FL. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case

Cheri said:
It wasn't 15 years; Wake up Jeff! He cheat on her 2 yrs after Terri collapsed in 1990., Pay attention for gosh sake. He gave up his marriage after 2 fregging years TWO Get it in your thin head of yours. :ty:
while it does seem pitiful that he "cheated" on his wife, but c'mon...his wife isn't really alive anymore. she's brain dead, can't speak, can't walk and can't even eat her own food...so he wanted to move on with his life instead of staying in the dark watching his wife suffer on the coma with the feeding tube on her and doesn't even know what has happened to her anyway.

he's already married to another and has two kids...it's proably not too healthy if he just stays with his wife who isn't herself anymore and isn't even alive, as well.

and that's just FAR different than what happened to the actor who played Superman...he was still alive, can still communicate and his brain was still funtionable, but couldn't stand up and walk or even move his arms and legs, etc...but his wife is still there for him, as long as he is actually alive for 9 years since the horse accident.
Steel said:
why don't they just put her to SLEEP instead of letting her starve to death?!? :roll:

That's what I told Roadrunner the other day, why didn't they just put her to sleep then letting her slowly starve to death, now today is the 10 th day....

^Angel^ said:
That's what I told Roadrunner the other day, why didn't they just put her to sleep then letting her slowly starve to death, now today is the 10 th day....

if they ever show a video of her skin sucking through her ribs, getting skinny and skinny than ever...I'd barf for sure. :ugh:

But seriously...just put her to sleep. enough is enough!

I'm so tired of all the fights and arguments from the protestors, the catoholics organizations (and I'm just thankful that I'm not catholic, no offense) and even Florida Gov. Bush trying to find ways to keep her alive...what good would keep her alive if she's still going to be that way for another 10 years? she may look alive, but she's really dead inside.


even though most of my relatives are from Florida...I can't wait to see 'em again sometime soon! :D

*ahem* anyway...let me know when there are more updates to this story.
^Angel^ said:
That's what I told Roadrunner the other day, why didn't they just put her to sleep then letting her slowly starve to death, now today is the 10 th day....


Angel -- my thoughts exactly -- unfortunately the USA doesnt allow euthanasia for humans in extreme unreversable medical crisis like this case :(
Fly Free said:
Angel -- my thoughts exactly -- unfortunately the USA doesnt allow euthanasia for humans in extreme unreversable medical crisis like this case :(

I'm aware of that FlyFree, but I find it unfair just because the person have a medical problem, it doesn't mean they can make them suffer even more, and let them die so slowly by starving them to death

I feel like people who has medical problems that need to be put to sleep are treat like they're actually on a death row..

I think they should do this to people on the death row, cause they may deserve it but not those who are innocents...They can't help it if they became ill or have a brain damaged...I believe something need to be changed in this and let the patient die quickly then making them suffer alot more after what they've been thru in the beginning....

Starving someone to death is just a cruel act of murder even some may disagree with me but that what I believe....If I was a nurse there at the nursey home, I don't think I would want to watch her bones sticking out, or see how skinning she became or having her skin started to peel or seeing blood falling from her eyes....God, I can't say anymore on this, it just tear me up so bad just to picture it in my head.... :(
^Angel^ said:
Starving someone to death is just a cruel act of murder even some may disagree with me but that what I believe....If I was a nurse there at the nursey home, I don't think I would want to watch her bones sticking out, or see how skinning she became or having her skin started to peel or seeing blood falling from her eyes....God, I can't say anymore on this, it just tear me up so bad just to picture it in my head.... :(

Yes, I second that.

Like what I say in my previous posts that the doctors should put Terri sleep gentle without suffering like what the vets did with pets instead of remove her feeding tube to starving her to death.

I think it´s cruel and selfish to let Terri stay alive for other 15 years like this.
I would suggest you to watch DVD "A Cry In The Dark", it´s true movie about Australian married couple named Lindy and Michael Chamberlain, the dingo took their baby daughter and kill her. They faced cruel, judging, bitching supporters thru medias who support Dingo. I feel terrible when I saw their movies and think of Terri´s case. I can image how Michael feels when he face judging and bitching supporters/medias since Terri´s parents made a scandal. Sorry, I think Terri´s parents are selfish. Sorry again because I don´t like to say this but I has to. Very sorry.

I would not starve my hubby to death if he has a palayzed, Parkinson diease, Alzheimer, prostate cancer, lost limbs, etc etc etc but damaged brain....?

But severe damaged brain? I mean:
CAN´t talk
CAN´t read
CAN´t communicate
No feeling/emotion

I think it´s CRUEL and selfish to let my hubby carrying on living like this for rest of his life if he is in Terri´s shoes. I would put my hubby sleep gentle without suffering.

What you do when your cats/dogs are ill? I bet you would say it´s better to put them sleep to save their suffering.

If this were me, I wouldn't want to live like Terri. I let my hubby to put me sleep gentle instead of remove my feeding tube if the doctors tell my hubby that it´s no chance for therapies to improve my healthy.

I do not listen medias because the medias make alot of make up stories to influence people to beleive Terri´s parents´s side. I notice that Terri´s parents made more and more in the public than Michael. I had the feeling it´s Terri´s parents who made big scandal, that´s what my friends and I talked about this yesterday.
^Angel^ said:
That's what I told Roadrunner the other day, why didn't they just put her to sleep then letting her slowly starve to death, now today is the 10 th day....


Yeah, that´s what my friends, my hubby and I talked about yesterday. We don´t understand Florida law system.
Is it true that it is a comforable death with the kidney failure after one's tube is pulled?
Liebling:-))) said:
I would put my hubby sleep gentle without suffering.
How would you legally and morally do that?

What you do when your cats/dogs are ill? I bet you would say it´s better to put them sleep to save their suffering.
I would never compare a cat or dog to my husband or child.

I let my hubby to put me sleep gentle...

I notice that Terri´s parents made more and more in the public than Michael. I had the feeling it´s Terri´s parents who made big scandal, that´s what my friends and I talked about this yesterday.
Terri's parents want people to know the truth of the situation. Michael wants to hide the truth.
Liebling:-))) said:
2 years is long enough to make move on.
I didn't know the marriage vows had a 2-year time limit. That's worse than a car warranty. :(

Have you heard anything what Michael say against Terri´s parents?
The reason Michael doesn't say anything against Terri's family is because there is nothing he can say against them. The parents are right, and they have nothing to hide.
Yeah Toonces, just on CNN. They are trying to make congress force the court to enforce the subpoena that require Terri to show up before the court (that subpoena were postponed in the past)

But according to this Terri Wikipedia:
Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, including Dennis Hastert of Illinois, Tom DeLay of Texas, and Tom Davis of Virginia, opened a congressional inquiry of the House Government Reform Committee, to take place in Clearwater on March 25, and issued subpoenas for Terri and Michael Schiavo and several hospice workers. Greer struck down the subpoenas as unconstitutional and let the order that gave Schiavo permission to remove the feeding tube stand. Greer ordered that the tube be removed immediately, per Mr. Schiavo's request.

It has been reported that Tom DeLay did let his father die
On March 26, 2005, the Los Angeles Times reported that Congreessman DeLay and his family decided, in 1988, to allow his father to die after he was badly injured in a tram accident. "Extraordinary measures to prolong life were not initiated," said the medical report of Charles DeLay, and cited "agreement with the family's wishes." the Los Angeles Times noted, "there was no such fiery rhetoric as the congressman quietly joined the sad family consensus to let his father die." [38]
As you can see that Tom DeLay is using Terri's situation to make him look good but it has backfired on him because of what he said behind closed door! shame on him and his cohorts!

I don't quite understand why some of you people keep comparing the other cases to Terri's case when she is not on no life support machine, she can breathe on her own and all she was on is a feeding tube because she is unable to feed herself, and yet I haven't heard one case that says, someone like Terri was also starve to death....

Just because Terri is brain damage, and some of you people have to find a issue that may be related to her condtion, yet I don't see them going thru like Terri is which she is slowly starving herself to death and it has been the 10 th day....

I'm going to say this once more again, Terri was not on NO LIFE SUPPORT machines or any other type of machine that is keeping her alive, I wouldn't have a problem pulling a life machine but starve someone to death is a totally different issue here.....

When my grandfather had cancer and he became worse which end him into a hospital, he wasn't able to breathe on his own, he was on a life support machine, my grandmother turned off his life support machine and he died that DAY!!!!!!!
Yes, Boult, I've read about Congressman Tom DeLay's father and how he was allowed to die. I too had thought that was a bit fishy, but then I read some more and realized that Tom DeLay's father was on life support machine. When the machine was turned off, the father's death was a little quick. I have no problem with life support machine, either. Like Angel said, Terri is able to breathe on her own and does not need any machine to keep her alive except just a feeding tube. Pulling the tube and letting her starve slowly and needlessly to death...I DO have a problem with it. :/
I respect your opinion Liebling, But I don't find it cruel and abuse that I believe Terri has a chance if she had the right therapy. Which she never gotten. I believe that when people have their patience's and faith in Terri, Things would go in a positive way, But giving up hope doesn't make Terri get any better. Michael gave up too soon and two years isn't long. It shouldn't matter if Terri is in some hospital laying in bed, Michael should have been on her side instead of going out looking for pussies. Sorry, Had to say it. :lol: