FL. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case

Reba said:
That is not "forcing" him; of his own free will he made the marriage vow to stay faithful to his wife "in sickness and in health". People are expected to keep their promises.

Why do you say that? Spouses do that every day. I know many husbands who wives have long-term terminal diseases and disabilities, and they remain faithful. How is that unrealistic? Are men just animals with no self-control?

I guess I (and many other people) have a higher opinion of and expectation of people than you do.

:thumb: Correct Reba, It isn't unrealistic for husbands/nor wives to take care of their long-term/short-term disabilities husbands/nor wives. If you love your wife/husband, then you shall stand by her/him all the way until the end. Michael didn't do that, He wanted his wife Terri to die not once but, twice. What a jerk. I wouldn't want a husband like Michael, who cannot remain faithful, and would not be on my bedside.
If he had stayed with her the whole time and pulled the plug, would you feel better about him? This really should not be a vendetta against him cuz when ppl do that, they are forgetting about Terri. People's unintended ulterior motives have me confused.
netrox said:
If you have a terminal illness like cancer, you will DIE from starvation - it's inevitable. You won't eat. You won't drink

My grandfather had cancer and when he got worse, he end up in the hospital , yes they put a feeding tubes in him, he was allow to drink and eat not starve...so I don't know where you got that information from but that is not true at all...yes my grandfather passed away years ago with cancer...:(
I just found out that there were three times her feeding tubes were removed.

Michael Schiavo first sought permission to remove his wife's feeding tube in November 1998. Her feeding tube was removed first on April 26, 2001, but was reinserted two days later on an appeal by her parents.

On October 10, 2003, the final remaining appeal filed by the Schindlers was dismissed. Five days later, on October 10 Terri's feeding tube was removed for the second time. On October 21st the Florida Legislature, in emergency session, passed "Terri's Law" which gave Florida Governor Jeb Bush the authority to intervene in the case. Bush immediately ordered the feeding tube reinserted.

Nineteen different judges have at various times considered the Schindlers' request on appeal in six state courts. None of these courts have found grounds to overturn the initial ruling. [21] (http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20050323-051313-8081r.htm) The final ruling came on February 25, 2005 when Judge George Greer ordered the feeding tube removed on March 18, 2005.

Cheri said:
Michael Schiavo first sought permission to remove his wife's feeding tube in November 1998. Her feeding tube was removed first on April 26, 2001, but was reinserted two days later on an appeal by her parents.

hmmm....so you're saying he waited 8 years and said this is what Terri wishes were to die?...Cause as I recalling that she had an heart attack in 1990, if he fought to have permission to remove his wife feeding tubes, then that's 8 years later...

First he didn't remember if she said it, then he said he was alone with Terri that day, then his brother and sister said they were there when Terri said that...but she wasn't able to speak...hmmm sounds fishy to me if you ask....
my grandfather rejected the food in the feeding tube, what we had to do was put him in the motion of comfort zone... in other worse since the hours were dwindling. and he was in a * last state of dying process he slipped into coma* and so we gave him morphine to make him comfortable.. so in other words.. u see we may have had difference in invidual who had rejected and accepted.. so its all in different perspective...

Since the judge has rejected the last appeal... terri's in her last hours of life. i hope that she will be at peace with god... and this whole fiasco will be over...
"Please, read Kate Adamson's story. She was in Terri's condition at the age of 33 and how Kate came out of it successfully."

I saw her on CNN news and she is very lucky she survived. It's a miracle and she even says it's only one out of a million. There are notable differences between her and Terri - she wasn't in PSV for 15 years, Terri is. She had a brainstem stroke - Terri had frontal lobe damage killing all her cognition yet Terri's brainstem is intact (that is why it's so misleading to think she's understanding what's going on - she sleeps, wakes, and makes sounds).

^Angel^ said:
hmmm....so you're saying he waited 8 years and said this is what Terri wishes were to die?...Cause as I recalling that she had an heart attack in 1990, if he fought to have permission to remove his wife feeding tubes, then that's 8 years later...

First he didn't remember if she said it, then he said he was alone with Terri that day, then his brother and sister said they were there when Terri said that...but she wasn't able to speak...hmmm sounds fishy to me if you ask....
not during Terri's PVS. BEFORE Terri's heart attack. they all have talked about it.

NOW remember that in 80 and 90's Living Will is not well known and heavily discussed till late 90's

and remember that Terri got married in 86 and went into cardiac arrest and that caused brain damage in 1990. NOW, does she have time to write a living will.. NO! They weren't even 40 or 50's back then. I bet you all they haven't had a "Will and Last Testament" which require lawyer and notary public to file. Living Will or any kind of document that equal the "Living Will" doesn't require lawyer or notary to file. They were newly married for couple of years before fate struck her! no kids of their own!

So it is moot point to blame them for not having a living will. silly! So Michael and his bro/sis were there when Terri said that she wouldn't to be kept on life support system of any kind if in PVS or whatever.

Michael have tried to find a way to get her alive but after 10 yrs it is not going anywhere so now you know.

Michael is right to deny the turn over of guardianship to Terri's parent because her parent might have gotten Terri amputed at 4 limb!
In an appearance on ABC News's Nightline on March 15, 2005, Michael Schiavo cited the willingness that Mrs. Schiavo's parents expressed to keep her alive by any means necessary, including quadruple amputation if needed, as a key reason for denying transfer of guardianship to them. [17] [18]
(does that remind you of "Boxing Helen" ?? http://www.mgm.com/title_title.do?title_star=BOXINGHE ) the nbr "17" point to this url: http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=584124&page=1 a transcript of Michael Schiavo on Nightline.
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netrox said:
"Please, read Kate Adamson's story. She was in Terri's condition at the age of 33 and how Kate came out of it successfully."

I saw her on CNN news and she is very lucky she survived. It's a miracle and she even says it's only one out of a million. There are notable differences between her and Terri - she wasn't in PSV for 15 years, Terri is. She had a brainstem stroke - Terri had frontal lobe damage killing all her cognition yet Terri's brainstem is intact (that is why it's so misleading to think she's understanding what's going on - she sleeps, wakes, and makes sounds).

Yeah I saw her too netrox but she's wrong about that Terri can have same chance as her. sigh...

Thanks for the transcript! His interview makes perfect sense to me - I wouldn't dare to give Terri to her parents. His interview confirmed what I suspected - he moved on but he still has a huge commitment to his wife - respect her wish and he doesn't trust Terri's parents to make medical decisions.

He said: "Just because it's happened to Terri doesn't mean I don't still love her. She was a part of my life. She'll always be a part of my life. And to sit here and be called a murderer and an adulterer by people that don't know me, and a governor stepping into my personal, private life, who doesn't know me either? And using his personal gain to win votes, just like the legislators are doing right now, pandering to the religious right, to the people up there, the anti-abortion people, standing outside of Tallahassee."

Question: "Based on your own experience over this past 15 years, what advice do you give to families who might have to cope with this situation one day?"

SCHIAVO: Make a living will. Talk about it. Death is going to happen to everybody. Write it down.

Right on!

netrox said:

Thanks for the transcript! His interview makes perfect sense to me - I wouldn't dare to give Terri to her parents. His interview confirmed what I suspected - he moved on but he still has a huge commitment to his wife - respect her wish and he doesn't trust Terri's parents to make medical decisions.

He said: "Just because it's happened to Terri doesn't mean I don't still love her. She was a part of my life. She'll always be a part of my life. And to sit here and be called a murderer and an adulterer by people that don't know me, and a governor stepping into my personal, private life, who doesn't know me either? And using his personal gain to win votes, just like the legislators are doing right now, pandering to the religious right, to the people up there, the anti-abortion people, standing outside of Tallahassee."

Question: "Based on your own experience over this past 15 years, what advice do you give to families who might have to cope with this situation one day?"

SCHIAVO: Make a living will. Talk about it. Death is going to happen to everybody. Write it down.

Right on!

Lol, "Right on???" You swallow empty words from a bum, and a cold-blooded one at that?
Check out his past...
Boult said:
So it is moot point to blame them for not having a living will. silly! So Michael and his bro/sis were there when Terri said that she wouldn't to be kept on life support system of any kind if in PVS or whatever.

Michael have tried to find a way to get her alive but after 10 yrs it is not going anywhere so now you know.

eh? how am I being silly? How do you actually know that her husband is telling the truth and how do you know his brother and sister were there? ...beside do you think everyone tells the truth? think again!

It doesn't even look like this is what she wanted....I don't appreicate to be called silly either I may see it totally different than anyone else, that just me!
netrox said:
Thanks for the transcript! His interview makes perfect sense to me -

I already saw it before you did and I don't believe anything that comes out of that cold-heart cheating husband's mouth. Don't tell me he knew Terri was going to collapsed in 1990, So that subject was brought up about dying if she becomes a veg? That she would like to die? Yeah right! *coughing bs*

You know what I think Terri's case woke alot of people up and now they are making their living will.

Look at this one:

BURY: You did receive something of a malpractice settlement north of $1 million at one point, is that correct?


FELOS: Well, no.

BURY: And what happened to that?

FELOS: Michael didn't receive those funds. Those were received in Terri's guardianship and it was a bank who was her guardian of the property that administered those funds.

Why did his lawyer spoke for him? It was her bank? Yes right another lie. :sure:
I was reading this article and near the end of it I discovered something interesting; that Michael Schiavo's lawyer George Felos is a real weirdo! Here's the quote from the article:

Felos has claimed that he can “soul-speak” and claims to have had a conversation with a patient in a previous “right to die” case. Although the woman never uttered an audible sound. Felos said that he was able to communicate with her.

“As Mrs. Browning lay motionless before my gaze, I suddenly heard a loud, deep moan and scream and wondered if the nursing home personnel heard it and would respond to the unfortunate resident. In the next moment, as this cry of pain and torment continued, I realized it was Mrs. Browning. I felt the mid-section of my body open and noticed a strange quality to the light in the room….My soul touched hers and in some way I communicated that she was still locked in her body. I promised I would do everything in my power to gain the release her soul cried for. With that the screaming immediately stopped. I felt like I was back in my head again, the room resumed its normal appearance and Mrs. Browning, as she had throughout this experience, lay silent”.

He's not only a obviously blatant liar, he's a whacko! :crazy:

The entire article can be found at this link: Terri Schiavo Living Testimony of Her Will To Live
Reba said:
I guess I (and many other people) have a higher opinion of and expectation of people than you do.

whoa, above is a judgemental statement. be fortunate that ur not michael having to suffer 15 years of wife's vegatation state. if u think u would persist without intimacy, kids or whatever, ur talk is cheap.
net0man said:
whoa, above is a judgemental statement. be fortunate that ur not michael having to suffer 15 years of wife's vegatation state. if u think u would persist without intimacy, kids or whatever, ur talk is cheap.

It wasn't 15 years; Wake up Jeff! He cheat on her 2 yrs after Terri collapsed in 1990., Pay attention for gosh sake. He gave up his marriage after 2 fregging years TWO Get it in your thin head of yours. :ty:
He said: "Just because it's happened to Terri doesn't mean I don't still love her. She was a part of my life. She'll always be a part of my life. And to sit here and be called a murderer and an adulterer by people that don't know me, and a governor stepping into my personal, private life, who doesn't know me either? And using his personal gain to win votes, just like the legislators are doing right now, pandering to the religious right, to the people up there, the anti-abortion people, standing outside of Tallahassee."

Cheating on his wife, and you called that LOVE?...LOL He can't love two people at the same time, that not LOVE to me....Man, he's such a good actor!
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whoa, above is a judgemental statement. be fortunate that ur not michael having to suffer 15 years of wife's vegatation state. if u think u would persist without intimacy, kids or whatever, ur talk is cheap.

15 years?? where did you get that information from?? He cheat on his wife 2 years later not 15 years....
Cheri said:
It wasn't 15 years; Wake up Jeff! He cheat on her 2 yrs after Terri collapsed in 1990., Pay attention for gosh sake. He gave up his marriage after 2 fregging years TWO Get it in your thin head of yours. :ty:

first of all, i am not jeff.

r u telling me that it is ok for u to judge and backstab people like michael schiavo? michael has his own issues just like everyone.
^Angel^ said:
Cheating on his wife, and you called that LOVE?...LOL He can't love two people at the same time, that not LOVE to me....Man, he's such a good actor!

u misquoted me cuz the message is not mine.