Heath's dating situation ? Help please ? Advice ?

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You posted:
"I actually dated a girl who just got out of the forensic unit of the state hospital and she was beautiful not like any of the mental girls you would normally see in a state hospital and I have dated girls who just got out of the women's correctional facility center and some of the another girls that I have dated were suicidal"

Reba, I should have been more clear, I met her at the bar and she was very nice and I liked her and we went out and my friends were telling me we both made a good couple then she turned out to be a real mental case, it was not until I talked to her father and some of her friends that I found out she had just got out of the forensic unit of the state hospital then shortly after that she went back to the state hospital and I saw how the girls were in the state hospital. I did not pick up girls from the state hospital nor a women's correctional facility center at all. I met the girls at normal social events, the bar, the library, bookstore, on the street , with my friends, one introduction to another introduction meetings etc.
Reba, I should have been more clear, I met her at the bar and she was very nice and I liked her and we went out and my friends were telling me we both made a good couple then she turned out to be a real mental case, it was not until I talked to her father and some of her friends that I found out she had just got out of the forensic unit of the state hospital then shortly after that she went back to the state hospital and I saw how the girls were in the state hospital. I did not pick up girls from the state hospital nor a women's correctional facility center at all. I met the girls at normal social events, the bar, the library, bookstore, on the street , with my friends, one introduction to another introduction meetings etc.
Thank you for clarifying.
Er, ask yourself... *IS* it really normal for somebody to find a mate at the bars? From my experience... only idiots would go in bar and find somebody to date with!
Just be careful when it comes to "Normal". We all can't predict NOTHING! 5 years from now, you'd be thinking totally different, trust me!

Reba, I should have been more clear, I met her at the bar and she was very nice and I liked her and we went out and my friends were telling me we both made a good couple then she turned out to be a real mental case, it was not until I talked to her father and some of her friends that I found out she had just got out of the forensic unit of the state hospital then shortly after that she went back to the state hospital and I saw how the girls were in the state hospital. I did not pick up girls from the state hospital nor a women's correctional facility center at all. I met the girls at normal social events, the bar, the library, bookstore, on the street , with my friends, one introduction to another introduction meetings etc.
There are plenty of women who would like to marry a Bible believing honest hard working man, you'd be surprised.

ur right.. women do want marry a strong christian guy.. like me.. now thinking maybe i ought to try and date a strong christian man. i have many bad experiences of dating wrong men..who are in drugs, drinking, etc. no more.. i am 33. cant find right guy YET.. sigh.. LOL.. im thinking im cursed.. :D heh..
What about deaf-dating online. I think there are at least 2 websites, I am not too sure.

You need to go out in the deaf community if you intend to marry a deaf lady - and get involved in your organizations. Like one posted, you need to make friends and get to know, etc be4 getting serious.

You are very bright and You have a good heart - I can see and you are still young. Try to cut down using the computer and go out and get more involved.

Deaf Squirrel
Er, ask yourself... *IS* it really normal for somebody to find a mate at the bars? From my experience... only idiots would go in bar and find somebody to date with!

I don't go looking for women to meet at the bars, in fact I am not looking for a woman at a bar, it just happens that way.

Just be careful when it comes to "Normal". We all can't predict NOTHING! 5 years from now, you'd be thinking totally different, trust me!

I would not know about that but I am getting very tired of dating girls who are mental cases. I have had enough.
I don't go looking for women to meet at the bars, in fact I am not looking for a woman at a bar, it just happens that way.
Actually, if you are a Christian, why are going to bars? How do you expect to find a Christian wife in a bar?
What about deaf-dating online. I think there are at least 2 websites, I am not too sure.

You need to go out in the deaf community if you intend to marry a deaf lady - and get involved in your organizations. Like one posted, you need to make friends and get to know, etc be4 getting serious.

You are very bright and You have a good heart - I can see and you are still young. Try to cut down using the computer and go out and get more involved.

Deaf Squirrel

The problem is I live out in the country and I have to wait until I go to college and for sure I am going to stay in the Deaf community once I am done with college because I am not going to live in a small town with no another Deaf person beside me. I have tried Deaf dating websites before but nothing good there either. She turned out to be a mental case too, I don't mean that in a bad way. She did really need help so I thought I am done with Deaf dating websites. Thank you very much for the nice comments and God Bless You too !!!!! :angel:
Actually, if you are a Christian, why are going to bars? How do you expect to find a Christian wife in a bar?

That was before I became a serious Christian.
The problem is I live out in the country and I have to wait until I go to college and for sure I am going to stay in the Deaf community once I am done with college because I am not going to live in a small town with no another Deaf person beside me. I have tried Deaf dating websites before but nothing good there either. She turned out to be a mental case too, I don't mean that in a bad way. She did really need help so I thought I am done with Deaf dating websites. Thank you very much for the nice comments and God Bless You too !!!!! :angel:

What college? Since you plan o enroll, then enjoy summer, not worry till then you are in school...
Wow - congratulations!!!

Good luck...

I graduated from RIT.

Advice - be serious studying - you will thank me.

Deaf Squirrel.

You are welcome and I intend to make the most of my time there studying for a college degree.
You are welcome and I intend to make the most of my time there studying for a college degree.

Just another advice:

there are too many groupies - Try not to be so close to anyone for next first month or so, then you will not regret for joining in a wrong groupie.

O I am talking about NTID - its not much different than Gally anyway.

Deaf Sqrrl.
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