eugenics anyone?

What exactly does that have to do with eugenics? I was talking about health care, you are talking about paychecks and taxes.

You gave an example of evil, I was giving another example of what evil also look like. Apparently "example" isn't in your vocabulary. I was talking a little bit on the wayside.

Yiz, you sound a little depressed. Are you ok? Seriously, I'm concerned. I know that you're dealing with a lot of personal issues and it's hard.

Depressed no, getting sick and tired of greedy people getting us on the take, yes. Life is hard when some things comes along that we can't afford, such as insurance for example. My wife's lucky she has both medicare and medicaid, as for me, if anything happens to me, I'm screwed.

Sorry for being off topic, I was siting some examples of evil as it was mentioned.

You gave an example of evil, I was giving another example of what evil also look like. Apparently "example" isn't in your vocabulary. I was talking a little bit on the wayside.


Yes, example is in my vocabulary. So is "fallicious comparison." And "off topic".:cool2:

And I did not refer to evil. I was responding to Maria's accusation of evil. And it was kept in terms of eugenics.
Depressed no, getting sick and tired of greedy people getting us on the take, yes. Life is hard when some things comes along that we can't afford, such as insurance for example. My wife's lucky she has both medicare and medicaid, as for me, if anything happens to me, I'm screwed.


Given those circumstances, it would make you a prime example of someone who supports health care reform. :dunno2:
Not having adequate insurance is very stressful. Even if a person has insurance, it doesn't mean that the person can afford treatment. It's like walking a tight rope without a net. Personally, I think that not having to worry about being bankrupted by medical bills would help lower everyone's stress level.
Not having adequate insurance is very stressful. Even if a person has insurance, it doesn't mean that the person can afford treatment. It's like walking a tight rope without a net. Personally, I think that not having to worry about being bankrupted by medical bills would help lower everyone's stress level.

Me too.
Not having adequate insurance is very stressful. Even if a person has insurance, it doesn't mean that the person can afford treatment. It's like walking a tight rope without a net. Personally, I think that not having to worry about being bankrupted by medical bills would help lower everyone's stress level.

Absolutely. And in lowering stress levels, we also improve health. Cortisol produced by constant stress does untold damage to our bodies.
when I broke my arm a couple of years ago, we had catastrophic hospital insurance only; husband had lost his job in that last several months. We had just purchased individual, personal insurance before my arm, but hubby has many pre-existing conditions and plans won't cover him much. We ended up paying for most everything after initial surgery to fix my arm. Hubby has been variously laid off for about 2 years now, some contract-to-hire jobs coming in; one job he was actually hired at but then w/the recession they ended up letting lotta people go, including him, since he was so new. Currently hubby has new contract-to-hire job again which he really likes. We are very hopeful for this to work out. He has sleep apnea and has major problems w/his feet and knees and needs to see podiatrist; the brace the podiatrist prescribed for him the year before he first lost his job<before my arm mentioned above> is no longer as beneficial as it once was. The brace was the last step before surgery, according to podiatrist, who says he has physically "deformed" feet internally, part of issues w/his birth mother having had Rubella.
It has indeed been very stressful, especially with trying all these different insurance companies for him, trying to see if any will cover him, and they keep having to do all these exams each time he applies.
I believe that the Swine Flu shots and vaccine shots will sweep them off by reducing the population so that the government will have easy to eliminate a list of the health problems (included Medicare and Medicaid patients). It's because it's free for anyone to get the shots. That's what they get older and have health problems and die earlier in order for the government to spend the money for something else instead of helping them. It's a perfect example of the Nazi to eliminate our "handicapped" people. (Some people talked about this issue, and I agreed with them.)

H1N1 and vaccine shots contain mercury and inks in them. H1N1 is exact another name for Swine because the swine (birds) slaughters ordered the government not to say the word for Swine because they did not want to loose their slaughter business. The government had to change it from Swine and Pig to H1N1.
Swine are pigs, not birds.

Oops! Yes, you are right. Actually, I should have written down Avian Flu instead of Swine. I was thinking of Swans that I saw at a park today. It was a beautiful day. Thanks, Reba.
webexplorer, those are some interesting allegations. Do you have any facts to back these allegations up? Or are these allegations merely your opinion?

The decision about vaccination is far more complicated than you realize. I had seasonable flu shots during both of my pregnancies without any problems. I was concerned with schizophrenia, which two members of my extended family have. Prenatal influenza exposure increases the risk of schizophrenia from 3 fold to 7 fold depending on the timing of the prenatal exposure.

The risk of schizophrenia was increased 7-fold for influenza exposure during the first trimester. There was no increased risk of schizophrenia with influenza during the second or third trimester. With the use of a broader gestational period of influenza exposure-early to midpregnancy-the risk of schizophrenia was increased 3-fold. The findings persisted after adjustment for potential confounders. CONCLUSIONS: These findings represent the first serologic evidence that prenatal influenza plays a role in schizophrenia. If confirmed, the results may have implications for the prevention of schizophrenia and for unraveling pathogenic mechanisms of the disorder.

Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004 Aug;61(8):774-80.
Serologic evidence of prenatal influenza in the et...[Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004] - PubMed Result

There are many issues involved in vaccination. Consult your physician to determine the risks and benefits in your particular case.
I believe that the Swine Flu shots and vaccine shots will sweep them off by reducing the population so that the government will have easy to eliminate a list of the health problems (included Medicare and Medicaid patients). It's because it's free for anyone to get the shots. That's what they get older and have health problems and die earlier in order for the government to spend the money for something else instead of helping them. It's a perfect example of the Nazi to eliminate our "handicapped" people. (Some people talked about this issue, and I agreed with them.)

H1N1 and vaccine shots contain mercury and inks in them. H1N1 is exact another name for Swine because the swine (birds) slaughters ordered the government not to say the word for Swine because they did not want to loose their slaughter business. The government had to change it from Swine and Pig to H1N1.

Mercury was taken out of vaccines several years ago. Today's vaccines do not contain mercury.

However, silver dental fillings do.