eugenics anyone?

Ezekiel Emanuel: Deny Coverage to Elderly and Disabled for the Greater Good

Posted by Kim Priestap
Published: July 26, 2009 - 1:20 PM

Betsy McCaughey brings to our attention the Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel's views regarding universal health care. Dr. Emanuel is a health policy advisor to President Obama and brother of Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, so what he thinks may impact all of us. As Betsy points out, Dr. Emanuel has some very radical views regarding the rationing of health care. Take for example Emanuel's comments in a 2008 article in which he says cutting costs won't be easy:

Vague promises of savings from cutting waste, enhancing prevention and wellness, installing electronic medical records and improving quality are merely 'lipstick' cost control, more for show and public relations than for true change.

In other words, these procedural changes aren't really change at all. Instead, he thinks we need change in how we apply health care coverage. As Betsy notes, Dr. Emanuel believes doctors try too hard to apply the Hippocratic Oath to everyone as equally as possible, which is what drives up costs. Instead Emanuel thinks we need to ration basic, guaranteed care to only those who can fully participate in society. Betsy points out a 1996 Hastings Center article in which Emanuel wrote this:

This civic republican or deliberative democratic conception of the good provides both procedural and substantive insights for developing a just alloca- tion of health care resources. Procedurally, it suggests the need for public forums to deliberate about which health services should be considered basic and should be socially guaranteed. Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future genera- tions, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia. A less obvious example Is is guaranteeing neuropsychological services to ensure children with learning disabilities can read and learn to reason.

So, according to Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, health care advisor to President Obama, the elderly with dementia and the young who have neurological disorders should be sacrificed for the common good. I can tell you that as a mom to a four year old girl with severe speech apraxia that prevents her from being able to speak intelligibly, this scares the living hell out of me. If you have a child with autism, cerebral palsy, Downs syndrome, or any other neurological disorder or chromosomal defect that prevents him or her from participating in society in the manner Dr. Emanuel or the government thinks they should, that neurological care would not be guaranteed as basic and would, therefore, not be covered in a government takeover of health care.

Making things even worse, private health care companies will be driven out of business, so that won't be an option for parents with disabled children, either, leaving them with no coverage whatsoever. This kind of policy would drive up the abortion rate, which Obama and other liberals want covered as a basic care, as doctors urge parents go out of their way to screen their unborn babies for any and all disorders and defects that would not be covered under basic care. If a child's disorder is undetected by prenatal testing, what happens when the disorder becomes obvious after birth? I shudder to think what the government would come up with then.

Emanuel's policies would lead to a further deterioration of our nation's culture as people begin to look at those with disabilities as objects that drive up collective health care costs instead of as individual human beings who have intrinsic value and rights endowed to them by God.

Ezekiel Emanuel: Deny Coverage to Elderly and Disabled for the Greater Good (Wizbang)
Margaret Sanger

Founder of Planned Parenthood

In Her Own Words

From Here

Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew A Love I Could Not Deny, by Diane Dew

"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."

Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race

(Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

On sterilization & racial purification:

Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.

On the right of married couples to bear children:

Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:

The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:

"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On the extermination of blacks:

"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

On respecting the rights of the mentally ill:

In her "Plan for Peace," Sanger outlined her strategy for eradication of those she deemed "feebleminded." Among the steps included in her evil scheme were immigration restrictions; compulsory sterilization; segregation to a lifetime of farm work; etc. Birth Control Review, April 1932, p. 107

On marital sex:

"The marriage bed is the most degenerating influence in the social order," Sanger said. (p. 23)

On the YMCA and YWCA:

"...brothels of the Spirit and morgues of Freedom!"), The Woman Rebel - No Gods, No Masters, May 1914, Vol. 1, No. 3.

On motherhood:

"I cannot refrain from saying that women must come to recognize there is some function of womanhood other than being a child-bearing machine." What Every Girl Should Know, by Margaret Sanger (Max Maisel, Publisher, 1915) [Jesus said: "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep... for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in which they shall say, Blessed (happy) are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the breasts which never gave suck." (Luke 23:24)]

On mandatory sterilization of the poor:

One of Sanger's greatest influences, sexologist/eugenicist Dr. Havelock Ellis (with whom she had an affair, leading to her divorce from her first husband), urged mandatory sterilization of the poor as a prerequisite to receiving any public aid. The Problem of Race Regeneration, by Havelock Ellis, p. 65,

On eradicating 'bad stocks':

The goal of eugenicists is "to prevent the multiplication of bad stocks," wrote Dr. Ernst Rudin in the April 1933 Birth Control Review (of which Sanger was editor). Another article exhorted Americans to "restrict the propagation of those physically, mentally and socially inadequate."
On the right of married couples to bear children:

Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
:shock: they gonna feed 'em to grizzly bears? :shock:
All this is very scary. I was born Premmie. I was very sick and I also had thyroid deficency which often leads to learning difficulties but didn't in my case. I wonder if they will take a look at babies such as myself and condemn us to be bumped off at birth.
Very Scary indeed.
This reminds me of Peter Singer and his ideas on disabled infants. I once sent Peter Singer an email, but never got any reply from him. I guess he assumed because I was disabled I wasn't worth bothering about. Even though I'm a better vegan then he is.
the other author of the book ecoscience was one paul ehrlich.......of the club of rome

the same club of rome who tell us they came up with the idea of global warming

“The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome

notice again.....they tell us..."WE CAME UP WITH THE IDEA"

it's a small world at the top ...that's for sure

and......we....ladies and gentlemen are living through the changes they foist on's all a eugenics agenda...with the environment as the big stick and rallying point to bring it about

that is why we are all in unity talking about climate change,the environment,recycling.....we are all being manipulated

go find out for will see it all around you

I believe ya.
Sanger’s unapologetic eugenics

August 2, 2009

IN CONNECTING support for abortion with support for eugenics, columnist Jeff Jacoby (Op-ed, July 26) makes a historical point that has abundant empirical foundation.

Planned Parenthood, for example, is the nation’s oldest and largest abortion chain. Throughout its history, the organization, originally known as the American Birth Control League, had numerous leaders actively involved in the eugenics movement, such as former president Alan F. Guttmacher and Massachusetts’ own Clarence Gamble. The latter eagerly promoted eugenic sterilization among the poor in the South, who would otherwise “pollute and degrade future generations,’’ he argued.

Planned Parenthood has attempted to divert attention from this, but it is hampered by the unapologetic and frank eugenics of its founder, Margaret Sanger. She wrote in 1920 that her work was “nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.’’ She founded Planned Parenthood partly to institutionalize this attitude.

Given the disproportionately high abortion rates among minorities and the poor, one must ask if she succeeded all too well.

Angela Franks
The writer is the author of “Margaret Sanger’s Eugenic Legacy.’’

Source: Sanger’s unapologetic eugenics - The Boston Globe
Obama Science Czar A Eugenics Far

By Michelle Malkin

HEALTH AND HUMAN Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius tried to reassure citizens in New Orleans this week that Obamacare bureaucrats will make sound medical decisions for all Americans. She failed. Under the government-run plan, she promised, a team of health care experts will recommend what should be covered: “I think it would be wise to let science guide what the best health care package is.”

Gulp. It’s the Obama administration’s view of sound “science” that should send chills down patients’ spines. Case in point: The president’s prestigious science czar, John Holdren, refuses to answer questions about his radical published work on population control over the last 30 years.

Last week, I called the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to press Holdren on his views about forced abortions and mass sterilizations; his purported disavowal of “Ecoscience,” the 1977 book he co-authored with population control zealots Paul and Anne Ehrlich; and his continued embrace of forced-abortion advocate and eugenics guru Harrison Brown, whom he credits with inspiring him to become a scientist.

After investigative bloggers and this column reprinted extensive excerpts from “Ecoscience,” which mused openly about putting sterilants in the water supply to make women infertile and engineering society by taking away babies from undesirables and subjecting them to government-mandated abortions, the White House issued a statement from Holdren last week denying he embraced those proposals. The Ehrlichs challenged critics to read their and Holdren’s more recent research and works.

Well, I did read one of Holdren’s recent works. It revealed his clingy reverence for, and allegiance to, the gurus of population control authoritarianism. He’s just gotten smarter about cloaking it behind global warming hysteria. In 2007, he addressed the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference. Holdren served as AAAS president; the organization posted his full slide presentation on its Web site.

In the opening slide, Holdren admitted that his “preoccupation” with apocalyptic matters such as “the rates at which people breed” was a lifelong obsession spurred by Harrison Brown’s work. Holdren heaped praise on Brown’s half-century-old book, “The Challenge of Man’s Future,” and then proceeded to paint doom-and-gloom scenarios requiring drastic government interventions to control climate change.

Who is Harrison Brown? He was a “distinguished member” of the International Eugenics Society whom Holdren later worked with on a book about — you guessed it — world population and fertility.

Brown advocated the same population control-freak measures Holdren put forth in “Ecoscience.” In “The Challenge of Man’s Future,” Brown envisioned a regime in which the “number of abortions and artificial inseminations permitted in a given year would be determined completely by the difference between the number of deaths and the number of births in the year previous.”

Brown exhorted readers to accept that “we must reconcile ourselves to the fact that artificial means must be applied to limit birth rates.” If we don’t, Brown warned, we will face a planet “with a writhing mass of human beings.” He likened the global population to a “pulsating mass of maggots.”

When I pressed Holdren’s office specifically about his relationship with Brown, spokesman Rick Weiss told me he didn’t know who Brown was and balked at drawing any conclusions about Holdren’s views based on his homage just two years ago to his lifelong mentor, colleague and continued inspiration, Harrison Brown.

Weiss lectured me rather snippily about the need for responsible journalism (he was a Washington Post reporter for 15 years). He then told me not to expect any response from Holdren’s office to my question on whether Holdren disavows his relationship with a eugenics enthusiast who referred to the world population as a “pulsating mass of maggots” and championed a scheme of abortion and artificial insemination quotas. To date the office has maintained radio silence.

If this is the kind of ghoulish “science” that guides the White House, we can only hope that Obamacare is dead on arrival.

Source: The Daily News Record: Op-Ed: Viewpoint Opinion
Thanks, Yizuman. I am not surprised when I read all the articles about Obama's "new change".

Please connect in a logical and valid way, health care reform to eugenics.

The attempt to do so is nothing more than a scare tactic being thrown out by the conservatives who don't want to loose contributions from the insurance companies, and insurance companies who want to continue to rob the American public. You are truly looking in the wrong place for "evil doing". Evil is refusing to cover victims of domestic violence based on a "pre-existing condition" clause categorizing DV as a pre-existing condition. Evil is cancelling a man's insurance after he has paid in for 20 years just because he was diagnosed with cancer. Evil is refusing coverage for a child born with a birth defect based on "pre-existing condition." Evil is refusing to cover any costs associated with diabetes (almost all health care) for a diabetic patient. Evil is the fact that children in this country go without basic health care services just because their parents are not eligible for insurance through an employer and cannot afford the exhorbitant costs of a self-insured policy. Yeah, there is evil going on, all right. You are just looking in the wrong place to locate it.:roll:
disregard for truth

I have watched as the conservative element in this country has used the media
to poison the well. I will call it what it is: the techniques of brainwashing are being used on the American public in every way from the most subtle to the most flagrant by a core group of criminals. They are driven by greed and power and have no morals at all while they trumpet the opposite. It is my belief that the machinery of their conquest of the minds of the American people needs to be dismantled and these criminals identified and tried and imprisoned for their efforts. This is the real war that is going on and right now America is losing. These billions and billions of dollars are going into the pockets of a few but the network they have built to do it is enormous. I as one man am completely helpless against this vile scourge but I will say what I see and damn the consequences.
I have watched as the conservative element in this country has used the media
to poison the well. I will call it what it is: the techniques of brainwashing are being used on the American public in every way from the most subtle to the most flagrant by a core group of criminals. They are driven by greed and power and have no morals at all while they trumpet the opposite. It is my belief that the machinery of their conquest of the minds of the American people needs to be dismantled and these criminals identified and tried and imprisoned for their efforts. This is the real war that is going on and right now America is losing. These billions and billions of dollars are going into the pockets of a few but the network they have built to do it is enormous. I as one man am completely helpless against this vile scourge but I will say what I see and damn the consequences.

Good for you. My philsophy is: It begins with one voice speaking out.
Please connect in a logical and valid way, health care reform to eugenics.

The attempt to do so is nothing more than a scare tactic being thrown out by the conservatives who don't want to loose contributions from the insurance companies, and insurance companies who want to continue to rob the American public. You are truly looking in the wrong place for "evil doing". Evil is refusing to cover victims of domestic violence based on a "pre-existing condition" clause categorizing DV as a pre-existing condition. Evil is cancelling a man's insurance after he has paid in for 20 years just because he was diagnosed with cancer. Evil is refusing coverage for a child born with a birth defect based on "pre-existing condition." Evil is refusing to cover any costs associated with diabetes (almost all health care) for a diabetic patient. Evil is the fact that children in this country go without basic health care services just because their parents are not eligible for insurance through an employer and cannot afford the exhorbitant costs of a self-insured policy. Yeah, there is evil going on, all right. You are just looking in the wrong place to locate it.:roll:

Well that's one way of looking at it...

I also see it another way as well...

Evil is when it comes to money, both sides screws us over. Conservatives screws us out of a honest wage and liberals screws us out of our paychecks by exorbitant amounts of taxes.

Either way, coming from them, we lose.

Well that's one way of looking at it...

I also see it another way as well...

Evil is when it comes to money, both sides screws us over. Conservatives screws us out of a honest wage and liberals screws us out of our paychecks by exorbitant amounts of taxes.

Either way, coming from them, we lose.


What exactly does that have to do with eugenics? I was talking about health care, you are talking about paychecks and taxes.
Anything written by Michelle Malkin is not worth reading.
Yiz, you sound a little depressed. Are you ok? Seriously, I'm concerned. I know that you're dealing with a lot of personal issues and it's hard.