Health Care to "control the people"

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Actually, she meant those bedridden people will end up being supported by taxpayers because they're completely unable to get a job, but it's also inhumane to end their lives... So effectively, they become a societal burden on social security because they made a reckless mistake of not wearing proper gears.

Once you've broke your skull or your neck, it's kinda hard to get yourself un-bedridden (or off of life-support in a wheelchair even) for the rest of your life.

I know.....I was joking about the productive member of society.

I have no problem with helmet and seat belt laws. Riding a bike or driving a car is a privilege
Actually, she meant those bedridden people will end up being supported by taxpayers because they're completely unable to get a job, but it's also inhumane to end their lives... So effectively, they become a societal burden on social security because they made a reckless mistake of not wearing proper gears.

Once you've broke your skull or your neck, it's kinda hard to get yourself un-bedridden (or off of life-support in a wheelchair even) for the rest of your life.

yes but point is... now with this reform... that means a much more cases that we have to pay for.... hence Kokonut's valid concern about how we are going to fund this especially with this crappy economy and unemployment going on. We are BROKE.
That one went so far under the radar. :shock:

I should have included an emoticon

The fight here was more about how helmet laws and seat belt laws came about. The Fed gov threatened Texas with loss of highway funds if they didn't comply with Fed guidelines. That didn't sit well with many.

That is also how our legal drinking age came to be 21. It was 18 until 1980 or so. Changed to 19 until 1986 when it became 21.

Question is whether it is right for the Federal Government to withhold funds to compel state law changes when the citizens and businesses of that state provide the government with those funds in the first place.
:lol: I certainly hope it will turn out for best but right now - I'm not very thrilled about mandatory insurance. well too late now. they passed it. now we're all together in the boat with holes so it's best we all row the boat together to the nearest island and see what happens in the end instead of bickering while the boat's sinking.


Agreed. But there are those that are paddling so hard against the current that we aren't getting anywhere. Seems they have no concept of working together.:cool2:
that's because we have PRIVATIZED healthcare where majority of the world benefits from us. only about 15% of Americans are not insured.

wondering what's next.... requiring each household to have a computer and internet in order to improve our education system? :hmm:

That's 15% too many in an industrialized and wealthy society.
I hear a lot of talking from opponents of the bill that it is unconstitutional. How so? Congress is empowered by the Constitution to regulate interstate commerce. Opponents argue that Congress's mandate that individuals must purchase insurance from private vendors is unprecedented, because uninsured individuals can't participate in commerce. Others argue that the health insurance mandate is clearly under the Constitution. Would the Supreme Court say that Congress can't regulate people who are participating in the $1 trillion health-care market? Naw. The lawsuits soon to appear before the Supreme Court simply don't have any legs both as a matter of precedence and as a matter of common sense.

Their legs are so shaky that it is a strong probability that the cases will never even be heard.
oh. I think I misunderstood your answer. I thought you were referring to the impact of my death on family members and friends.

your quote in response to my previous post that in health care - it affects only me - "Not quite true when you look at the results of health care that affect the others in your life, as well as society as a whole."

new response - I am not responsible for their well-being.

You are. however, responsible for harm when you make irresponsible decisions without concern for the way those decisions affect others.
You are. however, responsible for harm when you make irresponsible decisions without concern for the way those decisions affect others.

how? example?
yes but point is... now with this reform... that means a much more cases that we have to pay for.... hence Kokonut's valid concern about how we are going to fund this especially with this crappy economy and unemployment going on. We are BROKE.

What makes you think the accident rate is going to go up just because coverage is mandated? That's quite a reach.
how? example?

I have explained it numerous times. Choose for instance, not to be insured, end up needing catastrophic care for which you have no coverage, and the rest of society pays when medical costs rise as the result of your irresponsibility.
I have explained it numerous times. Choose for instance, not to be insured, end up needing catastrophic care for which you have no coverage, and the rest of society pays when medical costs rise as the result of your irresponsibility.

the rest of society pays for medical cost? this was before the reform?

so what's the difference with this reform? the society is paying for it too.
I am surprised outsourcing still takes place in today's economic reality. I suspect it will be reined in soon enough, though.
the rest of society pays for medical cost? this was before the reform?

so what's the difference with this reform? the society is paying for it too.

Exactly it just shifts costs rather than reducing them........Real reform would seek to lower costs first....then provide when necessary. This plan raises costs up front.....hopes the economy can pay it off later. Possible, but very unlikely
I am surprised outsourcing still takes place in today's economic reality. I suspect it will be reined in soon enough, though.

They won't do that.....companies would move their operations then.
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