Do you believe in God?

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I believe in GOD, Jesus and holy spirit. The trinity is all the one. By the way, I'm christian. :)

I'm an atheist, so that means I have no belief in any gods. I used to be a Roman Catholic and went to Sunday school and church during my middle and high school years. But sometimes during my high school years, I had deist beliefs. That means believing that a god made the universe and sat back to let it run itself. At other times, I felt that I had pantheist beliefs, which means believing that the god and the universe were the same thing.
I read the bible once in a while, but last summer, I read about the sex and violence in the bible such as the old testment god killing lots of people for doing things like offer "strange" fire to it and telling the ancient Hebrews to destroy others' cities and the god trying to kill Moses one night. :eek:
I also read about the mystery religions that predated Christianity, yet had many similar things that Christianity does like saviors and the holy supper. So I decided that Christianity was just another religion that developed out of and got influcated by the conditions of the time like those mystery religions. I also studied how an omnimax god would have contradictory characteristics.
Since I already had pantheist ideas, I decided that it would be simpiler to consider the universe for what it is and not also call it god. For deism, I decided that if the god made the universe, it would be reasonable to ask if god was made by something else. If god wasn't made, why not simpify things by cutting one link off the chain of causality and say that the universe just exists.
So now all I worry about is the stuff that can be detected and independently verified, which would be matter, energy and spacetime.
That was when I decided that I was an atheist.

Hello again...

A few thoughts...

Traditionally, atheists have several arguments up their sleeves on whether a god exists in order to have a belief in. The most popular of them all is the problem of evil, where the existence of evil (or suffering) in the world is difficult to reconcile with a perfect being.

The classical formulation of the problem of evil was outlined by Epicurus over 2,000 years ago:

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil? Is he is neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

We should analyze what exactly "evil" means in this context. Atheists are prone to define evil as "gratuitous suffering." Suffering comes from two sources: natural and moral. Natural suffering is caused by the forces of nature that are independent of our actions such as natural disasters or incurable diseases. Moral suffering is caused by the actions or neglect of human beings, who are taken to be moral agents because we are responsible of our actions.

The atheist focuses on the extreme examples of unjustified suffering such as the tumor of the brain stem. Quite nasty, it cannot be operated on, exercised by radiation or exorcised by chemotherapy. The latter two 'solutions' only prolong the suffering.

What this tumor does is it slowly eats away the descending voluntary pathways and centers of the cranial nerves (facial musculature) while leaving the sensory pathways alone. That means the child slowly loses control of the body, all the way up to the eye muscles, which leaves him/her some basic ability to communicate. Yet the tumor does not affect the higher parts oft he brain, the child remains fully conscious. He/she will feel every single painful episode, be fully conscious of his/her condition, yet remain in a state like a vegetable.

Those who believe in a perfect, all-powerful, all-knowing God will need to justify this excessive example of unjustified suffering, and that includes leaps of word-play not seen since the days of Shakespeare.

The intelligent person's alternative is to submit to several choices:

1. No God Exists.
2. God exists and he is Evil.
3. God exists and he is Incompetent.
4. God exists and he is Irrelevant.
5. God exists and he is some combination of 2 to 4.

Any of us are free to choose any of the above. :smoking:

i never believed in god before sept 11th ex boyfriend..he set a fire on me in Washington DC....i had 2nd and 3rd degree burnt...i almost died more than few i believe in GOD cuz he sents his ANGEL to save my life....when i got out of hospital, discharging...and went home to my family in Chicago...a month later...i had cardic arrest breathing stopped...i almost died right there in stepop saved my life by doing i knew god is real cuz he didnt let me die..he has a plans for me...and he sent me one of his angel and that is my daughter...very fucken blessed....amen
I'm not sure I believe in god.

.. but maybe if someone could explain who the heck Cain married.
GuNNaLuVDiZBoO said:
i never believed in god before sept 11th ex boyfriend..he set a fire on me in Washington DC....i had 2nd and 3rd degree burnt...i almost died more than few i believe in GOD cuz he sents his ANGEL to save my life....when i got out of hospital, discharging...and went home to my family in Chicago...a month later...i had cardic arrest breathing stopped...i almost died right there in stepop saved my life by doing i knew god is real cuz he didnt let me die..he has a plans for me...and he sent me one of his angel and that is my daughter...very fucken blessed....amen

Oh dear, I'm very sorry to hear about you. I understand how pain you have like this.

I know how you feel but it's Satan who rule the Earth, not God. Satan give us pain & suffer like this. It's them who destory to hurt people on the earth.
Well, I was all over the map myself. And decided to start throwing out what is not supported by the scriptures, holding onto what is good and proven. Know what I ended up with? Messianics.
I don't like to put down others, but as in Isaiah 29:13 we all have a tendency to follow the traditions of men and going wrong. In my studies, it is actually astounding how much of what we believe are not in the scriptures.
Interesting choice of name... dont u know that feet is insulting to most Arabs?
Anyway...I want to ask why most Arabs would not consider Koran 5, and accept that the land does belong to Israel?
LadyDuke said:
Yes, that's correct. I was afraid if I did not follow the Bible in a right way, I would rot in Hell.....I really don't wanna go to Hell!! I have heard enough stories about people who died and went to Hell.....I mean their last words before they were pronounced dead.

And, yes, I'm desperate to find a TRUE religion.....I mean a TRUE belief system.....a TRUE salvation. The only thing I can find is in the Bible John 3:16 and John 14:6....also I believe in baptism in name of Jesus Christ.

Last year, I studied Christianity evidence and I felt better after I had the lessons.

But the only problem is....most religions seem to emphasize that they are the one and only church in the world......while I still think the term "church" in the Bible was interpreted as a group of people.....and that's what I think early Christians did.

The Church of Christ taught me that Roman Catholic was the first church BUILDING.... in around 100 A.D. It's my understanding that Jesus Christ "built" His church in 33 A.D. after He was taken up into Heaven. The only problem is.....which church? The Church of Christ said it was the Church of Christ.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm hoping that I land on an actual church that Jesus Christ HIMSELF built. That'll be enough to fulfill my inner faith.
One thing gets overlooked about "ekklessia"
When the 70 Jew scholars and rabbis translated the Hebrew "Old Testament" into Greek Septuigent in about 200 BCE, whenever they come across the Hebrew word for "assembly" , they chose Greek word "ekklessia" to take its place.
In other words, to the Jews, the "ekklessia" in the NT is the same as the "ekklessia" in the NT! Remember that the writers of the NT are Jews, and that is the way they understood it!
Under the influence of the Catholic Church we think that "ekklessia" means the "church" and went off the track into the illusion of "Chriatian Church".
weekend said:
Catholics always sing and remember Jesus for Good Friday, Easter Day, and the day Jesus born.
Those are all pagan holidays, not scriptural!
Emporer Constantine was a pagan Mithraist himself and the Catholic Church adopted a lot of pagan things.
That is the problem with most "Christians" and in turn, a problem with Good Friday and Easter...
"Jesus" said He will be in earth 3 nights and 3 days like Jonah was in the belly of the great fish.
If He died on Friday afternoon, and rose on Sunday morning, it is only 2 nights and one day!
The truth is He died on Passover, on Wed, April 30 CE, and rose on Sat night. Catholics changed it to Friday and Sunday and everyubody have been following that in Christian churches eversince.
"Flooded the whole world for Noahs ark. Problems with translations is ... do you take the meaning or the exact word. The word used for world in this case could be taken to mean the geographical area in which noah lived. The land. He flooded the whole land. That doesn't mean the entire world. Which would also mean Noah didn't have to take every animal in existence, just the animals in the local area."

Reread the story... Not all water was from the rain! And... about animals. One explanation I have heard was that when they took two of dogs, they did not take two of poodles, two of Great Danes, two of Rottweilers, etc... many animals are of common roots, for example, camels, llamas, alpacas, etc...are all similar, so you only need to take one pair for all of them. No need to take two of African elephants and two of Asian elephants, etc... just two will do it for all of them. After flood, they can then breed and become different. Many dogs we have are not natural but man bred to meet needs etc. Pitbulls were bred by man to become fighters... they never exist until man bred them!
God is ETERNITY God with no beginning and end...God's mind is boardly unlimited than our mind as we have limited knowledge...If there is no God then earth will be doomed...people hollered at me where's God...I told them how can earth be in balance mean there are somewhere invisible to rules the Earth then God is the answer...and the verse in Roman said this God allow people's mind to be darkened mean it is God's fault? No, because people REFUSE to acknowledge who God sad it is...people spend countless of time creating too many cults because they want to see visualize idol than to put up with faith in invisible supreme being (GOD). I personally am believer in God. Of course my belief do include Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit into Trinity. NONE CAN OUTRANK GOD'S SUPREME POWER...Some people dis at people who pray and mediate...but mark my word...people who dis will be judged back and they will see the costly consquence...during people who faithfully pray and mediates will be RICHLY
hope or hopelessness... it depends...
if you are talking about the NT "Christianity" that is common today, then I say it is hopelessness
if you are talking about the real message of "Christianity" that is without all things that were added, returning to its true Hebraic roots, then there is hope
DeafMessianic said:
hope or hopelessness... it depends...
if you are talking about the NT "Christianity" that is common today, then I say it is hopelessness
if you are talking about the real message of "Christianity" that is without all things that were added, returning to its true Hebraic roots, then there is hope

The real Christianity began in the Genesis is simply answer....old testament have full of prophetic message on Jesus Christ connected to new help us realize the truly potiental of hope! Jesus quoted "I am alpha and omega" mean beginning and end.
The problem is that it is too common today to hear in churches...."Oh the Old Testament is for Jews, and the New Testament is for us" Too many beliefs today are based on that.
In my studies, I have found that it is not true, and many of the church teachings are distorted and twisted because of this.
Hey, I got a question for you nonbelievers... you demands the proof of his exists right? Well, let me ask you a question... can you show me a proof that he DOESN'T exist????
Liebling:-))) said:
Oh dear, I'm very sorry to hear about you. I understand how pain you have like this.

I know how you feel but it's Satan who rule the Earth, not God. Satan give us pain & suffer like this. It's them who destory to hurt people on the earth.

dats all good..yea satan is the one who evil n tryin to kill me but god BEATS cuz im still alive
that is exactly what I said.... Most Christian teachings are based on catholic teachings and not scriptural.
Ginette said:
Lunz, are you suggesting that ALL Christians are satanists?

Within the one Christian faith, there are many different groups, called 'denominations'. Although they share the same basic beliefs, or creed, the way they do things can be very different.

Anglican, Baptist, Catholic (Roman Catholic), Independent Evangelical, Methodist, Orthodox, Quaker etc

The Bible shares that there is only one way that each of us can become a Child of God, or what most commonly is called a Christian. Ephesians 2:8-10 is one set of verses that clearly show that it is by faith we accept Christ and not by any one’s works. Those who have accepted Christ, and Christ alone, are adopted into His family.

A Christian should know his doctrine well enough to be able to recognize not only what is true, but also what is false in a religious system (1 Pet. 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:15).

There are many different types of people or groups that claim to be Christians.
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity, The Way International, Church of Scientology.

Nevertheless, what makes something non-Christian is when it denies the essential doctrines of the Bible.

Jesus warned us that in the last days false Christs and false prophets would arise and deceive many (Matt. 24:24). The Lord knew that there would be a rise of the spirit of Antichrist (1 John 4:1-3) in the last days. Its manifestation is here in the forms of Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the New Age Movement, among others.

I would appreciate it if you didn't lump all Christians in one pile.
Before you start calling us devil worshippers take a good long look at your "religion."
I know exactly what you are saying. I am a born again believer, who loves Him. I was trained by my mentor, and he taught me the rules of scriptural interpretation. Strictly following those rules, I saw how that many of the accepted thinking and doctrines have no foundation in the scriptures! It took me 20 years of searching until it all unfolded. The most simple thing I can say right now is that the faith was hijacked by Constantine, who himself was a Mithraist, and the foundations of the Catholic Church was Mithraist, with lots of other pagan things thrown in for a good measure. We all have been under their rule for over a thousand years of inquisitions, etc. Our thinking today are a result of this training by them. I dont believe that the christians are satanists. I have many dear friends, (and I myself was) who are Christians, who have shown me they are very sincere in their beliefs. They just never knew many things. Recall that many will cry Lord Lord...but He never knew them? They all think they are doing things in His name, doing many wonderful things....
CoolieFroggie said:
Hey, I got a question for you nonbelievers... you demands the proof of his exists right? Well, let me ask you a question... can you show me a proof that he DOESN'T exist????

You cannot prove the non-existence of a being because the being never existed in the first place.

But you cannot prove the existence of God since he is described by words of man in the bible, but never physically seen in the today's world.

Either ways... you can't prove the existence of God. That's why we have beliefs and it is our choice to believe in the existence of God or not.
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