Gun Appreciation Day

Oh, good, that's called paperworks. Would it include the buyer's name, etc (hopefully)?

well I'll need to see his NJ Firearm Purchase Identification Card and make a copy of it for paperwork.

but I'd refuse to sell it to people like you. no way!
I am not interested in your fucking junks. However, it's possible that you would be held accountable if you sell it to a criminal whom you didn't know.
I am not interested in your fucking junks.
I'm not even interested in doing business with an angry person like you.

However, it's possible that you would be held accountable if you sell it to a criminal whom you didn't know.

no... no.... no.... in NJ, if you have a NJ Firearm Purchase Identification Card, it means you're not a criminal. That card would be taken away if you were arrested and charged.
It would be very difficult to prove that seller intended to sell to future murderer in the court of law.

I am not interested in your fucking junks. However, it's possible that you would be held accountable if you sell it to a criminal whom you didn't know.
well I'll need to see his NJ Firearm Purchase Identification Card and make a copy of it for paperwork.
Beautifully, I trust you. I like honest gun sellers. Some don't since all they want is money like the ones at gun shows (IE Brady Campaign video).
Beautifully, I trust you. I like honest gun sellers.
I'm not a gun seller. I don't sell guns for business. beside - it's more difficult to purchase/sell handgun in NJ than shotgun/rifle. Additional paperwork and background check are involved when it comes to handgun.

You must have one purchase permit obtained and approved by your local police chief for every handgun you want to buy. no registration or paperwork is needed for long guns.

Some don't since all they want is money like the ones at gun shows (IE Brady Campaign video).
they're honest gun sellers too.

seriously... you're THAT concerned about "less than 2%" and not 80%?
I'm not a gun seller. I don't sell guns for business. beside - it's more difficult to purchase/sell handgun in NJ than shotgun/rifle. Additional paperwork and background check are involved when it comes to handgun.

You must have one purchase permit obtained and approved by your local police chief for every handgun you want to buy. no registration or paperwork is needed for long guns.

they're honest gun sellers too.

seriously... you're THAT concerned about "less than 2%" and not 80%?
Just for handguns? WHY???
Just for handguns? WHY???

I had a same thought. why all these unnecessary paperwork for handgun?

cuz cops are whining and fussing around that it's easier to conceal a handgun and they don't wanna get shot. what a wanker.... look at Alaska and dozens of states with shall-issue CCW. they ain't whining.
I used to have a pen pal in the country of South Africa. She told me about living there. They have gun control there. The citizens are not allowed to have guns at all. The cops and the criminals and the soldiers, they have guns. There are a lot of corrupt cops and the criminals - a lot of them live in big camps outside the cities. They go in and shuck people out of their houses like peas. They shoot the guys and rape the women and of course steal everything of value.
The citizens that can afford it have a lot of elaborate security systems including having their sleeping area completely enclosed from the house with superstrong doors that are bulletproof and burglarproof.
I am not that into guns but have hunting rifles, shotguns, etc. for normal outdoor life. If I had a wife I would be armed with a pistol and make sure she has one as well. The world is not a safe place. My fellow males are big trouble and if I want to keep some of those criminals from stealing my stuff or doing harm to my family then it is my responsibility to be ready willing and able to kill them dead as a roadkilled porcupine.
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Mod note:

What's up with the language here and other thread? Sure, there is freedom of speech, but not everyone in AD appreciates the cuss words. This thread is becoming excessive with the swear words... please be considerate of others and tone down the language.

Thank you.
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A friend of mine, her son was talking the other day...(he's 21)...about wanting to get a Concealed weapon permit....I was thinking..."Oh NO!"...he has a very fiery/bold and hot temper...thinks he's the "Champion" and all that...even has busted holes in my friend's house due to anger.....he bullies people also...
A friend of mine, her son was talking the other day...(he's 21)...about wanting to get a Concealed weapon permit....I was thinking..."Oh NO!"...he has a very fiery/bold and hot temper...thinks he's the "Champion" and all that...even has busted holes in my friend's house due to anger.....he bullies people also...

Yup, I'm more concerned about mentally ill, so far more than gun owners with clean record, no angry issues.
How are they to determine anger issues? Every store have an official Jiro to work the buyer over for a while? After the guy cracks then put it on record, "cannot take verbal jousting, failed final gun exam". :lol:
A friend of mine, her son was talking the other day...(he's 21)...about wanting to get a Concealed weapon permit....I was thinking..."Oh NO!"...he has a very fiery/bold and hot temper...thinks he's the "Champion" and all that...even has busted holes in my friend's house due to anger.....he bullies people also...

has he been arrested?
How are they to determine anger issues? Every store have an official Jiro to work the buyer over for a while? After the guy cracks then put it on record, "cannot take verbal jousting, failed final gun exam". :lol:

For a private seller - you just use your common sense and instinct based on buyer's attitude, behavior, and body language. Many sellers refuse to sell guns to those they're not comfortable with. example - A gun range manager rejected James Holmes' application for membership because he felt Holmes's behavior was bizarre.

For a gun dealer - if a person has an anger issue... chance is he's got an arrest record such as assault, domestic violence, etc. Millions of applications have been rejected because a buyer failed a background check or seller wasn't comfortable.

A simple interview/conversation is more than enough to determine a buyer's mental status.
For a private seller - you just use your common sense and instinct based on buyer's attitude, behavior, and body language. Many sellers refuse to sell guns to those they're not comfortable with. example - A gun range manager rejected James Holmes' application for membership because he felt Holmes's behavior was bizarre.

For a gun dealer - if a person has an anger issue... chance is he's got an arrest record such as assault, domestic violence, etc. Millions of applications have been rejected because a buyer failed a background check or seller wasn't comfortable.

A simple interview/conversation is more than enough to determine a buyer's mental status.
It's not that easy. Most of the times, we can't see the other side of people. For example, I meet you and you look friendly to me and then you go home and beat up your wife.
That was one of the reasons I read about for having who has a hand gun concealed carry permit be public knowledge. The idea was that a person whose behaviour is not congruent with the responsibilities of legal packing then it can be protested. It looks like that will now be lost with the actions of that ignoramus news lady.
If a legal gunseller observes somethings that give him concern and then decides to refuse a sale- does that get recorded on the permanent record or does it just stop with that seller?