Do you believe in God?

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Feb 27, 2003
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God -- "A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality."

I'm Catholic, and I believe there is a God. God is all about spirit and power, and He can only perform miracles and control everything in the universe.

Do you believe that a God exists?
Yes and No.

I believe that The God exists but people make up a lot of other gods.
yup I do believe in god but goin to church nah.. waste of my time but sure I believe there is ONE god that who created us all but why think of other GODS? it drives me nuts when GOD freaks talk about god 24/7... (no offense to people who are into worshippin god for life) :D
Originally posted by prettybebe78
yup I do believe in god but goin to church nah.. waste of my time but sure I believe there is ONE god that who created us all but why think of other GODS? it drives me nuts when GOD freaks talk about god 24/7... (no offense to people who are into worshippin god for life) :D

LOL same with me
I don't know what to believe. I do know that something made us. We originated from something... but, where!?
I've been raised Christian, but hold no religion now. However, I am open to what is meaningful to my heart from any religion. :D

I honestly mean no offense, but since you asked.... and I would feel more complete if I added an explanation to this. Feel free to reject what doesn't vibe with you, I won't hold that against you. I'm not out to change anybody's beliefs. ;)

I believe there is a God out there. Just holding a different definition on this God. It also comes in different names: Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, Bob Wanker... Is a rose still a rose if called by any other names?

I dunno about God being an actual entity sitting on throne in heaven, throwing lightning bolts at liars and sinners... I do not have a real good feeling about that. Why is fear necessary to get worshippers? Why the need to be worshipped at all?

I have come to this conclusion which resonates with my heart to this day: We are all part of God, and co-creators in that aspect.

So yes, I believe in God. The one that is made of compassion and love.
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I am not sure what to believe in yet. I am not looking for that kind of religion right now, I have no time to ponder the meaning of life and if there is a supreme being out there. Later,I will get back to that.

As of this moment, I have no beliefs of such God.
I wont say should I believe god or not. I rather be neutral, because we all do not know its really out there.

The fact is a bible book wrote by a PERSON by god. The first bible book was destoryed (the real one) by fire. Second.. the person had to re-write....

I believe a POWER Universe (im not sure if i correct this) who created us years ago.
I do not believe in God. But I do believe in something else, because there are far too many coincidences in my life that cannot be explained. My grandfather died when I was 2 years old. When I was in high school, I started learning German and eas fascinated in Volkswagen cars, etc... Later on, when I was in college, my mum told me: "Your grandfather spoke German and loved Volkswagens too." It shocked me and creeped me out, because nobody in my family speaks German nor like VWs. Also, I studied abroad in Germany in a city called Darmstadt. A year ago or so, I was doing family research and found out that my grandmother's grandfather was born in Darmstadt, Germany! Also, other lines in my family came from Darmstadt too! It just is so hard to explain how things happen like that. Life can be so funny sometimes.
Of course i believe in God as i am a Christian!
:cool: Zecharia Sitchin.

Still, truth is subjective.. pretty much. Moot point. Open to interepretion. ASL interp? lol

49.5/100 you meet the man upstairs when you die, he bitchslaps you for even being so gullible in following someone's interpretion of him/her. If there's such an entity who claims godhood.

49.5/100 you go to heaven, and get all the women or men you are promised and there are angels playing the harp.

1/100 It's actually a group of warring and territorial aliens who enslaved humankind, and played gods and goddesses. You find that you were really an extension of something bigger, anyway. schmuck.

The odds are actually good to me. :twisted:
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i belive there is a god, a spiritual being but i do not practice the faith of catholic and chritisians.
TOTALLY!!! I believe in GOD the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. I believe in the 3 in one. I believe in faith.... Faith comes by Hearing and Hearing by the word of God. :D the hard part is finding the Right church with inturpreters. Lord knows trying to lip read a preacher for 1- 1/2 to 2 hours is very BLAHHH!!!

However although I have my mind and heart set on what i believe.. i respect other peoples beliefs... I dont agree.. I just respect! Life is too short to criticize we will all find out the answers in the end anyway. For now Live it to the best you know how.
yes i believe in God altho i do not practice the faith i was born and raised in and i cant stand the biblethumpers either

my belief in God is enough for me
Originally posted by Fly Free
yes i believe in God altho i do not practice the faith i was born and raised in and i cant stand the biblethumpers either

my belief in God is enough for me

I do believe in a higher being, but the name of that higher being? I don't know. That will be something that we will never know until death... I guess. :dunno:
i dont see God out there,but i see Sun everyday so i think sun is god.
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