Funny Thing About Rush Limbaugh

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I think Jiro has been smoking crack while Doug has been using heroin. :eek:

I think it's crazy to legalize both of these drugs.

Both of them are trippin'
I don't. Do you know how addictive heroin is -- not to mention how severe withdrawal symptoms are?

and how is it any different from legal drugs like methadone? vicodin? Rush Limbaugh is the perfect example of it.
Has Jiro been smoking crack when he said that cocaine should be leagalized? :shock:

I think Jiro has been smoking crack while Doug has been using heroin. :eek:

I think it's crazy to legalize both of these drugs.

sorry to see that you are the result of pharmaceutical companies' highly-effective brainwashing campaign.
sorry to see that you are the result of pharmaceutical companies' highly-effective brainwashing campaign.

"Brainwashing campaign?" Are you serious? Everyone knows the devastating effects of heroin -- especially upon withdrawal. It's categorized as being one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs for a reason, you know.
and how is it any different from legal drugs like methadone? vicodin? Rush Limbaugh is the perfect example of it.

Rush Limbaugh was still able to function despite taking OxyContin.

The other drugs you mentioned do not have the same severity of withdrawal symptoms as heroin does.
Dang. Too bad Jillio isn't here. I'd be curious to know what her thoughts are regarding legalizing coke and heroin. I'm guessing she wouldn't approve.
"Brainwashing campaign?" Are you serious? Everyone knows the devastating effects of heroin -- especially upon withdrawal. It's categorized as being one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs for a reason, you know.

Dang. Too bad Jillio isn't here. I'd be curious to know what her thoughts are regarding legalizing coke and heroin. I'm guessing she wouldn't approve.

I have not said that I want to legalize heroin. Legalizing marijuana and cocaine will curb down bunch of other drug issues. It's just a start. Legalize it and CONTROL it.

Again - tell me how is our current situation ANY better? Everyday - thousand of people dies from drug wars over marijuana, cocaine, heroine, crack, and bunch more. Everyday - we're shitty millions of dollars on hopeless drug wars. For god's sake - look at Mexico. They even had to resort to sending army to regain the control of the towns!
I have not said that I want to legalize heroin. Legalizing marijuana and cocaine will curb down bunch of other drug issues. It's just a start. Legalize it and CONTROL it.

Where do you get the idea that legalizing cocaine and marijuana will curb down on heroin use, etc.? If someone wants to take heroin, they will. Legalizing coke or marijuana won't change their mind.
Where do you get the idea that legalizing cocaine and marijuana will curb down on heroin use, etc.? If someone wants to take heroin, they will. Legalizing coke or marijuana won't change their mind.

Cocaine is expensive aka rich man's drug. So what happens? The dealers created poor man's cocaine called crack, speed, meth, etc. These drugs are filthy and extremely destructive. Because cocaine is illegal - pharmaceutical companies makes BILLIONS of dollars with stimulant drugs for same effect as cocaine.... along with side effects. By legalizing cocaine, Cocaine is a stimulant drug. Legalizing it will curb down the use of filthy drugs like speed, crack, etc.... and also to bring down the cost of drugs for those who need a stimulant.

Now for marijuana. People want to get HIGH. heroin produces similar effect. the argument for this is same as above. Both cocaine and marijuana came from plants. why ban natural products? :dunno:
You and I will have to agree to disagree, Jiro.

that's fine. The result of your argument is already apparent to this date. Costly drug wars, many lost lives, futile drug laws, ineffective enforcement, and list goes on forever. The winner of this drug war is the dealers.
Such has been the case as long as drugs have been around.

yes of course. that's why it's pointless to continue spending trillions on this futile drug wars. The Prohibitionism is truly an EPIC FAIL!
So Doug and Jiro, are you so sure that there won't be an implosion of drug users? I don't give a hoopula about whether people do it or not, but the potential harmful decisions that could kill other people (like drunk drivers). But are you so sure that there won't be an increase in drug using? Just because the drug war sucks now doesn't mean any other option will be BETTER.
So Doug and Jiro, are you so sure that there won't be an implosion of drug users? I don't give a hoopula about whether people do it or not, but the potential harmful decisions that could kill other people (like drunk drivers). But are you so sure that there won't be an increase in drug using? Just because the drug war sucks now doesn't mean any other option will be BETTER.

simple - look at drug-friendly countries like Amsterdam, Australia, South America, Russia, etc... they're doing just fine. :smoking:
simple - look at drug-friendly countries like Amsterdam, Australia, South America, Russia, etc... they're doing just fine. :smoking:

Aren't you lumping all drugs into one?

I'm for the legalization of marijuana. The rest, not so much, due to easier overdose, addiction, etc.
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