Funny Thing About Rush Limbaugh

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maybe you shouldn't pass the judgment so quickly.
:ty: Thank you. I did not want to resort to name calling. All the religious people would say Judgement Day is coming for me anyway. Heck, if they legalized it, I would be off the hook for my past mistakes. :laugh2:
Besides being a drug addict and hypocrit, he is a good example why drugs should be legalised. During his addiction, he was able to function and hold down a job. He even lost some weight.
Back to the original topic. He was able to hold down his job, because he could do his job impaired. That tells me anyone can get on a radio, get trashed, and insult half the nation with biased opinions. There are millions that do the same thing as a hobby. You can find them in bars, crack houses, places of this nature. They just don't get paid or have radio transmitters. Glad your opinion is in the very small minority. Maybe you can get Rush to use his powerful influence to start a "Legalize Opiates" campaign. He could use his experience to rebuff the opposition, belittle the people with horror stories about their own experiences, etc.
Yo, Einstein....I was in my late teens when I did this. This was 35 years ago. You want me to turn myself in? Sounds like you are running out of ammo, so you make a personal attacking comment.

Ive already posted, I am against putting people in jail for drug use. You seem to support criminalization. Also, most people for legalization, want it for adults over 21. It would not have been legal for you anyway.
Back to the original topic. He was able to hold down his job, because he could do his job impaired. That tells me anyone can get on a radio, get trashed, and insult half the nation with biased opinions. There are millions that do the same thing as a hobby. You can find them in bars, crack houses, places of this nature. They just don't get paid or have radio transmitters. Glad your opinion is in the very small minority. Maybe you can get Rush to use his powerful influence to start a "Legalize Opiates" campaign. He could use his experience to rebuff the opposition, belittle the people with horror stories about their own experiences, etc.

and what exactly is your point?
then what in the world are you advocating for? please do clarify for me so I understand your position.

I advocate adults over 21, to be allowed to buy their drugs legally and use them in their home without fear of police busting in and arresting them. Just like you can with alcohol and cigarettes.
I advocate adults over 21, to be allowed to buy their drugs legally and use them in their home without fear of police busting in and arresting them. Just like you can with alcohol and cigarettes.

I'm envisioning a bunch of underage kids in the above scenario at a 22 yr old's place.....
I'm envisioning a bunch of underage kids in the above scenario at a 22 yr old's place.....
then you have stiff penalties for anyone providing drugs to underage children.

I am all for keeping drugs out of the hands of minors.

The war on drugs did nothing to keep drugs from being unavailable to me. I could bought them in middle school. Drug dealers target children, cuz theyre less likely to be a cop.

I want legalization for adults over 21, while increasing efforts to keep them away from children.
then you have stiff penalties for anyone providing drugs to underage children.

I am all for keeping drugs out of the hands of minors.

The war on drugs did nothing to keep drugs from being unavailable to me. I could bought them in middle school. Drug dealers target children, cuz theyre less likely to be a cop.

I want legalization for adults over 21, while increasing efforts to keep them away from children.

I was really just half kidding up there but now I'm wondering about your last I have visions of a police state. :P
Legalizing Pain pills, and prescription drugs; that are intended for illnesses.

I do not agree with that.

Prescription drugs are not made for pleasure. They are made to help the ones that are in medical need for the drugs.
then you have stiff penalties for anyone providing drugs to underage children.

I am all for keeping drugs out of the hands of minors.

The war on drugs did nothing to keep drugs from being unavailable to me. I could bought them in middle school. Drug dealers target children, cuz theyre less likely to be a cop.

I want legalization for adults over 21, while increasing efforts to keep them away from children.

Let me get this straight, you want coke, heroin, prescription pills, opiates, etc ALL to be legal? And absolutely no restrictions? No limits to how many you can get?

My my, I don't even think you comprehend how wrong that is from a medical standpoint. You forget the EFFECTIVENESS of drugs. You have to drink a LOT of alcohol to die from it. You have to smoke a LOT of tobacco to die from it. What if a kid accidently swallows a few pills of vicodin...? And I'm no doctor, but wouldn't this kind of strengthen viruses and bacteria for antibiotics? Isn't that why doctors say DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 2 pills for certain medicines? It doesn't only have to do with toxicity....

Are you saying you want to wipe out pharmacies and get everything over the counter? I'm sorry, I'm trying hard to understand where you are coming from.
maybe you should voluntarily check yourself into jail for all those criminal acts you committed. or are you above the law?

Ive already posted, I am against putting people in jail for drug use. You seem to support criminalization. Also, most people for legalization, want it for adults over 21. It would not have been legal for you anyway.

and what exactly is your point?

Your first two replies seem to cancel each other out. Should I go to jail, or not? Hmmm....
You have taken the stage here to post support for open drug use. They do have this system, in limited use, over in Amsterdam. Anyhow, my point does not matter. I find it impossible to reason with unreasonable people. We disagree. Feel free to get the final words in. Have a nice day.
I advocate adults over 21, to be allowed to buy their drugs legally and use them in their home without fear of police busting in and arresting them. Just like you can with alcohol and cigarettes.

ah-ha.... I see what you mean. Well yes I do agree that what people do at their own home is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. as long as their recreational activity is strictly limited to their own home aka "RESPONSIBLE drug user"... fine by me :cool2:

I do have a good friend who is like that and he's the smartest man I've ever know.. oh he's also a very liberal person :)
But.. is Doug5 talkin about the "light" drugs like marijuana, etc, or EVERYTHING....?
Do your research and you will find the opiates are among the safest and least toxic of all the pain medicienes. Being the fat cigar chomping pig, he obviously doesnt care about his health anyways. Where was there the signs of impairment? He was on the radio and people had no idea. So if he doesnt drive why would you care what he does?

Rush became deaf because of extensive drug abuse.

We should care when someone is high on drugs and does machinary.

I know about drugs but you have to understand that drugs are NOT bad per se, it's the relationship that a person have with a drug that can be bad or good. When a person takes a drug that is several times the recommended dose and endangers his own health and others, then it has to stop right there.

I don't even support tobacco at all. Alcohol is fine with me as studies have shown clear benefits of moderate drinking.. and I emphasize MODERATION.
Liebling made a good point in another thread....

Do not post assumptions without facts

I was wrong about this too.....

the statement: (not just Netrox but most of us)
Rush became deaf because of extensive drug abuse.

Apparently the fact:
7. After he went deaf in 2001 because of an autoimmune inner ear disease, Limbaugh hired a stenographer who sends him real-time transcripts of on-air conversations. He also has a cochlear implant that enables him to hear callers.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Rush Limbaugh - US News and World Report

Learn something new everyday.
But.. is Doug5 talkin about the "light" drugs like marijuana, etc, or EVERYTHING....?

I think he means everything.

Which would include crack cocaine and methamphetamine, Very bad stuff!

People doing inside the privacy of their own homes. What about the children that lives inside of that home?
I think he means everything.

Which would include crack cocaine and methamphetamine, Very bad stuff!

People doing inside the privacy of their own homes. What about the children that lives inside of that home?

what about parents who are smoker? and alcoholic? and physically-abusive? and pets? and guns? and dangerous equipments like power tools? nothing more than double standard.......

If you really want to compare. Be my guest.

That is like comparing an aspirin to a narcotic pain pill.


If you really want to compare. Be my guest.

That is like comparing an aspirin to a narcotic pain pill.


and alcohol & smoking killed more people than these illicit drugs...
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