How are you feeling today?....

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I just realized I will be alone on thanksgiving x_x its making me kind of sad...
I just realized I will be alone on thanksgiving x_x its making me kind of sad...

:( :tears: :(

I will be with you in spirit!

It's okay, I'm trying to find a way out of Thanksgiving at my Grandmothers so I will be alone.... Supposed to have off at work, thinking I will switch with someone!!! :D Last year I got very ill eating my grandmothers food... :eek2:
:( :tears: :(

I will be with you in spirit!

It's okay, I'm trying to find a way out of Thanksgiving at my Grandmothers so I will be alone.... Supposed to have off at work, thinking I will switch with someone!!! :D Last year I got very ill eating my grandmothers food... :eek2:
Well people had offered to come but well they cnat stay after visiting hours. So I just told them to go and have fun and celebrate. but yes we can celebrate together.

Well I keep you in my thoughts that you'll be out soon every day! :D

So hopefully, that will happen for you! :)
Bored and lazy!!!!! I am so sick of this.

Getting my massage license in Texas is turning out to be a pain in the ass, so I don't have it yet. So I'm not working yet. I have found I really hate not working. Luckily I don't have much in the way if bills to pay at the moment since I'm staying with my folks for a bit.....but Christmas is coming!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I need a job ASAP. I do have my last checks, and just really have to worry about paying my cell phone bill for me and my kids and my car insurance. But it's going to be a slim, real slim Christmas if I don't a job soon :/

Plus there's that whole bored out of my freaking mind!!! Plus I discovered that my gym is 21.4 miles away from my parents house. That'd be over 40 miles 5 days a week just to go to the gym. Ahhhhhhhh I'd lent my p90x videos to a coworker and never gotten them back. I messaged him on fb and asked if he could mail the vids, told him he could keep the book and my pull up bar, just send the vids. I have been soo inactive. Blech I feel like a bum.
Bored and lazy!!!!! I am so sick of this.

Getting my massage license in Texas is turning out to be a pain in the ass, so I don't have it yet. So I'm not working yet. I have found I really hate not working. Luckily I don't have much in the way if bills to pay at the moment since I'm staying with my folks for a bit.....but Christmas is coming!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I need a job ASAP. I do have my last checks, and just really have to worry about paying my cell phone bill for me and my kids and my car insurance. But it's going to be a slim, real slim Christmas if I don't a job soon :/

Plus there's that whole bored out of my freaking mind!!! Plus I discovered that my gym is 21.4 miles away from my parents house. That'd be over 40 miles 5 days a week just to go to the gym. Ahhhhhhhh I'd lent my p90x videos to a coworker and never gotten them back. I messaged him on fb and asked if he could mail the vids, told him he could keep the book and my pull up bar, just send the vids. I have been soo inactive. Blech I feel like a bum.

I get the same way if I'm not doing anything... ( Unless I'm recovering from a night of drinking :giggle: ) I have to be doing something! I go out of my mind! Ugh, that's a long drive to the gym, especially for not having a job ( gas money ) and all that. :( I hope you find something soon!
Bored and lazy!!!!! I am so sick of this.

Getting my massage license in Texas is turning out to be a pain in the ass, so I don't have it yet. So I'm not working yet. I have found I really hate not working. Luckily I don't have much in the way if bills to pay at the moment since I'm staying with my folks for a bit.....but Christmas is coming!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I need a job ASAP. I do have my last checks, and just really have to worry about paying my cell phone bill for me and my kids and my car insurance. But it's going to be a slim, real slim Christmas if I don't a job soon :/

Plus there's that whole bored out of my freaking mind!!! Plus I discovered that my gym is 21.4 miles away from my parents house. That'd be over 40 miles 5 days a week just to go to the gym. Ahhhhhhhh I'd lent my p90x videos to a coworker and never gotten them back. I messaged him on fb and asked if he could mail the vids, told him he could keep the book and my pull up bar, just send the vids. I have been soo inactive. Blech I feel like a bum.
farrk thats a long way....
farrk thats a long way....

Yup, and it's not in the area I want to look for a job or an apartment. This city I'd HUGE. It's dumb too, I have a membership at planet fitness, because it's wicked cheap!, and there's another one in town, but it's a little farther. They're only a few miles away from each other :/ whyyyyyy would they put them so close together in this huge town? I went one there and hit bad traffic, took almost an hour to get there. Went a different way home and it took almost 40 minutes. That's like a 90 minute drive, I'd be at the gym for almost 90 minutes. That's devoting 3 hours if my day to the gym, not to mention the cost if gas driving back in forth would be WAY more than membership cost. I just can't justify it :/ I miss going to the gym
Bored and lazy!!!!! I am so sick of this.

Getting my massage license in Texas is turning out to be a pain in the ass, so I don't have it yet. So I'm not working yet. I have found I really hate not working. Luckily I don't have much in the way if bills to pay at the moment since I'm staying with my folks for a bit.....but Christmas is coming!!!!!! Ahhhhhh I need a job ASAP. I do have my last checks, and just really have to worry about paying my cell phone bill for me and my kids and my car insurance. But it's going to be a slim, real slim Christmas if I don't a job soon :/

Plus there's that whole bored out of my freaking mind!!! Plus I discovered that my gym is 21.4 miles away from my parents house. That'd be over 40 miles 5 days a week just to go to the gym. Ahhhhhhhh I'd lent my p90x videos to a coworker and never gotten them back. I messaged him on fb and asked if he could mail the vids, told him he could keep the book and my pull up bar, just send the vids. I have been soo inactive. Blech I feel like a bum.

Yea, that is a long drive just for the gym. What about hiking/walking at nearby parks?
Yea, that is a long drive just for the gym. What about hiking/walking at nearby parks?

I went for a couple jogs, but that just kills my ankles. So the plan is to start p90x again, or at least do the yoga and Core synergistic ( I think that was the name of that video) a few times a week. Today though I'm going to go to my storage unit and get my barbells. I do have a short, 15 minute, but brutal circuit I can do not at the gym, I'll have to skip or substitute a couple of the exercises in it. But at least it will get me sweating until my vids get here :D
I went for a couple jogs, but that just kills my ankles. So the plan is to start p90x again, or at least do the yoga and Core synergistic ( I think that was the name of that video) a few times a week. Today though I'm going to go to my storage unit and get my barbells. I do have a short, 15 minute, but brutal circuit I can do not at the gym, I'll have to skip or substitute a couple of the exercises in it. But at least it will get me sweating until my vids get here :D

while you are bugging your friend to return your p90x back. You can check out the youtube to make lists for your workout to keep you busy. Until it arrives then you can forget the youtube or whatever. :D
while you are bugging your friend to return your p90x back. You can check out the youtube to make lists for your workout to keep you busy. Until it arrives then you can forget the youtube or whatever. :D

I opened my box of DVDs and pulled out a couple yoga vids my taebo and my Jillian michaels 30 day shred. That ought do me for now :D
I have been wondering about this but have not been sure where to ask. How are your kids taking the move? I have lost track of ages and if they moved with you.
I have been wondering about this but have not been sure where to ask. How are your kids taking the move? I have lost track of ages and if they moved with you.

My son just turned 15 (we were packing up the truck on his birthday, huge guilt there fir me, and flew out the next day) and my daughter is 13. They've been taking it pretty well :) they like their new school, and how late it starts! 9:20. My daughter has had a sleepover and this past Friday my son went to see the new Thor movie with some new friends. I think technology has made it easier as well, between Facebook and Skype they still talk to their SC friends everyday.
I have a toothache... Nothing is worse than a toothache... Looks like I'll be making an appointment for my dentist when I can squeeze in the time... :shock: I hate dentists... Still need more work done though! :mad:
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