Grandmother Shoots Intruder took the law into her own hands

web730 said:
Well, Warsaw wasn't in Germany before and after WWll, either.
By the way I agree with reba and bigdaddyb (along with few others) about this gun-intruder debate.

I don't own one yet, but I should. It gives you a better advantage and leverage against the crooks or intruders or yet worse killers.

Just look at the British gun laws that didn't slow down but intsead skyrocketed with crimes ... excellent sample as just what bigdaddyb said.

Just use your common sense when owning a gun is all.

Warsaw is not in Germany but Poland.

I think British law should use Gun control as restriction instead of banned.
Gun Control

Gun control should DEFINETLY be strictly enforced, regulated and allowed provided certain courses are taken, weapons are in child safe containers, and weapons are registered not only by serial number, but also by projectile (bullet), as every weapon leaves a certain pattern on the projectile (bullet) when it fires a round. This way, police could easily identify a weapon that is eventually used for criminal purposes. Banning guns only makes it that much easier for the criminals. You can't put a Bobby or Police Officer on every corner and in every home. But with the right laws and the right enforcement of those laws, life would be for alot of people easier and safer.
Liebling:-))) said:
Gun Control Advocates Purvey Deadly Myths

That's why I think gun control should be restriction for civil duties only.
Wow, I surprised that you posted that link! I thought you supported restriction of private gun ownership.

Good link. We have that author's book.