Hey sis SG or aka Kiwideaf

Yeah Calvin it's a crime to bring back old topics!!! LOL naw kidding.. but it was great to see some old topics come back.. lol what classic times eh?
Heh heh Sis Bear, they are feeding you coz you are the most hugged Bear online. heh heh

Nope sis SG they are feeding me in the hopes of getting me so fat that I cant reach for the ban button.

I know those devilish posters too well. Am resisting the food *evil chuckles* hehe
Hey Sis Bear

Remmy the mug that I got for u that said Dont Feed the Bear!!! Hope you have still got that mug.

Hehe how i came into hand of this mug was getting advice from sg to find it and to hand it to her and imgaine when she opened it she burst out laughing and couldnt believe we would find something like that. Sg was sooooo thrilled that i found something like that. :):):) Muahhh sis Bear
ROFL sis and yes I do still have the mug! I was schocked and that it so cute that you actually found a mug that says Dont Feed The Bears. hahaha ahhhhhh the memories!