I have a question...

I reacted VERY harshly. I began pretending to be having seizures and started shouting "Beelzebub is my momma !!!"

Hey ... it served them right.

Sorry, I had to laugh. I can imagine their chagrin being around you when you did that.

Yep, they deserved it. I just hope they won't have a deaf child or a child with special-needs because I can imagine what they'll do to them.
Sorry, I had to laugh. I can imagine their chagrin being around you when you did that.

Yep, they deserved it. I just hope they won't have a deaf child or a child with special-needs because I can imagine what they'll do to them.

Or they'll be dumbfounded.
Doesn't bother me, usually, when people approach me.....
it doesnt bother me... can say HI and introduce each other and chat short time then leave on our merry way.. no harm done! :)
That's a good question. While it would be exciting for you since you now know sign language and would like to "use it on someone else", it can be awkward for the others when they are approached like that.

I've been approached by deaf and hearing people like that.

I was at a restaurant with a few deaf friends. While we were sitting down, this deaf guy approached us and started asking if we were from NTID. When we politely told him that we were, he got all excited and started talking about his past with NTID. He wouldn't stop. His kid started running around, so it made him stop and walk away. When our food arrived, he started talking again. Not wanting to be rude and eat while he was talking to us... we waited for him to stop... which he never did... until his mom stopped him. Whew!

Another time, I was in a book store. While I was looking at a couple of old books, this woman approached me and asked something. I didn't understand her at first and asked her to repeat. She then noticed my hearing aid and was like, "Oh... you're deaf? Wow... awesome! Guess what, I was a teacher and used to work with deaf kids. By the way, I know sign language. It's been years, so I've forgotten some a little... but I still remember. See? I know my ABC's!" *starts fingerspelling the alphabet* Halfway through, she was interrupted by a co-worker asking her for help. I quickly walked away. Whew!

So, in both situations... it was very awkward. Both approaches were very wrong. The topics were also wrong.

In your case, think of it as if you were meeting a hearing person. Would you normally approach a hearing person in the middle of a store or a restaurant and introduce yourself (for anything other than asking them out on a date)? If you wouldn't, then approaching a deaf person should be the same. If you do, then use the same approach. Just don't start signing as if it's so exciting for you and that you're so excited to be meeting a deaf person. That would probably be an insult to them.

I would suggest it be a natural meeting... in a social setting. If it was at a deaf social event like Deaf Coffee Chat or something, you could easily approach a deaf person and introduce yourself like you would with any hearing person.

it doesnt bother me... can say HI and introduce each other and chat short time then leave on our merry way.. no harm done! :)

I agree - I have had many many people do that and I have always left those experiences thinking "Wow, what a wonderful sweet person who took the time to say hello to me in my language"
Sorry, I had to laugh. I can imagine their chagrin being around you when you did that.

Yep, they deserved it. I just hope they won't have a deaf child or a child with special-needs because I can imagine what they'll do to them.

:) Other folks in the grocery store who saw it also laughed at my reaction.

That one incident really really bothered me.

When I look back and think about it I wish I had done something a bit more "sinister" like starting to snarl, spit, start speaking gibberish then in a very low voice slowly point at them both and say "I will steal your firstborn ....."

post of the year.

i disagree with all these people. i think you should just sit down at their table, introduce yourself and say, "WELL THIS IS LOVELY! I'M SURE WE'LL ALL BE GREAT FRIENDS. IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND I'M SO GLAD YOU ALL ARE GOING TO HELP ME PRACTICE ASL AND ALSO PAY FOR MY LUNCH. GOD BLESS YOU."

and then stay with them long after your welcome has worn out.

LOL! :rofl:
Well, i get that EVERYDAY when im working as animal control officer, they will always, "You're Deaf? How do you communicate?" I had to answer those questions in SAME answers everyday when im on the road. Im already getting tired of it but i have to SERVE people in the city. To Protect and Serve, thats our motto.

well.. im used to it. *grin*
Well, i get that EVERYDAY when im working as animal control officer, they will always, "You're Deaf? How do you communicate?" I had to answer those questions in SAME answers everyday when im on the road. Im already getting tired of it but i have to SERVE people in the city. To Protect and Serve, thats our motto.

well.. im used to it. *grin*

Huh? Your an animal control officer and your deaf ??? how do you....?? how can you...???

Sorry couldn't resist :) ha
Nah it dont really bother me.. I'm real laidback, easygoin' guy. if they want to talk to me.. they're all welcome to get to know me.. I dont want the hearing people think all deaf people is snuck up or being afriaid of hearing poeple... IMHO...

just be yourself and serve them what they want.. if they want to talk to you.. by all that means.. go ahead entertain eachother...

just sayin'

Yes I second that. It doesn't bother me really... It's nice to know that they are interesting to learn about Deaf culture and sign language. We have been met hearing people a lot... They often said that our sign language are too beautiful to them... or show us that they can sign... They including Resturant owner/waiters also asked my boys how they learn sign language when they learn that my both boys are hearing... My boys explained them that they don't know but that's just they look at our sign language... Hearing people were like :eek2: without teach?? :eek2: I know it's normal for hearing people to curious what and how it come from... We don't mind them ask us question... I am easygoing person.

I do not consider it as rude when they find deaf culture interesting and ask us question... *shrug*
It doesn't bother me as much as it would some people. The only thing that really bothers me is when people stare at a signed conversation I am having with my friends. But a simple polite "hello" in sign has never ever bothered me.

Yes I know what you mean.

It does bother me when some people stare at us... We look back to them and said hello? Sometimes they feel embarrassed or not... sometimes they said: "Excuse me, it's rude of me to look at you but your sign language are beautiful... I can't take my eyes off your beautiful mimic with sign langauges...
maybe you should wear an old fashioned lady's hat and gloves and bring a tea set with you wherever you go.

that way, whenever you encounter a deaf person or persons, you can lay out a blanket and have an ASL tea party.

Well, i get that EVERYDAY when im working as animal control officer, they will always, "You're Deaf? How do you communicate?" I had to answer those questions in SAME answers everyday when im on the road. Im already getting tired of it but i have to SERVE people in the city. To Protect and Serve, thats our motto.

well.. im used to it. *grin*

Haha... that's like how people wonder how I can use a computer, but...

1, I'm not totally sightless.
2, Even if I were completely blind, I could still use my braille display to do a lot.

But still, some people are like "Wow, that's amazing!" and I think "no, I just use what I have."
Yes I know what you mean.

It does bother me when some people stare at us... We look back to them and said hello? Sometimes they feel embarrassed or not... sometimes they said: "Excuse me, it's rude of me to look at you but your sign language are beautiful... I can't take my eyes off your beautiful mimic with sign langauges...

You also have to recognize that this is something some people never saw before, except maybe on television or something. Yes, staring is rude, but some people just can't help it, and they don't mean any harm.
August you remind me of someone I know .... hmmmm:smoking:
if you're suggesting, sir, that i have ever partaken of marijuana cigarettes, then you're wrong.


You also have to recognize that this is something some people never saw before, except maybe on television or something. Yes, staring is rude, but some people just can't help it, and they don't mean any harm.
sure, sure. that is...unless that person is staring at you TO TRY AND TAKE OVER YOUR MIND WITH SECRET HYPNOSIS!
