Don't do meth or ....

Partial repost, but it’s well worth repeating. Tweakers are the scum of the Earth—I think the best way to get rid of them would be to just declare open hunting season, with socially responsible corporate sponsors providing valuable prizes for each head.
the before and after is true.. I won't name but I know a person that was on meth.. she was soo beautiful before she started the meth.. and now I look at her.. she is aging, hair falling out, lost weight, and most of all.. very nerve whacking.. its sad.. I have never tried it and won't.. it scares me just looking at her. I'm scared for her life now.. I'm afraid she'll die if she don't quit. :cry:
hmm scary pix.. good for teens at young age who is curious about drugs, and teens my age to remember what the consquences of heavy drugs.
Gosh!.. it's remind me of my older sister who is on meth and i would never want to see her again till she clean her act and my neice is taken away from her and bring to my mother's to take care but now she's 8 year old, she's in much life and havent seen my sister for 8 years.. well TOO FUCKIN bad..
Thats terrible. I never understood with methamphetamines are so popular in more of the rural southern areas, but Its every week on the news when I have about a meth lab being busted or someone is being busted for meth possession in some small town.
its really sad.. its getting popular and i have no clue why.. why small towns tend to have more meth labs? i keep reading newspaper that some people rent an apt in small towns because its cheaper than cities.. and they use the apt building just for meth labs.. not to live there.
Have no idear why meth is getting so popular...I don't remmy this even last time with the crack baby hysteria....
something popped in my mind.. i believe its getting popular because its easy to make.. you can go to target, walmart, or any stores to buy salt, pills, etc.. and make it out of them.. and its too simple instead of buying them illegally on streets. pretty scary :eek: and yeah most stores are required to report to police, FBI about a person who buys large of loads of specific supplies that makes meth such as distilled water, water softer salt, cold pills, propane gas, etc..
still it doesn't work :/
I know about methamphetamine crystal in Hawaii that's real dangerous!

Hawaii has one of the nation's highest methamphetamine use rates. It is also unique in that most Hawaiian users favor "ice," a glassy, crystalline form of the drug suitable for smoking


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I wouldn't know anything about meth...I've never tried it or any other nasty drug. It's something I'm proud to say I've never done in my life - not even pot! LOL. I know, some might call me prudish, but if I've got anything to thank my mother for, it's the drug awareness she instilled into us girls.

Alcohol though, is a different story. THAT, I've tried. ;)
Malfoyish said:
Alcohol though, is a different story. THAT, I've tried. ;)

Some of us has seen the results of your experimentation with the stuff, too!

Too funny!


As for myself, I can also be accused of being "prudish", as I've also never tried drugs any harder than the occasional wine cooler. I had the opportunity to see first hand was drugs will do to a person, and it left an impression. A dear friend of mine was drug addicted, and ended up taking his own life. I was pretty anti-drug before this happened, and now, there's no way you'd get me to try drugs!

It's just not worth it.
Very educational! I can't believe how much of a change in person's appearance in just few months. Sad. Real sad. I had a cousin who was 15 years older than I looked twice her age. Eventually she died last year due to o.d. Drugs are very hard to resist, so my friends tell me don't ever start and I'm glad I listened. I enjoy White Russian, but that's about it.
I never touch drugs or any hard stuffs even pot. Just the beers and winecooler. But I only drink once or twice per year. That just about it.
It's something I'm proud to say I've never done in my life - not even pot! LOL. I know, some might call me prudish,
Malfy, you aren't prudish....I'm too afraid of how I'd react to drugs to even try them! Sure they make you feel good, but they also have bad side effects...I've been on too many legal drugs with messed up side effects to even think about trying illegal drugs!
:wtf: Why do people do drugs? It just gives you a false sense of nirvana but 2-3 hours later you want more. Those apperance changes scared me. It also gives me an insight on my brother in law's life. He spent most of it wrapped up in drugs, and he looks like one of the men in the after pictures. I was looking at the general public and wondering how my brother in law looked so different from them. I still smoke, but Im also working on quitting that. I used to do marijuana and drink heavily. It's not fun being drunk or stoned, you think it is at the time but it's not. /soapbox off
yea yea, Meth is bad and will kill you. There are a lot of meth labs here in Washington state, I think the worst state with highest number of meth labs is in Missouri, I am not sure. Correct me if I'm wrong.