How visual are you?

And Kashveera...wear your glasses! You're a CA in training...maybe looking like a nerd is a job requirement!

I wear them when I need to, can't stand contacts, wear that too very rarely!! LOL, I cannot survive without my hearing aids, can manage without glasses!!

Why do you remind me, do I look like a nerd in my photo...I hope not, I am so tired of being called one!!

No, you don't look like a nerd in your photo...just don't want you to go blind...
No, you don't look like a nerd in your photo...just don't want you to go blind...

No, I am so careful about that...just that thought scares me because I depend highly on my visual ability!!


I also have to wear glasses now and I've also been accused of being a nerd.

Well...I am a's just the dorks you really, really don't want to be like!

I also have to wear glasses now and I've also been accused of being a nerd.

Well...I am a's just the dorks you really, really don't want to be like!

Lord, with your kind of marks, even I would bet you would be a nerd...just joking man!!

Well, its a horrible thing and sometimes a great thing, its where you draw the line before insulting someone!! (look who is talking!!)

Nerds do have a reputation of being very cerebral. Geeks will eventually control every piece of electronic equipment wilst playing "Trivia Pursuit"...

And I was joking! (Should've used a smiley...)
Yeha i rely on site a lot, esp. when i'm out in public, and on the bus and stuff.
I just lost my hearing last year. It's been a real challenge. I am also an artist. I have always been very visual. I see things that other people ignore or don't pay attention to. But I know an awful lot of people who can hear but don't believe until they see it too. Before I lost my hearing, I was in retail sales and merchandising. I almost got fired because I ddin't hear a costomer ask me a question. At that time I was deaf in one ear. I ended up not working because I also have mild to severe vertigo all the time. If I could get the world to stop spinning so fast I could deal with the hearing loss a lot better. But I do rely heavily on visuals. Aliboo
I am a VERY visual person, maybe more so than most hearing people, which i am. I'm also ver artisic though i don't draw much anymore. When i used to it was more the hands, like M.C. Esher. not that i could draw like him though. I love architecture and when i watch movies i look all around i notice everything. I also have to look at people when talking to them. I was raised to do so. Some people though can't handle that. An exboyfriend used to get mad at me and say i look too deep, he felt i was burning a whole through his soul. It's not a stare though. you say so much with your eyes. And i am very expressive with my face. Otherwise you are Ben Stein and who wants that?? Like others have said in this thread i would hate it if i lost my sight.
It's not a stare though. you say so much with your eyes. And i am very expressive with my face. Otherwise you are Ben Stein and who wants that?? Like others have said in this thread i would hate it if i lost my sight.

I take it you won't be saying "Bueler? Bueler?" anytime soon...;)

People don't realize how much can be expressed through eyes!
LOL exactly no to Bueler. And it is so true about the eyes. From what i have read and some deafies have told me i am different than most hearing people in that regard. I don't mind being looked in the eyes, i want people to. The eyes give you away everytime!! But sometimes it's the little things, the way a person curls their mouth when they say a certain word, or what they do with their eyebrows, and i am talking about hearing folks. You are saying one thing but what you really think and feel is written all over your face.
I will say that I am a visual person, yes.

I memorize better if I see it-- I even can explain you what a person looks like from head to toe even though if I just have a five seconds glance at that person.

I do better at memorizing my notes if I write it down, rather than type it out (for some strange reasons. my mnemonic hasn't gone digital!)

Like most of you, I am an artist as well. I like colors, unlike my logical and stoic husband who has the lousy visual memory-- he cannot remember what color of the shirt he wore yesterday!
My eyes are 20/15. I can tell which side is up on a coin from 30 feet away. I couldn't imagine my eyesight going.