Hotdogs - Do you know what you really eating?

Gross as this thread is becoming ...

Just about anything we consume causes some sort of ailment!

Just eat, drink and be merry!
Hot dogs are basically ground up lips <deleted>. Kind of like politics...:giggle:
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Ask the 110 year old people what they're eating, chances are they're eating healthy.

I have asked a 103 year old how she did it. She even had all her teeth but one. She drinks scotch with tonic water daily.

And told us young folks how to exercise the double chin by taking your tongue and try touching your nose several times a day.

Love that lady. She did tell me home cooked meals is becoming a lost art and being replaced with "boxed dinners"
I have asked a 103 year old how she did it. She even had all her teeth but one. She drinks scotch with tonic water daily.

And told us young folks how to exercise the double chin by taking your tongue and try touching your nose several times a day.

Love that lady. She did tell me home cooked meals is becoming a lost art and being replaced with "boxed dinners"

No boxed dinners at my house for the last 10-12 years. Everything is home cooked, even the pizza. (We're having that for lunch tomorrow, just mixed the dough to rise in fridge overnight).
the best thing about this:

You guys got me to read up on hot dogs, and i can say that i have learned a lot.

Its pretty easy to replace sodium nitrite with celery juices. Celery juices does the same thing as sodium nitrite, without the cancerous results.

But.... Whatever floats your boat. i'll be over here eating some pink taco while you guys enjoy your wieners.

My grandma perserved alot of her food and she is in her 80's and still haven't been to a doctor yet (she won't go though, but haven't been in emergency room yet).

I don't know if perserved homemade is the same as store-brought. She also grow her own garden too, but dump alot of pesticide.

Go figures. I think it is watching what you eat (weight wise) and getting exercise what counts. She always kept herself busy and try not to gain too much weight. It seem to work. her father lived up to 102 and he did the same thing. Plus eating an apple a day.
My grandma perserved alot of her food and she is in her 80's and still haven't been to a doctor yet (she won't go though, but haven't been in emergency room yet).

I don't know if perserved homemade is the same as store-brought. She also grow her own garden too, but dump alot of pesticide.

Go figures. I think it is watching what you eat (weight wise) and getting exercise what counts. She always kept herself busy and try not to gain too much weight. It seem to work. her father lived up to 102 and he did the same thing. Plus eating an apple a day.

Tell Gran to use pesticides on the garden's perimeter. Then the harvest would be organic.