Heaven and Hell...

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Why nobody answer my question?

I think a bad person die earlier than a good person - IMO. Know why ? Because, a good person can obey the law and follow it, but not a bad person. A bad person could be a serial killer or murderer, or abusive, or anythin' you could name it. The law will take that bad person to court... in jail or if jury vote for death penalty, then that bad person will go to death penalty and all.

There's always a bad reason for bein' a bad person than a good person. :)

*Christians want laws against drinking, adultery, pornography, abortion, fornication, gambling, strip clubs, and prostitution.
Reason?: no spiritual!

*Christians support wars against terrorism.
Reason?: if too pride and greed maybe Mark beast 666

*Christians support severe penalties against murderers, rapists, and pedophiles.
Reason?: no one murders, rapists,..

*Christians support modest dress, clean language, and family movies.
Reason?: any design dress and dream movie

*Christians are too judgmental.
Reason?: no judged neighbor but after death NEVER theory preach

*Christians preach too much against sin.
Reason?: too screw sin then destroy remember Jesus love Sinner!

*Christians are too involved in politics.
Reason?: Local,, not mixed other neighbors zone

So, are Christians too involved with fighting the world's evils, or not involved enough
GOD is NOT work because missed choice where is go any other Heaven Kingdom?

Where is 10 Commandments??

//Bro Ormond
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I have a question for you all...

Why good person have to die an earlier than bad person?
First of all, what is your definition of "good" and "bad"?

Secondly, what is "earlier"? Earlier than what? If a 30-year-old "good" person dies, and a 20-year-old "bad" person dies, and a "40-year-old "bad" person dies, all at the same time, who died "earlier"?

Who says that "good" people "have to die" earlier than "bad" people?

Do you have any statistics to support that statement?

Your question can't be answered because it supposes something that hasn't been proven.
First Point
Coin Flip?
If heaven and hell do not exist, and yet I believe in Jesus, and we both die...?
We stop existing.
If heaven and hell do exist, and yet I believe in Jesus, and we both die...?
Heaven for me?
Sounds like a fair deal for me!

Second Point
God does not play favorites.
If an All Loving God, loves everyone, but is seperated from us (because he is perfect, and we are sinful) God needs a way to make us sinless. He sacrificed Jesus. However, God can't force us to be clean. Everyone has equal chance.
If someone, like Jeffery Dahlmer, accepts this gift, the gift is powerful enough to make him clean, and be reunited with God.
If a good person does not accept this gift, God is not going to force this person.
So a murderer can be made clean and go to heaven, and yet a charitable person with a good life may not.

FYI Jeffery Dahlmer has been converted to Christianity just before his death in the shower. Did he really mean to conform to Christianity, I do not know... I cannot judge but I will let God sit on the judgment seat and make righteous judgment. Chances are that I will not make any good judgment so I leave it to Him. That is why it is mentioned in Matthew 7:1 - Do not judge or you will be judged."

Thought I would let you know about Jeffery.
Why nobody answer my question?

Depends on who you are talking about... many bad people died before good ones do. Many good people died before bad ones do.

Kinda difficult to answer with limited info in my hand.
Depends on who you are talking about... many bad people died before good ones do. Many good people died before bad ones do.

Kinda difficult to answer with limited info in my hand.

Yes, I currently agree with you... halford.... My mom and beloved husband died at such younger ages. It seems not fair !!
God is real.

Heaven is real.

Satan is real.

Hell is real.

Everything we need to know about those things are included in the Holy Bible.

Not everyone accepts the Bible as the Word of God.

God and His Word continue, whether or not people believe.

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