Do you hate your brother or sister?

My sister is 18 months younger than I am...and whilst growing up, we did fight like cats and dogs for a great part of our childhood...:lol: But nowadays, we're VERYCLOSE and cherish our relationship as sisters. She's deaf, too. ;)
Ginette said:
I have a sister. She is about 2 years younger. We're both deaf, but that is the only thing we have in common. I love her, but we can't be in the same room with each other for more than a minute. Let's just say we're complete opposites.
I find that she is extremely negative, judgemental, and hurtful.
I'm a mother of twin girls... and I sure hope they'll be as close as Cheri and Angel are.
Sounds like my mom...negative, judgement, and hurtful.. Never once said she loves us.... awww I am sure they will be as close as Angel and I are.
My two sisters are almost the opposite of each other. They are twins, yet they do different things. One is pretty religious and very hard-working. The other isn't exactly religious and usually squanders her money on expensive things just to make herself look better. :roll:
My sister is about 12.5 months older than me, and I dont really hate her. She just hasnt been there for me since I was 12. She disowned my dad and after that we had very little contact. We were TIGHT as little kids, and then we fought and fought and fought. The family joke was, "we dont have to watch wrestling on tv, we can just watch Janna and Jamie." And we didnt fight like girls, my sister gave me plently black eyes and almost dislocated my jaw when I was 10. (Just cause I wouldnt stop whistling!) At one point she threated me with a butcher knife. Im sure my sister loves me now, as she is 21 and I am 20. She's in the Army, so it's kind of hard to have bad feelings for her, especially now that shes having health problems because of being in the service :(
My brother and i get along so well, we were close when we were kids..but my half sister and i are not close..I dont hate her, i just dont like what she does..she has always been jealous of me, i dont really know why. She is a very self-centered and greedy person..when grandma died, she told everybody in the family that she wanted me to have her China, silverware and her antique sewing machine but she took everything out of the house before grandma died!!! i was so pissed at her for along time..she knew that i was supposed to get the china ,silverware and sewing machine but she claimed that she never heard that! (lies) oh well, i let it go and forgave her as i know it is just material things that dont really matter to me. Another thing, she had the nerve to ask my uncle after his wife died, if she could have her silver tea set!! unreal! she had the balls to ask him for that?? wanna know what he said? he said " Hell no! I might use it" LOL! good for him..he told my dad that she had a lot of nerve to ask him for that haha.
Well thats the kind of person she is and i dont like it but i dont hate her. i just feel sorry for her. She has two grown kids and they dont want children of their own so she is sad not to have any grandchildren...
I have two younger sisters whom I love dearly...but like so many of you, I'm not very close to them. See, my mother remarried...and my sisters belong to my stepfather and my they're actually half sisters. We don't go by "halves" though...but one is 18, and the other just turned 16. I'm 25...they're still in school, they're both brilliant and beautiful...and I'm raising a family, working nights at a toy store yanno, I've got pretty much nothing in common with either one of them other than taste in movies, etc. :)

But I can rattle off a list of friends that are close enough to me to be like sisters...including a couple of certain blondes. :)

there is no room for "HATE" in our heart because its familty things... no matter what they did.. i still like them and support for them... i know i hate their way but still love them anyway because they r only my bro and sis

i got 1 bro and 1 sister ... im older. i still support them no matter what because i m only deaf in this familty and they still look up me as their older brother :applause:
hm. I certainly have no love for my half brother. he is 10 years old than me. I just see him as somebody that has the same mother, that is it. He is more of like an annoying house-mate rather than a brother.
I wouldn't call him up to come to my wedding or to my future kid's birthday party... altho I will call up his daugther- (my niece)... that is the only reason I keep in contact with my brother- for the niece's sake.
I don't get along with my younger brother who by the way is over 6 feet tall and he's only 16. I'm tiny, 5'4, and it's a pain having him towering over me when I am 2 years OLDER!!! But we don't get along just because of that... it's because we share vastly different interests and because he's an egostitical, annoying, insensitive brother. He's a meanie who likes to make fun of me and torture me... but we DO have our good times, but that's rare. Thankfully, I moved out of home and I no longer have to see him. Yay!
Ziusudra said:
I don't get along with my younger brother who by the way is over 6 feet tall and he's only 16. I'm tiny, 5'4, and it's a pain having him towering over me when I am 2 years OLDER!!!

I am 2 years older than my younger sister, she is 6 feet tall and I am 5'5, it repeat as my two daughters' heights too! The middle one is taller than my first born daughter.

Anyway I have 3 hearing sisters, and I am not close to any of them, they are kept to themselves, and I respect and leave them alone as it is. One of my sisters got married, the other sister refused to go, I will never understand their attitudes and never will !
racheleggert said:
I am wondering if anyome out there hate their brother or sister that are too controlling, turns you away, treat you like a crap... I do reallyu hate my youngest brother, actually half brother...... I will tell more later..
I have one brother/one sister ...i not close my sis all time fight okay with my brother but still love them :wave:
i love my brother and step sisters. we do fight when we're little but i still love them no matter what!

I mainly miss my brother alot he lives in dana pointe, CA between LA and SD hopefully this late-summer i can go visit him.. again! yahoo going to CALIFUNNY AGAIN :D
Well, I got 2 oldest sisters (Becky and Sarah) than me (I'm last child). I dont see any trouble between me and sisters or not remember any arguements. Sisters call me "Big Brother" because I was so tall than my sisters AND mom! No wonder why I was so anixous to moving to Norfolk, VA where my sisters lived. We have strongest bond and faith in whole family. I was glad to being playable uncle to their children. Only trouble between me and my sisters was lack of ASL communcation, thanks to parents' divorce. :|
I adore (still) and I love (still) my 3 sisters and 1 brother. I am the 2nd older sister in the family.
I have 2 brothers and one sister, I am older than them, I still love my 2 brothers but they has problem since they in trouble and drugs. I do love my sis but she sometime "run away" like 50 times in a year! :shock:
racheleggert said:
I am wondering if anyome out there hate their brother or sister that are too controlling, turns you away, treat you like a crap... I do reallyu hate my youngest brother, actually half brother...... I will tell more later..

Hi, it's been almost 4 months now. How's it going?
*Exhales* Alrightly, Tell'n you 'bout my Sis/bro.
I have adopt 1 sister and 1 brother.
Rasied never fought each together until when I turn 16 yrs old..
When I arrive home from Dorm(Residence) and surprised what happend my bdrm turns out whole stuff belongs to my sister. I hurried and asked my parent what going on etc etc.. My mom has no comment as same Dad too. *sigh*.. Waiting for my sister gets home from her College (that time). I was confronted my sister and asked her details about my bdrm went big makeover without discuss together. Her attudies turns out sour and bitch'n.. I was so upset and fury.. that how ended up big fought real fist!
My mom and Dad were happy and watching us.. while my sister and I were fighting fist each together.. My sister and I saw parent are staring us.. decide to stop fighting.. what for we are fighting for? .. asked parent why are you guys not going stop us prevent fighting. Parent said.. uh, well... Long time ages, since when you kid raised til teen never fight real fist each together.. About the time they are happy seeing you real fist.. I realized that right, oh my my... *speechless* then left from my parent home.. Stayed friend's place overnight.. Next day, I returned home.. They really agreed what am I saying.. decide to move seprate bedroom.. after since not working out with family relationship.. Espically my bro.. He is so sweet and highly respect me and as so am I respect my bro.. that's all ever I had.
I already forgiven my sister which was past!

Until Found Birth mom and sister.. what I have 1 birth sister and 1 birth brother. I have not found my Birth Dad's side yet...
i have a half sister and a half brother... but i am only child brat and spoil!!!! hehehe!!! :fruit: