Hey sis SG or aka Kiwideaf




****Warning don't feed Kiwi's to the Kiwi or be fine unlimited USD****

Sis SG you just been BOMBED hahaha! Mwah and hugs and love ya!
She already did in aim DM and my question to you is have you been drunk lately? hehehe

****Warning don't feed Kiwi's to the Kiwi or be fine unlimited USD****

Sis SG you just been BOMBED hahaha! Mwah and hugs and love ya!

Pfft sis Bear heh hugz

Don't feed he Bears or you'll be fined US $$ Trillions, and zillions of dollars!
hehe sis SG the *war* will never end.

*Writes note to self to find something for sis SG for her Ohio trip next year* hehehehe

Dont worry sis SG I will think of a new way to get ya back! Stay tuned!
*coughs* you angel yeah right! Lets see what else you are gonna come up with to try to fool all of us into believing.

After all isnt you that is known as the most mischeivious one? hehehe

***warning the Kiwi is loose and on the prowl! This Kiwi is considered very mischeivious and must be handled with caution*** hehehe
lol DM aint saying for you to help me, but sis SG will help me to gang up on ya and Cheri too hahaha!
*warning!!! Kiwis and Bears are in heat.. move away and dont poke them or they will hump ya!!!!* hahaha kidding, Kiwi and Bear.. hehe that will get massive laffs...