HIV+ Travellers banned from entering the US

Should the law be changed?

  • No! Leave the current law intact!

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Maybe; change the law to permit tourists but no immigrants.

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Yes, end the ban!

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I did not know anything about this laws that bans travellers from entering the United States. I don't agree with this, because it's very discriminated. We have United States citizens that carry HIV/AIDS, what are they doing to do about them? Banned them from the public shopping stores, restaurants etc?
Very sad, what's more, you can't say no to little kid of HIV to give them a wish to see the Disneyworld, as it is popular for any life-threatening illness kids under the "Makeawish" charity to make their dreams comes true for their short life.

Up to now, I don't know how would any charity thinks of it as it is nearly number one priority list for Australian terminal illness kids to visit America's DisneyWorld.
Heath, There's many people have HIV and AIDS in USA, gotta deal with it.
Why leave things to chance ? Look, denying entry for people who are HIV + to the U.S.A. is the smart thing to do then there are the educational efforts within the U.S.A. to stop the spread of HIV + and if we would listen to the advice God gave in the book of Leviticus which is in essential, HIV prevention with alots of common sense then hopefully find a cure for HIV but I don't think there will be a 100 % cure of HIV and this sounds like one of the Biblical diseases being poured out from the book of Revealations in these End Times with so many people sinning before God like in the times of Noah, nobody heeded the call of God then the whole world drowned in a great flood so basically, the whole world is drowning in a disease that is a plague to society called HIV/AIDS. Let me ask you a question, during the Black Plague of the 17th or the 18th century. Would you of have left anything to chance ?

This is why I support the policy of protecting the U.S.A. from the diease plus any another much more deadly dieases to not be entered into the U.S.A. period. That is not being mean, that is being safe. Think about it 750,000 to 1 million HIV + immigrants being admitted to the U.S.A in the course of one year. Are you more than happy to take that chance ? I think not.

No, You won't surprised that more white people got AIDS/HIV than Latino does.
Which it's sad issue their own lawmakers and all want 'protection' their country and not allowed welcomed anyone who forgieners cannot come pay visit country come with HIV+.. I believe lawmakers are full of crap and discriminate ongoing counts!

I do agree w/Opal's statement certinally where their makewish when come and near.
First of all, why is it that people would think that HIV+ tourists come to USA to have sex with our citizens? Has it occured to you that they might not want to do that, but to visit around the US and see the beautiful sights that we have, plus contribute to our tourism economy?

I think this policy forces many HIV+ tourists to lie and to hide their medications via mailing them in advance or buying it from an expensive American market.

Opal has a wonderful point. Can we deny a kids with HIV+ entry to the US, therefore ruining his dream to go to Disney World or Disneyland?

It is sad that we do a better job banning sick tourists than terrorists.
Wow, I am shocked that such a ridiculous law exists but then again with our government should I be so surprised? Heh.

Anyone up to writing to the congress? ;)
Okay Lucia and Shel90, Since you ignore the value of medicine in the Holy Bible.

You both can not ignore these secular statements.

Let me ask you a question, during the Black Plague of the 17th or the 18th century. Would you of have left anything to chance ?

This is why I support the policy of protecting the U.S.A. from the diease plus any another much more deadly dieases to not be entered into the U.S.A. period. That is not being mean, that is being safe.

Think about it 750,000 to 1 million HIV + immigrants being admitted to the U.S.A in the course of one year. Are you more than happy to take that chance ? I think not.

Utter lunacy. You can chant your "That is not being mean, that is being safe" mantra all you want, and claim that you only have everyone's best interests at heart... but that fact is, Heath, you're just attempting to cloak your bigotry in religious rhetoric.

Yeah, I know... big surprise. You're certainly not the first to do so, and I'm sure you won't be the last.

The fact is, you've allowed yourself to succumb to the politics of Fear. You've chosen a kneejerk response to a "problem" that is not nearly as monumental as you've built up in your mind. If we allowed your criteria to govern who we admit into the country, then we'd likely be shutting down airports all over the nation.

After all... using your way of thinking (disclaimer: these are NOT my thoughts, but rather, an exaggeration to make a point)... we'd probably not let anyone who hails from the Middle East into the country, because they're probably all terrorists, right? And since our nation has an obesity problem, we shouldn't allow anymore overweight people into the country, right? And you know... teen pregnancy is still very much a problem all over the country... so we probably don't want to admit any more sexually active males into the country, so we can cut down on that pesky teen pregnancy thing, right? And gosh darn it... it sure would be a safer place if we only let members of the Christian faith cross our borders, don't you think? We just can't trust those heathen pagans/muslims/jews/insert-your-favorite-non-Christian here!

Unfortunately, Heath, you're not going to be able to seal the country up inside a protective bubble that keeps out everything you're afraid of. The world doesn't work that way.

My advice to you: educate yourself (with FACTS, rather than the bible) about the things that frighten you. You'll likely lead a happier life, free(r) of the fear that binds you.

This "law" is ridiculous, but certainly not surprising, being a piece of the Jesse Helms legacy.
This is discriminating. We need to change this law to let others enter our country so they can contribute to our economy and enjoy sightseeing and fulfill their wishing dreams like sick kids to visit Walt Disney, etc. This is shocking to me. NO way appalling really. We need to do something about it. Writing to Congress.. good way to start.. so lets write to our congress and do something today! :)
You guys just missed my point about the safety issue. Think about it from the perspective of a medical doctor. Do you really think a medical doctor would feel comfortable with having 5 million HIV + immigrants coming into the U.S.A. I don't think you, as a medical doctor would be comfortable with that.

If a HIV + kid made a wish then I don't see a problem with the Make a Wish Foundation taking their parents and the HIV + kids to Disneyland then they can go home. Jesus Christ !!!!! I am not that cold !!!!! This is more about common-sense safety measures.
Let's stick on the topic while we still can, okay?

In the early 80's, It was a sure thing about having an AIDS/HIV scare. Now that we're getting educated about it. I think it is time to make an amendment to that law to get it updated and be sure it is educated rather than just making a "ban" to bar these tourists with HIV+. I have no problem with the tourists visiting United States regardless of their health implications, so and on. Being a tourist and an immigrant are 2 separate things to have.

I do realize that it is scary but why do we have to bar them out when they (Other Countries) haven't barred us (American Citizens) out yet?
Look at this way, bird flu, I don't know much about it but still learning. 20 years ago, I was only 18 when AIDS first came out. The discovery was Rocky Hudson. I didn't know much about AIDS/HIV back then. I educated myself about those disease. It's worth learning how to protect yourself and not having a fear. It's best to learn different kinds of diseases and how you can protect yourself. Not going in a panic attack. It's not the end of the world. Just chill out.
Heath, STOP to being negative about AIDS and HIV, also that SOOO sick. :ugh:
:::holding up a white peace flag:::