
Type 2 diabetes a short life? I find that hard to belive.
Meg said:
It has never occured to me that you are an arrogant Mr.Know It All or a pusher, shoving your opinions down on us. Quite contrary, you have been brilliant in presenting facts and allow us to make our own decisions.

I have upmost respect for your opinions and look forward to what you have to say on issues.

Keep them coming in! :)
Point taken ;) I will keep that in my mind from now. Thanks!

zesty, thanks too :)
Pythia said:
No worries, that's what makes it interesting is that we have different opinions. I learned about the weight loss thru my doctor, Jenny Craig, etc. I once was nearly 200 lbs. My doctor had put me on 1,800 calories in the beginning then cut down to 1,500 when I lost 10 lbs, then down to 1,200. I have kept it off for over 10 years.

You are right, our bodies react differently and this diet may work for me and it may not work for you.

Thanks for voicing your opinion! :D
10 years? Wow. Yeah like what you said, our bodies react differently.

Congratulation for making the breakthough with weight issue, keep it up gal (I guess you are a gal) :thumb:
ravensteve1961 said:
Type 2 diabetes a short life? I find that hard to belive.
Yes. It is well-known in every medical journal and article. It is virtually impossible to have a long life with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes have its own nasty effect... blood-sugar absorbing problem. Every organ, every cell, every muscle fiber, every brain cell, etc requires the blood-sugar constantly... With diabetic condition, all of these cells and fibers have hard time to absorb the blood-sugar because of low insulin production.. that's probably why you have Charlie Horse. It is only the beginning of its devastating effect. I would post several articles to prove but I believe you will not read so I don't bother to do that unless other members or you want me to.

Well, for one, I find that hardest to believe that you were saying that God made decisions that we either are fat or thin. It is totally silly. Pray tell, why did we have the muscles...? Why can we increase or decrease our muscles with weightlifting and diet...? Think with logic, you will understand a bit better.

Without weightlifting equipments or methods, football players will not be bigger like today. Again, think with logic.
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Magatsu said:
Yes. It is well-known in every medical journal and article. It is virtually impossible to have a long life with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes have its own nasty effect... blood-sugar absorbing problem. Every organ, every cell, every muscle fiber, every brain cell, etc requires the blood-sugar constantly... With disabete condition, all of these cells and fibers have hard time to absorb the blood-sugar because of low insulin production.. that's probably why you have Charlie Horse. It is only the beginning of its devastating effect. I would post several articles to prove but I believe you will not read so I don't bother to do that unless other members or you want me to.

Well, for one, I find that hardest to believe that you were saying that God made decisions that we either are fat or thin. It is totally silly. Pray tell, why did we have the muscles...? Why can we increase or decrease our muscles with weightlifting and diet...? Think with logic, you will understand a bit better.

Without weightlifting equipments or methods, football players will not be bigger like today. Again, think with logic.

:gpost: Type 2 Diabetics can be sooo harsh and hard on a person if not properly care for and maintained with a specific plan during meals, taking what amount of insulin is needed to keep the level in the body functionally appropriate...thankfully, I was able to fully understand how this works when caring for young girl (8 yrs. old) and counting all the carbs., etc...any given moment can be crucial and life-saving which any form of diabetics is not to be taken lightly...but that's perhaps for another topic to discuss...sry, I went off some--
Magatsu said:
10 years? Wow. Yeah like what you said, our bodies react differently.

Congratulation for making the breakthough with weight issue, keep it up gal (I guess you are a gal) :thumb:

Thank you!
I did 1,200 calories diet only to lose weight. Today, I eat fish, chicken and a lot of greenies & I eat whatever I want once every weekend. :D

Yep, I'm a GAL! :fly2:
Thats why i want congress to make a law to ban sugar. Just like narcotics. I want the FDA to inspect every food company make sure no sugar is in the food .If they are they pay a heafty fine. Just like how the FAA inspect airlines mantence checks. If the fine any volations the airlines pay a big huge fine from the FAA.I want a law to ban sugar so people cant die so soon.
ravensteve1961 said:
Thats why i want congress to make a law to ban sugar. Just like narcotics. I want the FDA to inspect every food company make sure no sugar is in the food .If they are they pay a heafty fine. Just like how the FAA inspect airlines mantence checks. If the fine any volations the airlines pay a big huge fine from the FAA.I want a law to ban sugar so people cant die so soon.

:topic: Can we stick with the topic? Isn't that too hard for you to do? :ugh2:
Originally Posted by ravensteve1961
Thats why i want congress to make a law to ban sugar. Just like narcotics. I want the FDA to inspect every food company make sure no sugar is in the food .If they are they pay a heafty fine. Just like how the FAA inspect airlines mantence checks. If the fine any volations the airlines pay a big huge fine from the FAA.I want a law to ban sugar so people cant die so soon.

--Is this related to dieting? That concept is similar to cutting off a supply like any vegetable, fruit, meat or diary products, but that doesn't imply about dieting as to what this thread is about....

If you would like to discuss in general about 'sugar', diabetics, can make a thread in regards to that...thank-you!
It is interesting ... people will lose weight for two reasons: Self Esteem, or Health purposes.. and self esteem is higher popularity, that we would actually hurt our health just to have good self esteem. Interesting.

Eating disorders are so high nowdays because of this world's expectations. Back in the old days, an overweight person was highly attractive! Interesting.. hehe.

Its important to be happy with yourself, but its also important to get past of the eating disorder mentality because frankly, an eating disorder will always make you think you're not thin enough, even if your skeleton is showing.

Funny I should say all this, considering I threw up my whopper. In my eyes, it is a circus mirror and I see a wide figure.

Im working on it!!!! :slap:

p.s. Magastu, I find you intellegent and caring, so don't hesitate on your comments ;)
Roadrunner, Wait a minute... 8 years old gal with Type 2 Diabetes?

BewitchedKitten said:
It is interesting ... people will lose weight for two reasons: Self Esteem, or Health purposes.. and self esteem is higher popularity, that we would actually hurt our health just to have good self esteem. Interesting.
Yup. Self-esteem is very important especially for dieting/losing some weights. I had the low self-esteem problem when I was a kid but not anymore. I broke the cycle and move on.

BewitchedKitten said:
Eating disorders are so high nowdays because of this world's expectations. Back in the old days, an overweight person was highly attractive! Interesting.. hehe.
Really? I would think overweight issue is like literally nonexistent? Which is the old days you spoke of? LoL.

BewitchedKitten said:
Its important to be happy with yourself, but its also important to get past of the eating disorder mentality because frankly, an eating disorder will always make you think you're not thin enough, even if your skeleton is showing.
That is entirely true.

BewitchedKitten said:
Funny I should say all this, considering I threw up my whopper. In my eyes, it is a circus mirror and I see a wide figure.

Im working on it!!!! :slap:
Sorry but I found it bit odd because based on your picture in other topic, you look beautiful and are in good shape. Really, I need to look over the picture topic again.. I forget many people's faces already (I am lousy at memorizing the faces and names :/)

BewitchedKitten said:
p.s. Magastu, I find you intellegent and caring, so don't hesitate on your comments ;)
Thanks :D and I will not hesitate.

I am going to share about my underweight problem in the past that I overcame in next post.. I guess it is part of dieting... no? After all, underweight and overweight is relative issue. I mean, whatever works for underweight problem can used as a solution for overweight problem. It is hard for men like me to share about health-related problem. I decided to break the ice and share about mine.

Edit: With several members' encouragement, I will post my suggestions how to handle/overcome these overweight problems right after my post. I hope it will help Angel and others but no promises and no guarantees...
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I am currently on a diet, myself. I did try Atkins, but it really did a number on my stomach. I was suffering from major carb-withdrawal, as it was best for me to find another weight loss program and at the time, my mother was employed by Weight Watchers. I didn't really go to that many meetings, but I did go for weekly weigh-ins, and I was writing everything down. I lost track of my diet sometime last summer...probably went on an "off-season" around February of 2004.

My biggest problem is water. I have a love/hate relationship with H20. I don't know. One day, all I'll want to drink is water, and other days I'll want anything BUT water. :dunno: Another problem is exercise and remaining active. I am always working these days, so it is much easier to constantly be moving. Do you also find it easier to exercise when you have someone to keep you company while you're killing yourself on those damn machines? ;)

Weight Watchers worked for me. I was pushing 200 in 2003. I was 178 after giving birth to my son, and then after that, I only went up. It was horrible. I started feeling backaches in the morning, was suffering from fast-fooditis...(oh, that's my worst enemy...the fries, the grease!)...and something had to be done. So...WW was my solution. From August 2003 until January, I went from around 195 to 150. I am a little more than that now, but that's because of the off-season mentioned above. :giggle: Ah. I would have to say that 12-15 of those lost pounds were due to a hospital visit - Meningitis. I've gained those back, and have currently lost a few more than 4 pounds in the last week.

It's an ongoing struggle, I guess. I always thought I was fat. When I was a kid, maybe around 11, my aunt looked me in the face and asked me, "Why are you so fat?" :dunno: I don't think I have the body type/shape to be one of those thin models we see on the magazines, so I'm just shooting for healthy and "ideal." The hardest part is over...what I need to do now is continue to eat properly and adopt some form of exercise program.
Very good thread, dearest Angel :bowdown:

I'll add my story about myself later.

First of all I'm going to answer some of your posts then tell you about myself.

I was shock when I read your post, Angel. You ate only on 7th day??? Oh my dear! I'm really glad that you are okay now.

Cheri, I understand how you feel after watch Angel suffer like this. Oh my dear!
TweetyBird said:
good one!!!

i am on diet and eat free fat foods.. i lost 8lbs.. yayay! i still work on it.. i drink water lot now.. before i hate water but now i love water!!!!!!!!!


You made it well with your strong willing!!!!! Carrying on do that................ :hug:
Meg said:
I d love to hear your advice - so feel free to explain it all to me here :)

I second that. I also love to hear your advice too, Magastu!
^Angel^ said:
*nodding as agreeing with Oceanbreeze*

I've watched a couple of true story movies of women starving themselves, and some of them died in the result, just cause those women wants to look good and when they stand and looked themselves in the mirror and seeing themselves being fat but really they aren't, I think that it cause women to feel sad inside seeing all those models out there who has a perfect body and cause them to want to be perfect in every way, and they do everything they can to become perfect as those models out there.....

Sad isn't it?...:(

***nodding with agreeing***

I do watch the movies of women like this or read the magazines. I remember I have the picture of skinny women somewhere in my file. I will add when I find them.
Magatsu said:
I really hope that it is ok for me to say... what did your husband do to you is totally inappropriate... I guess it is just me. It will flush your self-esteem down in toilet more faster. Higher self-esteem is very important factor in losing weights situation. I'd like to say more but it is really none of my business to say anything about your husband.

I once had overweight problem but very, very briefly. My uncle & aunt took me to any restaurant and ate these foods for two weeks (three meals at restaurants daily) due to travelling. Naturally, I became bit chubby but I lost the pounds when I went to the football camp for football practice during summer.

I helped Nas' friends (gals) and her roomie with overweight problem with some kind of program sometimes ago, it helped most but I don't know if you gals want the advice from a man like me... So I prefer to wait until I get a approval from any of you, gals so that's way you gals will not get the wrong idea that I am arrogant or mr. know it all or something...

Plus to that, I do aware that I am not certificated doctor yet but based on my real experience with myself (I tend to experimenting on myself with food issues) and these friends of Nas.

Oh No, I love your comment in your every posts. I like open-minded people who tells me what they think because I need to know about me. :thumb:
zesty said:
WOW!! everyone went through similar and interesting story.. but meg's story is similar to mine.. i was engaged to someone who was very abusive.. including verbal.. he called me mr blimp, good year, etc.. it hurt very bad.. then i got used to it.. i had NO SELF ESTEEM.. :ugh:

i have tried everything that you can think of!! weight watchers, south beach, atkins, jenny craig, herbal life, the list can go and on...

before i get into this.. i just want to let you guys know that i was never and i still am not a big eater.. my problem was EATING THE WRONG FOOD.. and not BEING ACTIVE..

so i finally saw a nutritionist who is a very close personal friend of my favorite uncle who is a doctor.. at first i was very skeptical and resentful.. but my mom and uncle kept persuading me.. and PROMISED me that this will work since it worked for my brother in law and my cousin too.. blah blah... i was just at my wits end at the time... but then i was like FINE.. ILL GO FOR YOUR SAKE!! (to shut them up)...

it was tough at first.. i have to admit.. i am sure you guys know how it is when you FIRST start something new like a new diet, etc.. it is very hard, can be very discouraging, very challenging, etc.. so anyway.. i couldnt believe how easy it was AFTER A FEW DAYS!?!?! WOW!!! i can eat like a normally again without worrying or fretting too frigging much!!

my dr also wrote a book.. you can get it at the bookstore.. called THE ANTI-DIET --how to eat, lose and live..

this is how it works.. ill do my best to explain it and K.I.S.S!! AACCKK!! so here it goes!!
i eat every two hours! (i know it is crazy!!) but it is to keep your energy level up (you notice you guys get tired by mid morning right!??) and your metabolism up (burn calories)... like for example.. this is my schedule to make it easier to explain:

8am breakfast waffles, soy protein or cream of wheat
10am snack apple, orange, etc
12pm lunch hamburger w/o bread, etc or
2pm snack crackers (4-5 depending on the box) with hummus, or fruits
4pm snack same as above
6pm dinner carb or no carb.. depending on what you had for lunch
8pm snack fruit.. or ice cream or your favorite dessert but it must be
(10 grams of sugar or less
10 grams of total fat or less
650 mg of sodium or less)

so for breakfast.. i can eat whatever i want.. i normally either have a soy protein drink, 2 waffles or cream of wheat.. then for snack.. ill have a piece of fruit.. then for lunch.. (you are allowed to have one carb a day.. meaning.. if you have a carb for lunch.. then you cant have carb for dinner.. or the other way around.. so if i have a amy's frozen lasagne (sp?) for lunch then at dinner ill have a salad or chicken if you get my drift)

everything such as waffles, amy's lasagne, ice cream etc... must be:
10 grams of sugar or less
10 grams of total fat or less
650 mg of sodium or less

and twice a week i can have sweets!! i LOVE PISTACHIO ICE CREAM!! YUMMY!!!

in additional to this, i walk, hike, etc (not in the winter, no way jose!! LOL), and i am also a member of curves that i go almost everyday)

up to this day, i have lost the total of 25lbs since august--(1lb a week and also went down two dress sizes).. and i AM VERY PLEASED WITH MY WEIGHT.. i never thought i would be able to lose it and keep it off!!(because two summers ago.. i lost 50lbs.. but GAINED IT ALL BACK!! GRRR! so every time i lost weight in the past.. i gained it back like a SNAP!! (so it was a YOYO for many years) but now i have faith and know i can do it with this lifetime eating plan plus be active, walk, hike and go to curves.. cant wait until summer cuz i love the outdoors.. i am looking forward to being active again such as hiking, etc..

I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER than i have in a long time!!.. feel much healthier, no more pain, inflammation in my hips and knees, etc!! SHEESH!! IT SURE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! the weight puts pressure on all of your body parts and joints, etc (sigh)

everyone has been telling me i look much more healtier than i have ever been in a long time... since i changed my eating habits..

sorry for going on and on.. so this is my story.. hope to hear many more successful stories from others!! :applause: :thumb:

Really interesting!!!!

I'm going to add mine soon. I hope you dont mind when I has different opinion for add mine here which I got the list from my doctor since I has the problem with thryiod hormones at 2 years ago.