearing people say both in the classrooms and in the public places. The only way to find is to have a counseling between you and your son with a sign language psychologist to help you release that feeling of desperation of helpless not know what to do with his life in the real world like his school. And how to help him cope with discrimination. I hope I am making myself sense to you.

Also I noticed that you were not in the introduced thread topic instead of here. You are welcome to discuss or debate with us. So have fun reading and posting here. See you around, desperate Mom. :wave:
2 weeks ago, my boyfriend and I was in a restaurant in a shopping centre. We was eating and our waitress keep staring at us and kept coming back. Finally she came back and told us that her grandmother or somebody was deaf and I think had bilateral cochlear implants. She told us that she has never actually seen sign language being used so it was interesting to watch us.... I was not interested at the time because of her starin at us, so I smiled politely and she left us.