FL. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case

Cheri said:
instead of going out looking for pussies. Sorry, Had to say it. :lol:

:rofl: I knew you were going to say something like this, it soo you Cheri! haha
But I don't find it cruel and abuse that I believe Terri has a chance if she had the right therapy. Which she never gotten.

She DID have rehab therapies (including experimental therapy hoping to make her brain create new cells) and they failed to help her. If it doesn't work after a year of therapy, then the odds are very slim.

Here's an actual court order:


Terri's parents wanted him to divorce her and inherit Terri's estate. They literally encouraged him to "get on with his life." It also said, "It is also interesting to note that Mr Schiavo continues to be the most regular visitor to his wife." That's why the court did not believe Terri's parents - also her mother made quotes that was inconsistent and the court noticed it fortunately. Interesting, Terri's mom testified that Terri did say, "Just leave Karen (who was on life support) alone" and she said that it was when she was 17 to 20 yrs old but the court ignored her because it found that it was in the wrong time frame (she was actually 11 or 12, not 17 or 20) and found her to be unreliable.

As for Micheal's order not to treat Terri with infection, he did because of the medical advice he got.

If Terri really wants to die, why is she fighting so hard to stay alive? Going without all food and water for this long can even kill a strong healthy person. But supposedly, she was a barely alive person when they took the feeding tube out. And yet, she struggles to stay alive. If she really wanted to die, she would just give up and die quickly. That often happens. We all have known sickly or elderly people who just "give up" and die. But Terri is not doing that.
Court explains why the Terri video can be misleading:

"Three of the five doctors testified that Terry Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state, although Dr. Cranford felt it more appropriate to phrase it permanent vegetative state which meant that the condition was irreversible. Two of the doctors felt that she was not in a persistent vegetative state. These two sets of opinions had little in common. Those who felt she was not in a persistent vegetative state placed great emphasis upon her interaction with her mother during Dr. Maxfield's examination and the tracking of a balloon. Those who felt that she was in a persistent vegetative state felt that her actions were neither consistent nor reproducible but rather were random reflexes in response to stimuli. However, the court has not and will not make its decision or a simple head count but will instead consider all factors.

At first blush, the video of Terry Schiavo appearing to smile and look lovingly at her mother seemed to represent cognition. This was also true for how she followed the Mickey Mouse balloon held by her father. The court has carefully viewed the videotapes as requested by counsel and does find that these actions were neither consistent nor reproducible. For instance, Terry Schiavo appeared to have the same look on her face when Dr. Cranford rubbed her neck. Dr. Greer testified she had a smile during his (non-videoed) examination. Also, Mr. Schlinder tried several more times to have her eyes follow the Mickey Mouse balloon but without success. Also, she clearly does not consistently respond to her mother. The court finds that based on the credible evidence, cognitive function would manifest itself in a constant esponse to stimuli.

Dr. Hammesfahr testified that he felt that he was able to get Terry Schiavo to reproduce repeatedly to his commands. However, by the court's count, he gave 105 commands to Terry Schiavo and, at his direction, Mrs. Schindler gave an additional 6 commands. Again, by the court's count, he asked her 61 questions and Mrs. Schindler, at his direction, asked her an additional 11 questions. The court saw few actions that could be considered responsive to either those commands or those questions. The videographer focused on her hands when Dr. Hammesfahr was asking her to squeeze.

While Dr. Hammesfahr testified that she squeezed his finger on command, the video would not appear to support that and his reaction on the video likewise would not appear to support that testimony.

The record is replete with the doctors disagreeing over what the videotapes appeared to portray. For instance, was it a visual orienting reflex or was it tracking. Was it a cognitive focus of the eyes or was it a startle response looking to the sound. Perhaps the most compelling testimony was that of Dr. Bambakidis who explained to the court the agony and soul-searching which he underwent to arrive at his opinion that Terry Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state. He concluded that all the data as a whole supports permanent vegetative state. While the others may have gone through such an analysis, their testimony does not indicate that.

Another issue involved the piano music played via cassette tape in her room during Dr. Hammesfahr examination. Dr. Maxfield testified she related to it and "tried to sing". However, this music was played markedly louder than any other music or voice commands of the doctors. It was probably louder than the handclasp or dropped objects that always seemed to produce a startle reflex. Dr. Greer testified that the length of the reflex depends on the direction of the stimulation.

Dr. Maxfield also felt that '02 CT Scan showed improvement in the quality of the remaining brain matter and that one reason Terry Schiavo was not in a persistent vegetative state was that she could swallow her own saliva and breathe on her own.

These views were not supported by any of the other doctors and Drs. Greer, Bambakidis and Cranford strongly disagreed with his '02 CT Scan opinion. Dr. Cranford further testified that saliva handling is from the brain stem, a reflex."

Her brain stem is still intact so anything that's loud will make her look startled. It's just a reflex and they tried to repeat tests over and over with no luck. And Dr. Hammesfahr said "she can swallow 2 liters of water" but that's "salvia" he's talking about and it's what the brain stem does! He played music so loud that it made her reflex to it. Misleading, indeed!

netrox said:
She DID have rehab therapies (including experimental therapy hoping to make her brain create new cells) and they failed to help her. If it doesn't work after a year of therapy, then the odds are very slim.

Oh really?!

In April of 1991, about a year after her collapse, therapists at Bradenton Mediplex Rehabilitation Center determined that Terri's condition was improving and recommended Michael have her transferred to Gainesville Rehabilitation Center to receive advanced therapy so she could continue her recovery. But by July, Michael had instead moved her to Sable Palms Nursing Home, with no such therapy. Later, he refused to allow therapies that her parents believed might have allowed her to swallow, so she would not have to rely on a feeding tube.


Beginning almost immediately after receiving the malpractice funds, Michael Schiavo, as Terri's legal guardian, began to refuse approval for ANY therapy or rehabilitation efforts and she has been confined to bed.

In 1998, Michael Schiavo petitioned the court to have Terri's feeding tube removed. In 2003, Michael Schiavo's attorneys reported that the trust fund was down to $50,000, with more than $430,000 going to "pay for court costs associated with her husband's legal battle to remove his wife's feeding tube." Meanwhile, Medicaid helps to pay Terri's $5,000-a-month nursing costs at a hospice in Pinellas Park, Florida. 13

Jeff, You more more links? Michael did not approval any therapy or rehabilitation efforts.
For seven years as Terri has been consistently denied rehabilitation treatment that, according to several doctors, would have significantly improved her chances of recovery, Michael spent her money awarded for her therapy on lawyers trying to get her starved to death.


The patient continued with no physical therapy, communication or speech therapy, or routine medical screening evaluations and treatment such as dental care, mammography, gynecological exams or pap smears during this time."

It's so easy to judge Terri's parent when you cannot judge Michael, Look what he have provide for Terri? All he have done was going to court trying to get her dead, without even trying to save her life! No wonder why it took 15 years. My Gosh.. What is happening to this world today? What was the court thinking? I don't know what to say more about this but the whole thing is so sickness.
cheri! i know that girl! it make me sickness to say more here.. sigh.. i wish that everyone know abt Terri. and STAY AND ALIVE!!! :ugh:
Now, If Michael said he loves his wife like he says he do, Then why didn't he provide her what she needs the most physical therapy, alot of therapy But, Michael never gave that to her to save her life! He made her rot in bed without proper therapy, People have said about her teeth were rot. Why? If Michael is her legal guardian? The parent should have gotten legal guardian of Terri, Terri would not be where she is now for 15 yrs in the same spot Michael spent her money awarded for her therapy on lawyers trying to get her starved to death. Want a link for that line? <<<http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/mostert/050323
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Reba said:
How would you legally and morally do that?

We will apply the lawyer to write out our will in legal way.
My hubby and I already talked about this until we agree everything since Terri's case and agree that written in legally way is the best to avoid the hassle from our families.
I let doctor to put my hubby sleep IF the doctors tell me that it's no chance/no success to improve my hubby with therapies.
Should I or my hubby spend rest of our life do nothing?
Can't go to bathroom, Can't read, write, talk, chat, Can't give my husband and children my love what they need, Can't play, Can't do my hobby, Can't go out with my family..... NOTHING...... No thanks.
I rather to go heaven and watch my family happy with their new life. It's very selfish of me to get my hubby to watch me rest of his life. No Way.

Yes, my hubby and I were upset when we brought those subject since Terri's case wake us up because we don't like it but we HAVE to for our safety in the future. It shows how much he loves me and want to save me suffering and I show him how much I love him and want him happy and move on his new life. My hubby & I feel sorry for Terri totally and wish that Terri do SOMETHING. :( That's why we make sure for our safety in the future because we don't want end like Terri. :(

I would never compare a cat or dog to my husband or child.

Yes, we do because we beleive it's selfish to keep pet or human suffering rest of their lives because they CAN'T look themselves well. They deserve their peaceful.

Assisted suicide!

Simple injection to put us sleep without suffering.
The doctors are allow to do only if they knows it's NO chance to improve our health with therapy etc.

Terri's parents want people to know the truth of the situation. Michael wants to hide the truth.

Honestly, I see the different. To me, I had the feeling that Terri's parents want everyone on their sides against Michael and want them think how good they are. Why do Terri's parents made alot of bad pictures about Michael which they are not supposing do that because they should say something against "remove feeding tube" instead of influence supporters over Michael's private life. All what their supporters did is call Michael such nasty name "murder" and also bitching/judging Michael's private life. To my eyes, it's a disgusting.

It's MY OWN business to solve those situation myself or ask for feedback when I'm disagree with something instead of running to everyone/medias for their support in the public. I would NEVER do that but with donation is a different story.
I would of running and collect the DONATION/Charties to SAVE my family's life is (kidney, marrow, tumor, heart, etc.) but Terri's parents? Excuse me! If they want to save Terri's life then they should do SOMETHING to against "remove feeding tube to starving death " instead of make a bad pictures about Michael's private life. :-(

Cheri said:
Now, If Michael said he loves his wife like he says he do, Then why didn't he provide her what she needs the most physical therapy, alot of therapy But, Michael never gave that to her to save her life! He made her rot in bed without proper therapy, People have said about her teeth were rot. Why? If Michael is her legal guardian? The parent should have gotten legal guardian of Terri, Terri would not be where she is now for 15 yrs in the same spot Michael spent her money awarded for her therapy on lawyers trying to get her starved to death. Want a link for that line? <<<http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/mostert/050323

That's nice. From the about page of the columns you quote:


"RenewAmerica is a grassroots organization that supports the "Declarationist" ideals"

Those ideals include:

"All men are CREATED equal. Hence they have equal natural rights as a gift of the CREATOR"

There is a natural right to life, prior to all positive law

In other words, they aren't a neutral news source. They have a STRONG reason to espouse the view that supports their own ideals, and ignore the opposition, which means you're once again not getting all the information you need to to feel one way or another.

A real balanced news source tells both sides of the story. RenewAmerica is not.
I already explain in my last post.
I would not running to everyone for the support against my relatives.
Yes, Michael has his supporters but he doesn't bother to run everyone for more supporters to against Terri's parents because he has NO TIME to do SOMETHING to against Terri's parents. All what he do is let court decision like what he did with his mother in 1998.
Cheri said:
I respect your opinion Liebling, But I don't find it cruel and abuse that I believe Terri has a chance if she had the right therapy. Which she never gotten. I believe that when people have their patience's and faith in Terri, Things would go in a positive way, But giving up hope doesn't make Terri get any better. Michael gave up too soon and two years isn't long. It shouldn't matter if Terri is in some hospital laying in bed, Michael should have been on her side instead of going out looking for pussies. Sorry, Had to say it. :lol:

Yes, I respect your opinion, too.

It doesn't mean we hurt each other because we have different opinion but respect each other. ;)

I search websites to find out either the therapy is successful for severe brain damaged or not. None! Some says it's very rarely to be successful on severe brain damaged patients but they would never get severe brain damaged patient normal like us. They would talk like baby which it would take them long, long, long time to get them back normal or never or whatever. :(
I have to say I agree with Liebling that we need to let Terri go. Terri has been in bed for 15 years and being in heaven is much, much better place to be. Once she's in heaven, she will be so full of joy and singing her praise. If I were Terri, I would want to be let go and die. In fact, I told my husband that if I ever get as bad shape as Terri, just let me go and do not try to save my life. My husband said same thing about him too. We will sign living will very soon so that there is no disagreements within our families. ADers, please no flamings about my comment as each of us has right to express our opinions and I will not critize your opinions either. I won't say anymore about this...peace out
Since Terri passed on... there's nothin' we can discuss any further, because she is in Heaven with Jesus. Jesus will give her a G R E A T joy with a perfect mind, heart, and soul. Terri is happy with peace at last....no more pain. :thumb:
I looked in yahoo news and didnt see that Terri had already passed away. Can you find the link, CR? I do believe that she could die by now.
been wondering as interesting, Terri's husband has said Terri wouldn't like to live... why he been waiting for 15 years then ask to disconnect the feeding tube.. it looks alike he got 1 mln then not need her, Terri,
and why not just pass to Terri's parents if they want to keep them alive and not mind to last caring of her he would have divorced and moved on his own life before I read somewhere he has new g/f wanna to start new life with but he waited for money, huh!
Peachy Lady said:
I looked in yahoo news and didnt see that Terri had already passed away. Can you find the link, CR? I do believe that she could die by now.

I believe she died by now since it is more than 10 days without feedin' tube and water.