Hoh person totally ignores me

We'll see when that day comes.. You would have the advantage, I can't brag about my grandkids, milestones in life, or "back in my days"... :lol:

I think you're old enough to have had milestones in life and "back in the day" reminisces..

Examples: The day you graduated from formula to real food, your first day in kindergarten, first day in junior high, graduating high school, graduating college, first job, etc, etc. ;)

I'm giving you a hard time. :lol:
We'll see when that day comes.. You would have the advantage, I can't brag about my grandkids, milestones in life, or "back in my days"... :lol:
I hope you don't think I got over 38,000 AD posts just by discussing my grandkids, milestones, and reminisces of the past! :lol:
Just my $.02. I'm just like the hard of hearing girl in class who wears aids and doesn't have a terp. I wouldn't, personally, be offended at all if I happened to look over at the terp and saw them pointing me out to his client. Why? 1. Being HoH isn't bad. It's not like the terp said 'what the hell is wrong with that hoh girls hair??'. 2. I'm wearing freaking bte aids, it's not like people don't know! 3. I was the one eavesdropping.

That said, I don't know why she is ignoring you. Perhaps she has had a bad experience with another Deaf student? Perhaps she gets tired of people wanting to 'be friends with the hoh girl' and she doesn't want to do the same thing to you? Maybe she's just really shy? I would just wave and say hi :)

I'm fairly shy and I love when other hoh/Deaf people introduce themselves.