Experiences with my daughter.

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Feeling Sound

Picture I found on a norwegian website.. Just loved it..
Feeling Sound.jpg
Gorgeous picture -- it isn't Lotte, is it? I like the wording, "feeling sound"
No, it isn't.

I found it, and loved the way the girl touches the soundwaves.
I thought she is your daughter because she look like that picture.... Yes I'm agree that this picture is very beautiful...
October 2006

Little update..

Yesterday we were at a museum with an excellent playground.
Lotte wanted to go straight in, so that was fine. She quickly picked up a little friend who she guided through the maze. They had great fun. It was one of the first times we would see her spontanious interact with children that do not use sign. Being in the hearing pre-school/kindergarten, she is more used to making contact with these kids. It's great to see.

When the girl had to leave, Lotte even had a conversation with the mother of the child. It was great to see the selfconfidence of Lotte.
The exposure to hearing-only environment is showing now.
Decisions we make regarding her upbringing are allways made with the correct "gut"-feeling but even so it's allways good to see the effects.
It's sometimes difficult because like with all major changes in children, it gets a bit worse before it turns around and almost explodes into good..

Lotte - Yes.jpg

Yes !!!!!
Cloggy, I guess it is a good thing that she gets her looks from her mother! LOL!! Just kidding.
That really is a great picture that you posted. It reminds me of a saying I heard regarding the use of a nightlight. "It allows me to hear in the dark". Initially I found the saying odd. I quickly understood what it meant and it made alot of sense. A normally hearing person would equate hearing sound with loud noises such as base guitar at a concert. If you take away the natural ability to hear, it takes on a whole other meaning.
"It allows me to hear in the dark". Initially I found the saying odd. I quickly understood what it meant and it made alot of sense. ....

I am hoh and it's a nightmare to try to understand speech in the dark !
I am hoh and it's a nightmare to try to understand speech in the dark !

Yes, it was the same for me when I had my HA. It takes a whole another meaning when you can't do it well. Now with my CI, it is not a problem anymore and that is soooo useful. :D
Lotte has one of those night-lights in the room.
Actually... when it's on... that's bedtime for her... when it's off, she can go out of her room... (he light is on a timer)
But lately she insists that the door is ajar as well. Previously we would close the door shut, but now we leave it open.
Feeling it's because of the summer... light in her room, also at night.
But it could also be to have a sense of contact with the rest of the family out there..
Lotte's REALLY beautiful and adorable!!!
Thank you !!

That reminds me to take a picture when she absolutely impossible !!

Nah, she's great.... She's an old soul that knows exactly what she wants.... and is willing to go the distance to get it...
Good qualities for a little deaf girl that needs to learn 2 to 4 languages... tiring for her parents though :)
Cloggy, I read the whole thread from page 1 to here. It's amazing to see how your daughter improve her hearing and speech. I am impressed. Your daughter is very cute.
Whispering to someone with a HA seems pointless to me.

While i know you posted this months ago, i agree with you completely. I'm HOH and I HATE when ppl whisper to me b/c i can't undestand what they're saying unless i look at their faces. I actually wish i could understand whispering. For those with hearing aids, is it possible to understand whispering with them??

And it's WONDERFUL ur daughter is doing so well! How do you say her name?? I'm sure i'm reading it wrong...like lot, as in ' parking lot'. lol.
.....And it's WONDERFUL ur daughter is doing so well! How do you say her name?? I'm sure i'm reading it wrong...like lot, as in ' parking lot'. lol.
How should I write that ?? (Lotte)

The parking LOT is correct for the first part. The second part.. "UH" or "TUH"

RedheadGrrl... thanks for the compliment. (Don't tell Lotte)
^^ that's what i thought but i wasn't sure! She's truely a remarkable girl! Makes me envious almost that she hears better than i do! DAMNITT! lol. Nah she looks like an absolute sweety and you should be so proud of her. She will change the world one day, in one way or another!!!

You and ur wife should also be proud b/c ur love and persistence has paid off!
How to judge improvement...

We ourself don't realise the improvements we (or in our case - our daughter) makes. We sometimes notice on the spot that her pronounciation is correct after repeating words, but sometimes we have to stop and realise that the word she just said is correct... where a week ago she would not be able to pronounce it....

A couple of days ago, I put on a tape of Lotte from 1-1/2 year ago and my wife and me could not believe the difference.!!!
At that time she had the CI for 7 months and she was doing well, but compared to now... it's just amazing. There she would make sounds. Lots of them, but often not recognisable. Now, she is great at repeating words...

It's good to have your own tests.. Like we have her sing a little song now and then, and catch it on videotape, and compare it with the last time we did it.... and the first time.
This gives a good idea of the progres, and the progres is really there.... it's just difficult to capture it.. Video is GREAT!!
Cloggy, That is so true. Its just like anything else in a childs development. You cannot see it from day to day. But when you sit and think, comparing then and now, the progress is amazing. Kind of like watching your newborn develop into a toddler. One day you look at them and try to figure out when they became a little person with all of that personality. It si a slow but very gratifying process.
By the way, I love the saying"like an old soul" that is a great way of describing it.
Gosh, Lotte is one gorgeous little girl and I love her signing "YESSSS" -- so glad to read of her progresses!

Cloggy and Lillysdad -- enjoy your girls as much as you can -- they're going to be grown up before you know it! I know as my eldest is 33 and my baby is 22 and there are 9 grandchildren sprinkled among my four kids! And I'm sitting here wondering where the time had gone to...

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