How visual are you?

I am a hearie. And we hearies have figured out that a visual person learns sign language much faster than a linear person. I could learn so much faster new things if someone signed to me than talked to me. I don't process words wells due to my ADD, I don't have good control over my paying attention to aural communication. I tune it out too easy and then they are just a bunch of words to me. Don't get me wrong as you can tell by my typing, that I have a good command of my english language, but I just find asl easier for me to follow sometimes over "listening" to instructions. So yeah I am a visual learner. But I can't draw to save my life lol. Come to think about it, I can't visualize the english well, say if you are explaining your job like plumbing, if you are explaining it to me in english, I can't visualize well what you are talking about that is why asl, in which the visualization is provided for me, is so much easier. I have just discovered ASL's power 7 months ago. I can't wait til I am completely fluent because I know I will understand things in a way I never have before. I have already experienced it.
Since I got no ears!! I rely on my eyes for almost everything!! I will die if I didn't have my lipreading skills because It's hard enough without hearing, at least my eyes are functioning and it makes life easier!!

I think I rely on them the most, and most hearing people say that I am more alert than them and that I pick up a lot more!!

To my dear friend Fyborg!! Good Thread!!

:lol: Do you use your eyes to "listen in" (or "see in" would be more accurate) to people's conservations?

I'm guilty of that, all the time.:ugh3:

Oh Fyborg, I am so guilty of that, I pick up husband-wife squibbles in the shopping mall, or parents screaming at their kids, above all, I pick up what lecturers are saying to other lecturers...

My friends all know if they wanna say something and don't want me to hear, they just block their mouths, and Kashveera doesn't get furious, she hyperventilates!! LOL!!

If I'm not very intrested in a class and it's a easy one, I find staring a hole in the textbook aleviates boredom--yet another example of my eyes to the rescue!

I draw flowers everywhere, or I try to have a silent conversation, or I just sleep with my eyes open!!

Most of the time, instead of lecture notes, I find that I have a whole lot of rubbish, that we friends write to each other...we call them our little love notes...I am damn guilty of that!!

Yep, I am very visual. However, I am noticing that I can focus on hearing more and more and tune in like the hearing. But the bottomline, I know that I am visual because I remember names much better visually (like a name tag) far better if I just heard it a couple of times. If you want something spoken repeated verbatum, I am not the guy to ask...:D I can give you an accurate gist of it though;)...

Same with me, I have a little notepad where I ask people to write down their names if I get suck, and trust me, once I see it I pronounce it better!!


Regardless of having all senses or lacking one (or two), everybody is oriented in three basic ways when processing information.

1) Visual
2) Aural - Hearing
3) Kinetic - Touch/Motion

More people process learning aurally unless they are deaf. However, a good percentage of people are visual whether hearing or otherwise (deaf). There are not many that learn kinetically. Many school systems have figured out that they can combine the visual and aural approaches and meet most of the student's needs.

Unfortunately for the last group, they are often are not considered when being taught by the educational system thus prone to have much higher failure rates. To give an example of such a student and the problems for the educational "system". This type of person learns by feeling, touching, moving, in some ways by being constantly in motion (not the same as hyperactivity per se...a whole different issue). They might be learn from a book by rocking or walking around all the time. The motion is kinetic and thus allows them to process the information. Now, how many educational settings can tolerate a student or two that move a lot? This is not a student that is trying to be distracting but is trying to learn in a matter fitting for them!
Regardless of having all senses or lacking one (or two), everybody is oriented in three basic ways when processing information.

1) Visual
2) Aural - Hearing
3) Kinetic - Touch/Motion

My God, this is so interesting, well I learnt visually, i.e. by lipreading, as I am profoundly deaf!!

I learnt something today!!

My God, this is so interesting, well I learnt visually, i.e. by lipreading, as I am profoundly deaf!!

I learnt something today!!


Yes, and you learned it by using your eyes ;)

I'm so visual that I find it helpful to read all of my classes' textbooks--I remember the information better if I read ahead...
Yes, and you learned it by using your eyes ;)

I'm so visual that I find it helpful to read all of my classes' textbooks--I remember the information better if I read ahead...

Oh my God, My mother would have a heart-attack if I read ahead!!

Oh Fyborg, I am so guilty of that, I pick up husband-wife squibbles in the shopping mall, or parents screaming at their kids, above all, I pick up what lecturers are saying to other lecturers...

My friends all know if they wanna say something and don't want me to hear, they just block their mouths, and Kashveera doesn't get furious, she hyperventilates!! LOL!!


I take it you're not nearsighted.

Deafskeptic who hasn't realized how nearsighted she is till now.
I take it you're not nearsighted.

Deafskeptic who hasn't realized how nearsighted she is till now.

Ouch get your eyes tested...I have a problem with my eyes as well! Its a good thing to get it sorted out asap!!

No, because I am so lazy to do that!!


:giggle: Well, I don't call it being lazy... how about... meh...

There's just no good doublespeak for lazy!

I find it easier to read ahead so that I know what they're talking about (plus I get to show up a few of my fellow classmates!).
:giggle: Well, I don't call it being lazy... how about... meh...

There's just no good doublespeak for lazy!

I find it easier to read ahead so that I know what they're talking about (plus I get to show up a few of my fellow classmates!).

Well, I better just admit that fact about being damn lazy about homework, etc...Its a miracle when I get my results!!

Well, thats a very valid thing that you have made especially if the topic is hard, you need to be able to know whats happening, if you want good grades!!

And Kashveera...wear your glasses! You're a CA in training...maybe looking like a nerd is a job requirement!